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CAPMoN Quality Assurance, Data Management and Data Analysis

CAPMoN Quality Assurance, Data Management and Data Analysis. Mike Shaw Syed Iqbal Leiming Zhang Cris Mihele Al Wiebe Bill Sukloff Jeff Brook Bob Vet Dave MacTavish, Nancy Lance and the CAPMoN Crew EC Regions Greg Skelton* * Contractor. Snare Rapids (NWT). CAPMoN.

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CAPMoN Quality Assurance, Data Management and Data Analysis

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  1. CAPMoN Quality Assurance, Data Management and Data Analysis Mike Shaw Syed Iqbal Leiming Zhang Cris Mihele Al Wiebe Bill Sukloff Jeff Brook Bob Vet Dave MacTavish, Nancy Lance and the CAPMoN Crew EC Regions Greg Skelton* * Contractor Snare Rapids (NWT)

  2. CAPMoN • Quality Assurance and Data Management • Data Analysis • The Nitrogen Scoping Study Algoma (ON)

  3. CAPMoNQuality Assurance and Data Management Status • 2003Data Finalization • Ozone data have been finalized and delivered to the NAPS Data Centre • Precipitation and Filter Pack data are awaiting internal QA. Finalization rescheduled from July to December, 2004 • PM2.5 /PM10 Mass and PM2.5 Speciation data are awaiting internal QA. Finalization has been delayed indefinitely due to PY hiring delays in the CAPMoN group

  4. CAPMoNQuality Assurance and Data Management Ongoing Work… • 2004Data Management and QC(by contractor) • Ozone data are being quality controlled with a one month lag time (not including the real-time AIRNOW data sets) • Precipitation and Filter Pack data are being quality controlled with 1.5 and 3 month lag times, respectively • PM2.5 and PM10 Mass and PM2.5 Speciation data are being quality controlled with 2 and 3 month lag times, respectively • 2004 Data Quality Assurance(internal) • On track except for PM2.5 and PM10 Mass and PM2.5 Speciation

  5. CAPMoNQuality Assurance and Data Management Ongoing Work… • Upgraded RDMQTM (G. Skelton) • Beta version being tested • New version 4 times faster on specific functions • Can now handle 1 minute continuous data • Mirror DM/QC system • New mirror server at Downsview contains all data and programs for managing and quality controlling CAPMoN data (hot backup system)

  6. 2. Data Analysis 2004 Acid Rain Science Assessment Report • Wet Deposition • Dry, Wet and Total Deposition Experimental Lakes Area (ON)

  7. Wet Deposition

  8. Ionic Composition of Wet Deposition

  9. Dry, Wet and Total Deposition

  10. Dry, Wet and Total Deposition (kg S/ha/yr and kg N/ha/yr)

  11. Ratio of Dry to Total Deposition (%)- Sulphur and Nitrogen

  12. SO4= SO2 dominant – especially in cold months SO4= Seasonal Dry Deposition – SO2 and p-SO4=

  13. CASTNet CAPMoN CARE Dry Deposition EstimatesCAPMoN >> CASTNet

  14. CASTNet CAPMoN CASTNet and CAPMoN Air Concentrations at Egbert, Ontario

  15. CAPMoN and CASTNet Dry Deposition Velocities for SO2 and SO4= CAPMoN and CASTNet Dry Deposition Velocities for SO2 and SO4= SO4= SO4= SO2 SO2 CASTNet CASTNet CAPMoN CAPMoN

  16. Data Analysis - Summary and Ongoing Work • Dry deposition constitutes 20-50% of sulfur and nitrogen total (wet+dry) deposition at CAPMoN sites in eastern Canada and ≥ 50% at western sites • Sulfur dry deposition is dominated by SO2, especially in cold months • Nitrogen dry deposition is dominated by HNO3, especially in warm months. NO2 dry deposition is not included in these estimates • CASTNet and CAPMoN dry deposition estimates at CARE differ by approx. a factor of 2 • Plan to finish the Assessment, investigate CAPMoN-CASTNet differences, write papers on wet/dry/total deposition, and post results on CAPMoN web site

  17. 3. The Nitrogen Scoping StudyObjective: To determine uncertainties in the CAPMoN inferential dry deposition estimates caused by not measuring NO2, PAN and NH3 Kejimkujik (NS)

  18. The Nitrogen Scoping Study- Status • Two field studies carried out so far in FY2004/05: • Chalk River – June/July 2004 • Sprucedale – August/September 2004 • Total = 13 field studies at 6 sites to date • Two more studies planned: • Sprucedale – November/December 2004 • Bratts Lake – February 2005

  19. N dry fluxes in kg/ha Relative fluxes as % of total dry Inferential Cumulative N dry deposition fluxes – Frelighsburg (QC) November 2001

  20. Nitrogen Scoping Study Results - Estimated biases in nitrogen dry deposition fluxes if NO2 and NH3 are omitted Frelighsburg, QC – 50-60% of Noxidized dry deposition and 65-73% of Nreduced dry deposition attributed to NO2 and NH3 Egbert, ON – 88%of Noxidized dry deposition and 50% of Nreduced dry deposition attributed to NO2 and NH3 * These results have huge implications on the inferential estimates of N dry deposition at CAPMoN sites

  21. Particle SO4=, NO3- and NH4+ Size Distributions at CAPMoN Sites during Scoping Studies

  22. The Nitrogen Scoping Study- Ongoing work • Carry out two more field studies • Finalize the data sets at they become available • Estimate the dry deposition fluxes during the field studies • Compare the measurement results to AURAMS and CHRONOS model outputs • Publish a paper on the potential contribution of NO2 and PAN to nitrogen dry deposition (using CHRONOS predictions and Scoping Study data)

  23. CONCLUSIONS • Dry deposition is an important component of sulphur and nitrogen total deposition – especially at sites in western and southeastern Canada • CASTNet and CAPMoN dry deposition estimates at CARE differ markedly – due largely to differences in the dry deposition velocities calculated by the two networks. Further investigation will be carried out • The lack of NO2 and NH3 measurements in CAPMoN leads to serious underestimation of the dry deposition flux of total nitrogen Bratts Lake (SK)

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