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The Myth of Sisyphus

Explore the central tenets of existentialism, such as the idea that existence precedes essence and the ultimate responsibility for subjects. Learn about subjectivism, human subjectivity, choice, and the burden of freedom. Reflect on existential humanism and the unique dignity of human condition.

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The Myth of Sisyphus

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  1. The Myth of Sisyphus

  2. Existentialism • Central Tenet: Existence precedes essence • There is no universal objective conception of humanity that precedes the historic existence we encounter in our experience

  3. Subjectivism • Objects: essence precedes existence • Subjects: existence precedes essence • This implies ultimate responsibility for subjects

  4. SubjectivismTwo Senses 1. The individual is free 2. Subjectivity is human subjectivity and the individual cannot get beyond that

  5. Subjectivity = Human Subjectivity • In choosing x I am choosing for all of humanity • Choice=Value • If I choose x, I choose this world to be one in which there is an x, which means I choose an Xworld, given I have the power to make the world an Xworld and given you live in the world, I am choosing for you to live in an Xworld

  6. Man is Condemned to be Free • Freedom is a kind of burden; a heavy responsibility • Abandonment; anguish; acting without hope • I am the sum of my actions, my willings, my choices

  7. Is Man Condemned to be Alone? • Only one certain truth: Cartesian cogito • Dignity: This is what distinguishes man from the stone

  8. No universal essence that is human nature but something universally human: the human condition

  9. Existentialism is a Humanism • The belief that Man is the end-in-itself and the supreme value • Existential Humanism: the belief in the relation of the transcendence of Man with his subjectivity

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