Open-label, randomized, multicenter, comparative clinical trial to estimate efficacy and safety of Kanarb (fimasartan), tablets 60/120 mg, manufactured by BoriungFarmaceutical Co. Ltd, Korea, and Kozaar (lozartan), tablets 50/100 mg, manufactured by Merck Sharp and Doum B. V., the Netherlands, in adult patients with Grade I-II arterial hypertension Protocol№ СС09042014 Moscow, 24th March 2014
Study drug and comparator Chart1. Product description
List of study sites Chart2. Study sites per protocol СС09042014
Communicational Chart Cromos -vCorex Vladlena Baranovskaya, project manager, Cromos Iliya Chistyakov, CRA, Cromos Natlia Stepanchenko, CRA, Cromos Depot-ops@corex-depot.com Delivery service Investigational sites IliyaKurdumov, head of warehouse, Corex Vera Balakireva, Quality director, Corex support@corex-depot.com Corex management
Receipt of study drugs atCorex Depot • After the preparation for shipment Cromos sends a notification to email: depot-ops@corex-depot.com containing following information: product name, quantity, date of shipment, etc. • Corex organizes the delivery of study drugs from R-pharm warehouse to Corex Depot. Courier services are provided by Courier Service Express (CSE) • Study product are transported under t°=15-25°С with the use of thermal containers TM35 and temperature loggers • Corexrecieves study drugs under standard procedure and issues Receipt Note (RN) • RN should be signed by warehouse specialist, Alina Grankina, and qualified person, IliyaKurdumov • Copy of signed RNshould be sent to Vladlena Baranovsakya by email vladlena.baranovskaya@cromospharma.com
Receipt of study products to Corex depot Pic. 1. Sample of RN
Storage of study drugs • Study products should be stored at ambient temperature (t°=15-25°С)in special area away from heat, moisture, and light
Additional Labelling • Additional labeling should be done by following steps: • Cromos should approve label design • Cromosshould approve the size of labels and place for labeling • Corex should make stickers/labels according to the above mentioned steps. Responsible person is Alina Grankina • Corex places stickers/labels on the study drug packaging • Corex issues documental form for additional labelling and sends a copy of the form to Cromos by email vladlena.baranovskaya@cromospharma.com
Dispatch of study drugs from Corex to sites • Cromos sends a request for dispatch to email depot-ops@corex-depot.com with the following information: protocol number, site number, description and quantity of study product, estimated date of arrival • Request is processed within 1 day; after that Corex organizes the dispatch (from Monday till Wednesday). To avoid deviation of temperature conditions, there will be no dispatches on Thursdays or Fridays. • Study drugs areshipped with the use of thermo boxes TM35 and temperature loggers • For each delivery, Corex issues Dispatch note(DN) (2 copies attached to delivery) • Recipient at site checks temperature logger (alarm /not alarm), study drugs delivered (name, quantity, batches, etc.) and signs and dates both copies of DN • One copy of signed DN should be sent by fax +7 (499) 647-59-42or email depot-ops@corex-depot.com to Corex depot • Received copy of DN confirms that study drug is delivered by Corex to site
Dispatch of study products from Corex to sites • Pic. 2. Sample of Dispatch Note
Return and destruction of unused materials • Cromos should send requests for the return or the destruction to email depot-ops@corex-depot.com containing the following information: protocol number, site number, description and quantity of the product, estimated date of the dispatch • Corex should organize courier shipment of study drug from sites to Corexdepot • Corex should place returned materials in the relevant storage area: returned drug is stored with temperature-control , drugs for destruction - without temperature-control • Corex issues the following documents for these procedures: 1) MedicinalProductsReturnNote 2) Destruction Note
Contacts • Corex: • Address: 1, ul. Komsomolskaya, 142 100, Podolsk, Russia • Phone: +7 (499) 647-59-41, Fax:+7 (499) 647-59-42 • URL: www.corex-depot.com • IliyaKurdumov, head of warehouse, +7 (916) 400 8899, ikurdyumov@corex-depot.com • Alina Grankina,warehouse specialist, +7 (967) 294 4307, agrankina@corex-depot.com • Vera balakireva, Quality director, + 7 (926) 071 2644,vbalakireva@corex-depot.com • Cromos: • Vladlena Baranovskaya, project manager +7 (925) 092 1209, vladlena.baranovskaya@cromospharma.com • Iliya Chistyakov, CRA, +7 (926) 114 01 70, ilya.chistyakov@cromospharma.com • Natalia Stepanchenko, CRA, +7 (926) 246 6308, e-mail: natalia.stepanchenko@cromospharma.com • Corex support: support@corex-depot.com
Customer support Besides directcontactwiththeteam, you may take advantage ofcustomer’ssupportservice. Inanysituation, orincaseofemergency, pleasesendyourquestionsorsuggestionstothe email: support@corex-depot.com 24 / 7. Ourmanagerswillreceiveinformationaboutthecaseandwillreactaccordingly. Informationletteraboutthisservicewillbeattachedtoeachshipmentsothatrecipientsmightbeinformedaboutcustomers’ servicesupportofCorex.