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Expressing Distance and Time Efficiently in Spanish

Learn to ask about and describe distances and travel times in Spanish using proper prepositions and expressions. Practice various ways to inquire and answer about distances and durations accurately. Enhance your communication skills effortlessly!

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Expressing Distance and Time Efficiently in Spanish

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  1. Unidad 2: Lecciones 1 y 4 Cómo expresar la distancia (how far and how long it takes) ¿Cómo se va? How does one get to a place?

  2. La Distancia • The word “de” (from) and the word “a” (to) are used together to express distance from one place to another. • The word “desde” (originating from) and the word “hasta” (up until) are also used together to express the distance between two places. • The good news is that you can choose the combination you prefer to use, as they are equally correct. • Just don’t mix them up! The word “de” can’t be used with “hasta.” The word “desde” can’t be used with “a.”

  3. Asking about distance (how far or how long it takes to get from one place to another) This is the simple way to ask! REQUIRED • ¿Cuánto hayde _______a ________? el lugar el lugar • How far is it from _______ to ________? the place the place • ¿Cuánto haydesde ____hasta_____? el lugar el lugar • How far is it from ______ to ________? the place the place

  4. ¿Cuánto hay de aquí a la playa? • How far is it from here to the beach? • ¿Cuánto hay del banco al museo? • How far is it from the bank to the museum? • ¿Cuánto hay desde el teatro hasta la biblioteca? • How far is it from the theater to the library?

  5. Another way of asking about distance (ENRICHMENT) ¿Qué distancia hay de ____a ____? What’s the distance from ___to ____? ¿Qué distancia hay de aquí al cine? What’s the distance from here to the movie theater? ¿Qué distancia hay desde aquí hasta la escuela? What’s the distance from here to the school? ¿Qué distancia hay de la iglesia al restaurante? What’s the distance from the church to the restaurant?

  6. Asking specifically how many (kilometers, meters, feet, miles, blocks) from one place to another (ENRICHMENT) ¿Cuántos _____hay de __a ___? kilómetros (kilometers) metros (meters) pies (feet) ¿Cuántas __hay desde ____hasta ____? millas (miles) cuadras (blocks) manzanas (blocks)

  7. Answering about distance • We use the verb “estar” + a or the verb “quedar”+ a to tell the distance between two places. • El museo está a dos millas del cine. • Las tiendas quedan a cuatro kilómetros de aquí.

  8. How long it takes to get somewhere • To express distance in terms of how long it takes to get from one place to another, use the same expressions that are used for distance: • The verb “estar” + a • The verb “quedar + a • The only difference is that you mention the amount of time, instead of distance: • La escuela está a diez minutos de aquí. • El museo queda a una hora de mi casa.

  9. by car by taxi by bike by bus by train by plane by boat by motorcycle on foot en carro; coche;auto en taxi en bicicleta en autobús por tren por avión por barco por moto(cicleta) a pie Cómo se va = How one goes; by what means of transportation (los medios de transporte en la página 175.) * en, por, a

  10. The beach is located forty minutes (from here) by car. La playa está a cuarenta minutos (de aquí) en carro. En carro, la playa está a cuarenta minutos de aquí. • The museum is located ten minutes from the theater on foot. El museo queda a diez minutos del teatro a pie. A pie, el museo queda a diez minutos del teatro.

  11. Approximated time and distance • Use the words “unos” or “unas” before a number to mean “about” or “approximately. • Choose unos or unasbased on the noun that is being modified. • La iglesia está a unos diez kilómetros de aquí en taxi. • The church is about ten kilometers from here by taxi. • El banco queda a unas cinco millas de aquí. • The bank is approximately five miles from here. • El teatro está a unos diez minutos de aquí a pie. • The theater is about ten minutes from here on foot. • La playa queda a unas tres horas de aquí por tren. • The beach is about three hours from here by train.

  12. A Uds. les toca por escrito • How far is it from here to the hospital? • ¿Cuánto hay de/desde aquí al hospital /hasta el hospital? • It is about six miles from here to the hospital. • Está/Queda a unas seis millas de/desde aquí al hospital /hasta el hospital. • It is about 10 minutes from here by car. • Está/Queda a unos diez minutos de aquí en carro.

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