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As a User, I want to subset SAR mosaics through an ASF on-line interface. As a User, I want to filter my search returns via airborne SAR mission names. As a User, I can’t see the website.
As a User, I want to subset SAR mosaics through an ASF on-line interface. As a User, I want to filter my search returns via airborne SAR mission names. As a User, I can’t see the website. As a User, I would like to see a thumbnail browse image of the available SAR data before I choose a specific scene. As a User, I want to see more than 1000 search returns when there are more than 1000 granules present for my search area. As a User, I can’t log in. As a User, I want my searches to be faster. As a User, I would rather directly download pre-processed data than wait for the processing of my imagery. • Metrics collection and analysis validates improvements requested and implemented. • NetInsigtTM • Google AnalyticsTM • SawmillTM • EMSTM • ASF’s Users are its most valuable feedback mechanism . User feedback is constantly being collected via: • E-mail • Phone calls • Personal interactions • NASA User Survey • Feedback forms NetInisghtTMis a metrics tool employed by both NASA and ASF to monitor web activity. Closing the User Feedback Loop:Effective and Swift Interface Development at ASFJ.I. Garron1, D.A. Simmons1 and B.E. Crevensten21Alaska Satellite Facility, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Dr., Fairbanks, Alaska 997752Scenarios Network for Alaskan Planning, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 3352 College Road, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 RTTMis a ticket handling system ASF employs to track daily developments requiring action. Manifesto for Agile Software Development We are uncovering better ways of developingsoftware by doing it and helping others do it.Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items onthe right, we value the items on the left more. As a User, I want to perform seasonal searches. • Testing is multi-faceted and mirrors each stage of software development, allowing for quick iterations of functional code. • Baseline tests • Unit tests • Functional tests • Regression tests • Manual tests • Third-party tests As a User, I want to write a script to connect to and pull data from the ASF archive; I want to bypass the user interface altogether. ASF Vertex in Google GroupsTMdisplays user feedback coming in through the feedback button in Vertex. Example of a SeleniumTMtest suite running against the Vertex web page. Once all tests pass, newly developed code is delivered to the user community. As a User, I want to search for my ALOS data via path and frame. Vertex is ASF’s response to the many user requests for ease in archive exploration, visualization and access. Designed to highlight the contents of the pre-processed ASF Datapool, Vertex is a flexible and responsive interface powered by the ASF API and user feedback. https://vertex.daac.asf.alaska.edu/ As a User, I want to bulk download my SAR data instead of having to click on every link individually. As a User, I want to see what data are archived at ASF over my research area, even if I don’t have access to it. The ASF User Working group (UWG) is a group of enthusiastic SAR users, actively working with ASF to shape ASF’s development requirements. • Software development engineers use open source technologies tocode requirements, increasing the velocity of the iterative process: • Catalyst (Perl) • Test::More (Perl) • Backbone (JAVA script) • Underscore (JAVA script) • Jasmine (JAVA script) • jQuerry (JAVA script) RallyTM, an on-line project tracking system, organizes user requested features, software development milestones, defects, and manual test cases. As a User, I want to understand more about the spacecraft and sensor that collected my SAR data, without having to navigate somewhere else. GithubTM, a software development tracking system, serves in team code review, “bug” tracking, project wiki, and code merge environment for team members. As a User, I want to display my SAR data in Google Earth. The ASF Leadership Team brings new missions, design concepts and direct guidance to the user feedback loop. As a User, I want a good map to use in search for my data.