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2. What is assessment?. What does the word ?assessment' make you think of?Tests?National tests (SATs)?Data?Teacher assessment?Assessment for learning?Observation?E-assessment?Assessment is all of these and more. 3. Why does assessment matter?. It underpins learningIt highlights progress
1. Getting to Grips with Assessment A series of leaflets for teachers and others interested in assessment
Linda Sturman, NFER
2. 2 What is assessment?
What does the word ‘assessment’ make you think of?
National tests (SATs)?
Teacher assessment?
Assessment for learning?
Assessment is all of these and more
3. 3 Why does assessment matter?
It underpins learning
It highlights progress
It informs future teaching
4. 4 Some facts and a question Teachers assess every day
(formally or informally)
Assessment supports learning
Teachers are good at helping pupils learn
Therefore, teachers are good at assessment
Why did we need to develop these leaflets?
5. 5 The answers Teachers told us they wanted information about assessment
Schools’ Use of Data study
Assessment policy development
6. 6 More questions Target audience
primary, secondary, generic
England, UK, overseas
Leaflets, booklet
A3, A4, Z-fold
Colour, black-and-white
Online, hard copy
Free, charge
Support package, stand-alone
7. 7 Decisions 10 leaflets (turned into 12)
Start with primary schools in England
(still relevant to other settings)
Starting points
(assess need for support package)
8. 8 Approach to development NFER experts
(formative and summative assessment)
(teachers, local authorities)
Grounded in practice
Addressing needs
9. 9 Development plan
10. 10 Visits to schools
11. 11 First teacher/LA panels Nine draft themes presented for discussion of important content
Same themes used for both (slightly modified titles for LA panel)
Comments on format invited
12. 12 Teacher/LA panels Asked to consider questions such as:
What guidance would you give to a new teacher (new to teaching or to your school/LA)?
What do you wish you’d known when starting out?
What’s the best advice you’ve been given since?
What are the most common queries you’re asked to address? How do you address them?
What do you wish you knew now?
13. 13 Next steps Confirm final themes (one dropped, others redistributed)
Team draft, review and redraft
Design process
Second panel meeting (content and design)
Redrafting and NFER expert review
Finalisation and printing
14. 14 Final themes Starting out in assessment
Policy into practice
Assessment for learning
Self and peer assessment
Interpreting information from different sources
Moderation of assessment judgements
Making the most of assessment data
Assessment information and different audiences
Understanding assessment information (a leaflet for parents)
Understanding tests
Glossary of key assessment terms
Resources and useful weblinks
15. 15 Starting out in assessment - key points Longest leaflet, describing:
what assessment is, methods of assessment, how assessments might be recorded
Getting started – school context, policy and staff
Aims, objectives and success criteria
Good assessment practice and limitations of assessment
When and what to assess
Tracking progress
Links to other helpful resources and relevant leaflets
16. 16 Policy into practice - key points Creating a ‘living’ policy
Policy content
Keeping it relevant
Making it accessible
Reviewing the policy
17. 17 Assessment for learning - key points What assessment for learning is
Introducing and developing it
What effective assessment for learning looks like
The importance of communication
Advice from practitioners
Monitoring impact
18. 18 Self and peer assessment - key points Why self and peer assessment matters
Learning objectives and success criteria
Introducing and developing:
Peer assessment
Methods of introduction
Rules for peer assessment
Self assessment
Transition from peer to self assessment
What teachers say about peer and self assessment
A culture of support
19. 19 Interpreting information from different sources - key points Complementary and contradictory info
Why inconsistencies arise
Drawing conclusions from assessment outcomes
Valid conclusions
Using inconsistencies constructively
Advice from practitioners
20. 20 Moderation of assessment judgements - key points Purpose and styles
Levelling work
Collaboration and shared understanding
Examples and evidence
Sharing good practice
a wider perspective
year group, key stage, subject
Ideas to consider
21. 21 Making the most of assessment data - key points Collecting and interpreting
What data? What does it mean?
Handling data
Advice from practitioners
Using the data
Different uses
Raising questions; effecting change
Advice from practitioners
22. 22 Assessment information and different audiences - key points (1)
23. 23 Assessment information and different audiences - key points (2)
24. 24 Understanding assessment information (a leaflet for parents) - key points What teachers assess
FS, KS1, KS2
Programme of study and attainment targets/levels
Progress between levels
How teachers assess
Formative, summative
Modes of assessment
How progress is reported
Understanding the information
25. 25 Understanding tests - key points Types of test
Why use tests?
How tests are developed
Selecting a test
Test preparation
Not always needed
Surface learning, deep learning
Amount of preparation
Integrating test preparation
Minimising stress, maximising learning
26. 26 Glossary of key assessment terms Common assessment terms
Links to leaflets
27. 27 Resources and useful weblinks Link to leaflet series
General sources of information
General links, e.g.
Specific links:
Assessment for learning/self and peer assessment
Moderating assessment information
Making the most of data
Assessment and SEFs
Understanding tests
Further glossaries
28. 28 Uptake – hard copies By mid-March:
949 sets of hard copies ordered
Six LAs bulk-ordered copies for their schools (801 leaflets)
Remaining 148 sets to individuals, school and university staff, local authority teams, consultants
New print run needed
29. 29 Uptake – free downloads Leaflets available at
Tracking shows:
a peak in Oct (date of publication) for all leaflets
Between 992 and 2787 downloads per leaflet in Oct
Another peak in Feb (1052 – 2810 downloads)
More hits on individual leaflets than on home page
Suggests recommendations
30. 30 Downloads by leaflet, Oct 2007 – March 2008
31. Downloads by leaflet 31
32. 32 Sample feedback LA wanted guidance for schools on assessment for and of learning:
Considering putting together own guidance
Leaflet series ‘encapsulated everything in a straightforward, easy to assimilate way’
‘Clarity and consistency of message’ perceived to be helpful
Heads reported finding useful, especially leaflet for parents
Experienced teacher wanted information to support change in role (from assessor to moderator)
Found useful and informative
33. 33 AEA-Europe conference Poster presentation
Interest from many different countries, including:
Teacher trainers
Govt depts of education
Curriculum organisations
LAs/schools districts
Teachers want to enhance their knowledge of assessment
34. 34 Next steps We hope that:
You have found this as interesting as the delegates at AEA-Europe did
The leaflets will continue to be downloaded and used to support teaching and learning
You will have a look at the leaflets (if you haven't already done so)
We’ll receive further feedback to inform future plans in this area
35. And some more questions… Should we produce a Getting to Grips with Assessment series for secondary schools?
How have schools/teachers/others used the leaflets? How successful have leaflets been for:
new teachers?
experienced teachers?
What other ideas are there for using the leaflets?
36. 36 References and contact details National Foundation for Educational Research (2007). Getting to Grips with Assessment: Primary. Slough: NFER. www.nfer.ac.uk/gripping-assessment-primary
Kirkup, C., Sizmur, J., Sturman, L. and Lewis, K. (2005). Schools’ Use of Data in Teaching and Learning (DfES Research Report 671). London: DfES. http://www.dfes.gov.uk
Linda Sturman l.sturman@nfer.ac.uk 01753 637144
Department for Research in Assessment and Measurement,
The National Foundation for Educational Research,
The Mere, Upton Park, Slough, SL1 2DQ, UK
phone: +44 (0)1753 574123 fax: +44 (0)1753 691632 www.nfer.ac.uk