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Entering party names

CHAPTER 2:. Entering party names. Common Party Types. Individuals Businesses and Websites Government Unions and Trustees Objects or Locations Vessels Estates. Individual Names. George Smith Jesus Adolfo Villegas-Navarro. Individuals with a Nickname or Alias.

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Entering party names

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHAPTER 2: Entering party names

  2. Common Party Types • Individuals • Businesses and Websites • Government • Unions and Trustees • Objects or Locations • Vessels • Estates

  3. Individual Names George Smith Jesus Adolfo Villegas-Navarro

  4. Individuals with a Nickname or Alias For Alias Examples, See "Chapter 5: Adding Parties".

  5. Businesses or Websites • Enter the full name in the Last Name field. • Do not use First Name or Middle Name fields.

  6. Businesses Drop small words such as “The” or “A” that precede the name of the business. Example: The Boeing Company = Boeing Company

  7. Websites Websites are entered including the “www” preceding the name of the site. Example: www.followdirections.com

  8. Government Agencies Example: State of Washington Type Washington State in the Last Name field. Example: Solid Waste Division of King County Type King County Solid Waste Division in the Last Name field.

  9. Unions Examples: International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302 & 612. Example: Local 302 & 612 International Union of Operating Engineers.

  10. Union Trustees Union trustees should not be entered as parties, but listed in the Party Text box on the Party Information screen when adding the Union.

  11. Real Property Example: 1234 Byrd Drive Seattle WA. Type: 1234 Byrd Drive Seattle WA in the Last Name field. NOTE: Do not use punctuation, such as commas or periods, in this field. Type Real Property in the Party Text field on the Party Information screen.

  12. Jewelry Example: One men’s gold band diamond ring. Type “Diamond ring” in the Last Name field. Type “Men’s gold band” in the Party Text field on the Party Information screen.

  13. Bank Accounts Example: Bank of America Account #4321 in the name of XYZ. Enter "Bank of America Account #4321 in the Last Name field. Enter "in the name of XYZ" in the Party Text field. (NOTE: Review Local Civil Rule 5.2 regarding redaction of bank account numbers and other important information.)

  14. Vehicles Example: A red 1998 Chevrolet Camaro bearing WA plate 123ABC: Type Chevrolet Camaro 1998 in the Last Name field and click Search. Type Red, WA license plate 123ABC in the Party Text field.

  15. Vessels Example: M/V Happy Halibut, Official No. 54321. Type Happy Halibut M/V in the Last Name field. Enter “Official No 54321” in the Party Text field.

  16. Estates • Enter the executor or personal representative as the main party. • Enter the deceased as an alias to the party, using the alias type “est.” (estate of). Example: Donna Happy as Personal Representative of the Estate of Seldom Happy. Step #1. Add 'Donna Happy': Type Happy in the Last Name field, Donna in the First Name field. Click Search.

  17. Step #2: On the Party Information screen: • Designate the role for the main party Donna Happy. • Type "personal representative" in the Party Text field. • Click "Add Party."

  18. Plaintiff Donna Happy is now added to the Participant Tree in the left pane. Proceed to Step #3: Add Estate of Seldom Happy. Click the Add Alias icon from the tree.

  19. Search for Seldom Happy by typing Happy in the Last Name field. If no matches are found, click Create New Alias.

  20. Under Alias Information, Enter Seldom in the First Name field. Select “est” as the Alias type and Click Add Alias. Seldom Happy is added as an alias on the participant tree.

  21. For more examples of party names, see: • Examples of How to Enter Party Names

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