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particular emphasis on high latitudes. WP 3: Present-day observations of ocean chemistry and biogeography. in-situ carbonate chemistry data in-situ calcifier and other biological data synthesis of in-situ data. Partners involved: LOV, UiB, NOCS, SAHFOS, MRI-IS, UGOT, IOC-UNESCO.
particular emphasis on high latitudes WP 3: Present-day observations of ocean chemistry and biogeography • in-situ carbonate chemistry data • in-situ calcifier and other biological data • synthesis of in-situ data Partners involved: LOV, UiB, NOCS, SAHFOS, MRI-IS, UGOT, IOC-UNESCO
Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science The Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey Network of CPR routes towed in N Atlantic since 1931 CPR being launched from ferry “Pride of Bilbao”
Arctic Cruise, summer 2008 Leif Anderson, Sara Jutterströmet al., Göteborg University
IS IRM Atlantic Water S > 35 Polar Water S < 34.4 Arctic Water S 34.6 - 34.8 Sampling near Iceland and Icelandic Sea Jon Olafssonet al., Hafrannsóknastofnunin and the University of Iceland
UiB (Bergen) WP3 contribution Pan Nordic Sea, Barents Sea and Fram Strait cruise in July-August 2008 – Berths available on RV G.O.Sars. Part I: Carbon biogeochemical surveys across the Nordic Seas Part II: Support for the EPOCA mesocosm study (CO2 system measurements) Part III: Onboard multidriver (pH, light, UV, DOC...) perturbation experiments of natural Arctic pelagic systems Database development of Arctic CO2 change
29 April 2005 Ushant ~35 hrs one-way ~1000 km Crossings every 3 days Sampling every month Availability of platform for taking samples Sampling for both carbonate chemistry and coccolithophores David Hydes, Toby Tyrrellet al., National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Point B Time series station • Part of the “Rade” observation network • Weekly sampling at the surface and 50 m • DIC and TA measured by SNAPO-CO2 (N. Metzl, Univ. Paris 6) O. Passafiume, L. Mousseau, S. Comeau, J.-P. Gattuso (CNRS-LOV)
Synthesis of in-situ data For informing models and towards identification of ‘tipping points’ and ‘hot spots’ Synthesise EPOCA in-situ data and also data from outside the project Thomas et al., 2008, submitted. Feely et al., 2008, Science Express. Tyrrell et al., 2008, Biogeosciences.
Milestones and Deliverables Most deliverables are quality-controlled in-situ datasets…
First Milestone Get advice from modellers on data collection, and produce report thereon (month 3) What in-situ data would be most useful, and in what format would you prefer it presented?
Deliverable Atlas of calcifier historical trends and biogeographical changes over time, according to CPR data (month 24) Note: (Abundance is average numbers of individuals per CPR sample)
WP 3: RISKS • cruise cancellations • instrument failures • data fails QC • … WP 3: DEPENDENCIES • advice from modellers on what data to collect and what form to present it in