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‚Who cares? Who shares? Men as actors and beneficiaries of Gender Equality‘ FACTS, FIGURES AND TRENDS IN EUROPE. Elli Scambor Institute for Masculinity Research & Gender Studies, Graz, Austria www.genderforschung.at ICMEO, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg, Oktober 2016.
‚Who cares? Who shares? Men as actors and beneficiaries of Gender Equality‘ FACTS, FIGURES AND TRENDS IN EUROPE Elli Scambor Institute for Masculinity Research & Gender Studies, Graz, Austria www.genderforschung.at ICMEO, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg, Oktober 2016
… men increasingly become more involved … Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality http://ec.europa.eu/justice/events/role-of-men ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Sweden’s EU presidency: Conference on Men and Equality (Örebro, 2001) • Finland’s EU presidency: Conference on Men and Gender Equality – Towards Progressive Policies (Helsinki, 2006) • Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (2006) • Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality(2001-2005) • Roadmap on Equality between Women and Men (2006-2010) • European Commission Strategy for Equality between Women and Men (2010-2015) • Involvement of Men in Gender Equality Initiatives in Europe (EIGE, 2012) Men and GEEU Milestones ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality Supported by the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (2007 – 2013) European Commission, DG JUSTICE, Unit for Gender Equality Aim • To gain better knowledge of the roles, opinions and approaches of men in the gender equality issue • To develop policy recommendations for designing and implementing gender equality policies Overviewofthe Study Key issues • How to address men‘s issues in gender equality policy? • The involvement of men in care work • Education & Labour • Violence in gender relations • Men’s health ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Women’s increasing labour market participation • Erosion of the ‘male breadwinner’ model • increasing support for gender equal norms (Lister et al. 2007) • But • care work - deeply gendered and distributed unequally (Pfau-Effinger and Rostgaard 2011, Treas and Drobnič 2010) • care as ‘women’s issue’ / ‘double-burden’ a ‘female barrier’? • care closely linked to ‘labour’ – result: most data about caring for children (Scambor, E, Hrženjak, M., Bergmann, N. & Ø. G. Holter, 2015). Background ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Men’s & women’s work patterns becoming more similar Change in employment for men and women (age group 15-64), in %, 2000-2010 Source: Eurostat, LFS (online data code: lfsl_emp_a); extracted on Sept. 19th, 2011; own calculations (Scambor, Wojnicka & Bergmann, 2013). ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Working time has declined for both • men (-1.2h/w) • women (-0.8 h/w) Average number of actual weekly hours of work in main job by sex; 2010 Source: Eurostat, LFS (online data code: lfsa_ewhais); extracted on Sept. 19th, 2011; own calculations(Scambor, Wojnicka & Bergmann, 2013). ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Crises in male dominated sectors of the industry http://www.filmstarts.de/kritiken/38326-Moderne-Zeiten/bilder/?cmediafile=18880974 ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Caring Masculinities vs Hegemonic Masculinity Holter 2003, Connell 2006, Men’s share of care can be seen as a counterpart to traditional concepts of male power … … rejection of domination and the integration of values of care (Elliott, 2015) ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Cluster analysis: Connection ofweeklyworkinghoursandsatisfaction Source and explanation: Eurostat, LFS (online data code: lfsa_epgais and lfsa_ewhais); extracted on Sept. 19th, 2011 and EWCS 2010; extracted on Dec. 9th, 2011; two factors have been calculated: factor ‘work satisfaction’ has been calculated with the variables men’s satisfaction with working conditions and payments as well as working time fitting with family and social commitments (all EWCS 2010) and factor ‘working time’ has been calculated with men’s average working hours, part time participation (both LFS) and share in long working hours (EWSC 2010). With these two factors a cluster analysis has been calculated to receive related country groups; method used: Ward, 4 solutions, own calculations.(Scambor, Wojnicka & Bergmann, 2013). ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Do men really care? http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/charlie-chaplin/images/7388482/title/kid-photo ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Variation of men’s share Variation • Men’s share of unpaid care and housework – large differences in Europe (Scambor, Wojnicka & Bergmann, 2013). ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Who cares? Determinants of gender equal sharing at home • Gender-equal norms • Equal resources/income • Young age • Non-traditional gender identity Effects: • Improved quality of life • Relationship satisfaction • Lower risk of conflict/violence (Holter, Svare and Egeland 2009) ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Gender equal share … • linked to labour market, gender equality policies, family and gender role traditions, culture and religion • different motives of state regulations (gender equality, family, natality, …) • parental and paternity leave schemes • couple preference ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Best Practices in Europe • Sweden, Norway, Iceland …. • ‘Daddys month’ - leave days earmarked for the father (not transferable) • Paid (income compensation) • Short (4 to 6 month) • Gender equality bonus if the couple shares Example Iceland: Parental leave as a tripartite model (3 3 3 ) ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
… one possibility for equal share of paid and unpaid work ““… is to include men to become more like most women are now – that is, people who do primary care work … The key … is to make women’s current life patterns the norm.”(Fraser, 1994: 611) ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Sharing the burden – men‘s catching-up in informal care(Hoffmann & Rodrigues, 2009;data based on EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions(EU-SILC) and the Survey of Health Ageing and Retirementin Europe (SHARE) ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Menascareworkers 2000-2009 Share of men among ‘care workers’* by country, in %, 2000 and 2009 Source: Eurostat, Labour Force Survey, LFS 2000 Q4 (with the following exceptions: Cyprus, Iceland, Luxembourg, Sweden 2000 Q2, Germany 2002 Q2 and France 2000 Q1) and 2009 Q4; „care workers“ calculated from the following occupations and the respective ISCO-88 3-digit-numbers: Nursing and midwifery professionals (223), primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals (233), special education teaching professionals (234), nursing and midwifery associate professionals (323), primary education teaching associate professionals (331), pre-primary education teaching associate professionals (332), special education teaching associate professionals (333), other teaching associate professionals (334), social work associate professionals (346), personal care and related workers (513); own calculations (Scambor, Wojnicka & Bergmann, 2013). ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
Let‘smoveforward! ‘CARING MASCULINITIES‘ There is much more ‘in it’ than realized so far http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/charlie-chaplin/images/7388482/title/kid-photo ICMEO. Luxemburg 17.-18.10.2016 Elli Scamborwww.genderforschung.at
References Elliott, Karla. 2015. Caring Masculinities: Theorizing an Emerging Concept, “Men and Masculinities“, first published on March 12, as doi:10.1177/1097184X15576203. Eurostat (ed). 2008. The life of women and men in Europe: A statistical portrait (edition 2008, Statistical Books), Luxembourg: EC. Fraser, Nancy. 1996. Gender equity and the welfare state: a postindustrial thought experiment, in: Seyla Benhabib (ed), Democracy and difference. Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, pp. 218-242. Hanlon, Neil. 2012. Masculinities, Care and Equality: Identity and Nurture in Men’s Lives, Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Hoffmann, Frédérique and Rodrigues, Ricardo (2010). Informal Carers: Who Takes Care of Them? Holter, Øystein G. 2003. Can men do it? Men and gender equality – the Nordic experience, Kopenhagen: TemaNord, Nordic Council of Ministers. Holter, Ø. G., Svare, H. & Egeland, C. (2009). Gender equality and quality of life - A Norwegian perspective. Oslo, Norway: NIKK (Nordic Gender Institute). Lister, Ruth, Fiona Williams, Anneli Anttonen, Jet Bussemaker, Ute Gerhard, Jacqueline Heinen, Stina Johansson, Arnlaug Leira, Birte Siim, Constanza Tobio and Anna, Gavanas. 2007. Gendering Citizenship in Western Europe. New Challenges for Citizenshop Research in a Cross-National Context. Bristol: The Policy Press. Pfau-Effinger, Birgit and Tine Rostgaard (ed). 2011. Care between Work and Welfare in European Societies. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Scambor, E, Hrženjak, M., Bergmann, N. & Ø. G. Holter (2015). MEN’S SHARE OF CARE FOR CHILDREN AND PROFESSIONAL CARE, in: Studia humanistyczne agh [contributions to humanities], Vol 14, No 2. Scambor, Elli, Nadja Bergmann, Katarzyna Wojnicka, Sophia Belghiti-Mahut, Jeff Hearn, Oystein G. Holter, Marc Gärtner, Majda Hrženjak, Christian Scambor and Alan White. 2014. ‘Men and Gender Equality: European Insights, “Men and Masculinities”, vol 17, pp. 552–77. Scambor, Elli, Katarzyna Wojnicka and Nadja Bergman (ed). 2013. Study on the role of Men in Gender Equality, http://ec.europa.eu/justice/events/role-of-men/index_en.htm. Treas, Judith and Sonja Drobnič (ed). 2010. Dividing the Domestics. Men, Women and Household Work in Cross-National Perspective. Stanford: Stanford University Press.