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Dynamic Restarts Optimal Randomized Restart Policies with Observation

Dynamic Restarts Optimal Randomized Restart Policies with Observation. Henry Kautz, Eric Horvitz, Yongshao Ruan, Carla Gomes and Bart Selman. Outline. Background heavy-tailed run-time distributions of backtracking search restart policies

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Dynamic Restarts Optimal Randomized Restart Policies with Observation

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  1. Dynamic RestartsOptimal Randomized Restart Policies with Observation Henry Kautz, Eric Horvitz, Yongshao Ruan, Carla Gomes and Bart Selman

  2. Outline • Background • heavy-tailed run-time distributions of backtracking search • restart policies • Optimal strategies to improve expected time to solution using • observation of solver behavior during particular runs • predictive model of solver performance • Empirical results

  3. Backtracking Search • Backtracking search algorithms often exhibit a remarkable variability in performance among: • slightly different problem instances • slightly different heuristics • different runs of randomized heuristics • Problematic for practical application • Verification, scheduling, planning

  4. Very long Very short Heavy-tailed Runtime Distributions • Observation (Gomes 1997): distributions of runtimes of backtrack solvers often have heavy tails • infinite mean and variance • probability of long runs decays by power law (Pareto-Levy), rather than exponentially (Normal)

  5. Formal Models of Heavy-tailed Behavior • Imbalanced tree search models (Chen 2001) • Exponentially growing subtrees occur with exponentially decreasing probabilities • Heavy-tailed runtime distribution can arise in backtrack search for imbalanced models with appropriate parameters p and b • p is the probability of the branching heuristics making an error • b is the branch factor

  6. Randomized Restarts • Solution: randomize the systematic solver • Add noise to the heuristic branching (variable choice) function • Cutoff and restart search after some number of steps • Provably eliminates heavy tails • Effective whenever search stagnates • Even if RTD is not formally heavy-tailed! • Used by all state-of-the-art SAT engines • Chaff, GRASP, BerkMin • Superscalar processor verification

  7. Complete Knowledge of RTD P(t) D t

  8. Complete Knowledge of RTD P(t) D T* t

  9. Complete Knowledge of RTD P(t) D T* t

  10. No Knowledge of RTD • Open cases: • Partial knowledge of RTD (CP 2002) • Additional knowledge beyond RTD

  11. D1 D2 Example: Runtime Observations • Idea: use observations of early progress of a run to induce finer-grained RTD’s P(t) D T1 T2 T* t

  12. Example: Runtime Observations What is optimal policy, given original & component RTD’s, and classification of each run? • Lazy: use static optimal cutoff for combined RTD D1 D2 P(t) D T* t

  13. Example: Runtime Observations What is optimal policy, given original & component RTD’s, and classification of each run? • Naïve: use static optimal cutoff for each RTD D1 D2 P(t) T1* T2* t

  14. Results • Method for inducing component distributions using • Bayesian learning on traces of solver • Resampling & Runtime Observations • Optimal policy where observation assigns each run to a component distribution • Conditions under which optimal policy prunes one (or more) distributions • Empirical demonstration of speedup

  15. I. Learning to Predict Solver Performance

  16. Observation horizon Short Long Median run time Formulation of Learning Problem • Consider a burst of evidence over observation horizon • Learn a runtime predictive model using supervised learning Horvitz, et al. UAI 2001

  17. Runtime Features • Solver instrumented to record at each choice (branch) point: • SAT & CSP generic features: number free variables, depth of tree, amount unit propagation, number backtracks, … • CSP domain-specific features (QCP): degree of balance of uncolored squares, … • Gather statistics over 10 choice points: • initial / final / average values • 1st and 2nd derivatives • SAT: 127 variables, CSP: 135 variables

  18. Learning a Predictive Model • Training data: samples from original RTD labeled by (summary features, length of run) • Learn a decision tree that predicts whether current run will complete in less than the median run time • 65% - 90% accuracy

  19. Generating Distributions by Resampling the Training Data • Reasons: • The predictive models are imperfect • Analyses that include a layer of error analysis for the imperfect model are cumbersome • Resampling the training data: • Use the inferred decision trees to define different classes • Relabel the training data according to these classes

  20. Creating Labels • The decision tree reduces all the observed features to a single evidential featureF • F can be: • Binary valued • Indicates prediction: shorter than median runtime? • Multi-valued • Indicates particular leaf of the decision tree that is reached when trace of a partial run is classified

  21. Observed F Observed F Result • Decision tree can be used to precisely classify new runs as random samples from the induced RTD’s P(t) D median t Make Observation

  22. II. Creating Optimal Control Policies

  23. Control Policies • Problem Statement: • A process generates runs randomly from a known RTD • After the run has completed K steps, we may observe features of the run • We may stop a run at any point • Goal: Minimize expected time to solution • Note: using induced component RTD’s implies that runs are statistically independent • Optimal policy is stationary

  24. Optimal Policies Straightforward generalization to multi-valued features

  25. Case (2): Determining Optimal Cutoffs

  26. Optimal Pruning • Runs from component D2 should be pruned (terminated) immediately after observation when:

  27. III. Empirical Evaluation

  28. Backtracking Problem Solvers • Randomized SAT solver • Satz-Rand, a randomized version of Satz (Li 1997) • DPLL with 1-step lookahead • Randomization with noise parameter for increasing variable choices • Randomized CSP solver • Specialized CSP solver for QCP • ILOG constraint programming library • Variable choice, variant of Brelaz heuristic

  29. Domains • Quasigroup With Holes • Graph Coloring • Logistics Planning (SATPLAN)

  30. Dynamic Restart Policies • Binary dynamic policies • Runs are classified as either having short or long run-time distributions • N-ary dynamic policies • Each leaf in the decision tree is considered as defining a distinct distribution

  31. Policies for Comparison • Luby optimal fixed cutoff • For original combined distribution • Luby universal policy • Binary naïve policy • Select distinct, separately optimal fixed cutoffs for the long and for the short distributions

  32. Illustration of Cutoffs D1 D2 P(t) D T1* T2* T* t T1** T2** Make Observation

  33. Comparative Results Improvement of dynamic policies over Luby fixed optimal cutoff policy is 40~65%

  34. Cutoffs: Graph Coloring (Satz) Dynamic n-ary: 10, 430, 10, 345, 10, 10 Dynamic binary: 455, 10 Binary naive: 342, 500 Fixed optimal: 363

  35. Discussion • Most optimal policies turned out to prune runs • Policy construction independent from run classification – may use other learning techniques • Does not require highly-accurate prediction! • Widely applicable

  36. Limitations • Analysis does not apply in cases where runs are statistically dependent • Example: • We begin with 2 or more RTD’s • E.g.: of SAT and UNSAT formulas • Environment flips a coin to choose a RTD, and then always samples that RTD • We do not get to see the coin flip! • Now each unsuccessful run gives us information about that coin flip!

  37. The Dependent Case • Dependent case much harder to solve • Ruan et al. CP-2002: • “Restart Policies with Dependence among Runs: A Dynamic Programming Approach” • Future work • Using RTD’s of ensembles to reason about RTD’s of individual problem instances • Learning RTD’s on the fly (reinforcement learning)

  38. Big Picture control / policy runtime Solver Problem Instances dynamic features Learning / Analysis static features Predictive Model

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