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Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance. Organizational health, properly understood and placed into the right context, will surpass all other disciplines as the greatest opportunity for improvement and competitive advantage. Healthy Communities. Healthy Organizations.
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Organizational health, properly understood and placed into the right context, will surpass all other disciplines as the greatest opportunity for improvement and competitive advantage. Healthy Communities Healthy Organizations Patrick Lencioni The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business “Sustainable social improvement must occur where people spend the majority of their time …” - Confucius
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy People Performance Nearly 50% of workers are dissatisfied, actively disengaged. According to separate surveys conducted by Gallup and Conference Board A workplace study conducted by the The National Institute of Occupational Safety (NIOSH) cited four “categories of interventions” necessary to create healthy organizations. In addition to care management, health promotion and safety, this study cited work culture – organizational efforts to improve work climate, morale and employee attitudes. Over 70% of medical problems are stress related and preventable. The American Institute of Stress “The only thing of real importance leaders do is create and manage culture.” Edgar Schein MIT Sloan School of Management Engagement is not satisfaction but how workers connect emotionally, how they contribute value. According to a worldwide survey conducted by Towers Perrin
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Balance connection Unity cooperation Value contribution People Performance Big “C” WHAT HOW • According to a workplace study by the • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health • According to a workplace study by the • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Little “c” The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being 5 • In addition to care management and health promotion • Corporate “C”ulture plays a critical role • In addition to care management and health promotion • Corporate “C”ulture plays a critical role Purpose: liking what you do and being motivated to achieve your goals. Social: having supportive relationships. Financial: managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security. Community: liking where you work, feeling safe, having pride. Physical: having good health and enough energy to get things done daily. “The overwhelming majority of programs are focused on physical wellness … This leaves a substantial gap.” Individual contributions to achieving organizational goals / success. • Health Insurance • Fitness & Nutrition • HRAs / Biometrics • Incentives • Health Coaching • Executive Support Currently Leaders must provide structures that support cooperation. Maximizingthe potential of the individual requires balance and purposeful direction within the environment they are functioning. • Eat Right • Get Active Individual
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Bringing Meaning into Monday Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Value contribution Balance connection Unity cooperation People Performance WHAT ? ? ? “Work is a community of people working together to create value for other people …” Strategic Clarity Image / Values Work Processes Customer / Service Differentiation John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods Author, Conscious Capitalism Today’s Reality People / Capabilities Customers / Internal Clients
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Bringing Meaning into Monday Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Unity cooperation Value contribution Balance connection People Performance WHAT HOW “People are looking for leaders … ” Rich Harwood, author, Hope Unraveled “Bottom-up change versus the traditional top-down model.” Robert E. Quinn, University of Michigan Deep Change – Discovering the Leader Within “Leadership must extend beyond knowing what to do … today’s leaders must be equally skilled at fostering an environment that empowers their people to achieve it.” “To effectively lead change in today’s world, leaders must be skilled at unifying and mobilizing increasingly diverse agendas, beliefs, viewpoints, and personalities.” Strategic Clarity Image / Values Work Processes Customer / Service Differentiation People / Capabilities Customers / Internal Clients Mark D. Sauter, Achieving Meaning at Work (2014)
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Bringing Meaning into Monday Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Value contribution Unity cooperation Balance connection People Performance WHAT HOW Laser-like focus Everyone on the same page Shared ownership Intentional, time-driven Less is More • “Transformation in thinking from ‘I’ to ‘we’ is the most important process leaders go through.” • Bill George, Author • True North Strategic Clarity Image / Values Work Processes Customer / Service Differentiation Diverse ideas and agendas People / Capabilities Customers / Internal Clients
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Bringing Meaning into Monday Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Value contribution Unity cooperation Balance connection People Performance WHAT HOW Strategic Clarity Image / Values Work Processes Customer / Service Differentiation Execution Results Diverse ideas and agendas People / Capabilities Customers / Internal Clients 100-Day BEST Process Team Immersion Leaders 2-hr ~2 wks 8-hr
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Bringing Meaning into Monday Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Value contribution Unity cooperation Balance connection People Performance WHAT HOW “When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’” Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher Author, Tao Te Ching Strategic Clarity Image / Values Work Processes Customer / Service Differentiation Execution Results Diverse ideas and agendas People / Capabilities Customers / Internal Clients Progress Team Dynamics Leadership Skills Build Accountability & Trust Establish Shared Purpose Streamline Decisions & Services Tap Talent • Cost: $750 per team: • Team leader preparation (2-hr webinar, 2 leaders per team) • Team immersion (1-day; ~4-8 per team, inc 2 leaders) • Team leader coaching for team leaders (~six hours) examples Coaching
Creating Healthier Organizations People and Performance Bringing Meaning into Monday Cultural Health Healthy Organizations Profitability Growth Productivity Service Innovation Quality Effectiveness Teamwork Morale Creativity Motivation Health & Energy Balance connection Value contribution Unity cooperation People Performance Organizational health, properly understood and placed into the right context, will surpass all other disciplines as the greatest opportunity for improvement and competitive advantage. “A new world is rapidly forming … success, actually survival, awaits those people and organizations capable of adapting to it.” Thomas L. Friedman The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century Patrick Lencioni The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business Achieving Meaning at Work Creating Change from the Bottom Up - 2014 - - 2009 - - 2013 -