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Funding for Mobility in FP6. David Lauder Ext: 5213 E-mail DDL1. Aims of Today. Understand how Marie Curie Actions fit within FP6 Where necessary , learn the jargon! Understand how Marie Curie actions have changed since FP5 Understand the range of different Marie Curie actions
Funding for Mobility in FP6 David Lauder Ext: 5213 E-mail DDL1
Aims of Today • Understand how Marie Curie Actions fit within FP6 • Where necessary, learn the jargon! • Understand how Marie Curie actions have changed since FP5 • Understand the range of different Marie Curie actions • Understand how Marie Curie actions work • Stimulate interest in applications
(Useful) Jargon you will learn • Associated, Candidate, 3rd State • Early-Stage and Experienced Researcher • Difference Between a Host and an Individual Fellowship • Horizontal Programme • Travel and Mobility Allowance
Countries Participation in FP6 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK EEA Countries:Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway Association Agreement Countries: Israel, Switzerland (tbc) Candidate Countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey Third Countries: INCO (Developing, Mediterranean, Russia and CIS), all other countries
FP6: Detailed Structure Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health New/Emerging S&T and Policy Support Information Society Technologies Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, Knowledge-BasedMultifunctionalMaterials and New Production Processes and Devices SME Activities Thematic Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of Research Aeronautics and Space Food Quality and Safety International Co-operation Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems Citizens and Governance in the Knowledge Society Innovation and SMEs Human Resources and Mobility Research Infrastructures Science and Society Horizontal Co-ordination of Research Activities Development of RTD/Innovation Policies Underpinning
Structuring the European Research Area Research and Innovation €290M Human Resources and Mobility €1580M Research Infrastructures €665M Science and Society €80M
A look at the different Marie Curie Actions Overview of Marie Curie Actions
Overview of Marie Curie Actions • Host-Driven Actions • Marie Curie Research Training Networks • Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training • Marie Curie Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge • Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses • Individual Actions • Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships • Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships • Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships
Overview contd. • Excellence Promotion and Recognition • Marie Curie Excellence Grants • Marie Curie Excellence Awards • Marie Curie Chairs • Return and Reintegration Mechanisms • Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants • Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants
Marie Curie label generalised Opening of Actions to 3rd country nationals No age limit, but experience criterion Reintegration and return measures Excellence promotion measures Life-long learning concept Personal/family situation of researchers MarieCurie Actions New FP6 Features New New New New New New New
Host Driven Actions Host institutions/network applies for a number of fellows/researchers Host’s proposal is evaluated Selected host/network advertises fellowship position and selects fellows/researchers Contract duration with host, usually 4 years Fellows’ stay depending on Action (up to 3 years) Individual Driven Actions Researcher applies jointly with host Fellows’ stay depending on Action Fellows withdrawing cannot be replaced Marie Curie Actions
Profile ofFellows Chairs Teams Awards Advanced Lifelong Training and Excellence Intra-EuropeanFellowships InternationalFellowships 4 yearsexperience or Ph.D. Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Industry-Academia Partnership Development Action Return and Reintegration Research Training Networks < 4 yearsexperience Conferences and Training Courses Early-Stage Training Host Fellowships for Early-Stage Human Resources and Mobility (Marie Curie Actions) Transfer of Knowledge
Marie Curie Actions Eligible Researchers Level of Experience: Early-stage Researchers • at the beginning of their career • < 4 years of active research experience (e.g. researchers undertaking a doctoral degree); • Experienced Researchers • at least 4 years of active research experience • or • have obtained a doctoral degree. (For some Actions, researchers with more than 10 years of experience will not be eligible)
Marie Curie Actions Mobility & Nationality Requirements • not a national of the State in which they plan to be appointed and carry out their research; Exceptions: • European researchers working outside the EU for 4 years in the last 5 years. • Return and Reintegration Mechanisms. • Multiple nationalities (if not resided in the last 5 years) • International Organisations • has not been resident or worked/studied in that country for more than 12 months out of the 3 years immediately prior to either the time of application (individual Actions), or the start of their work (host Actions).
Marie Curie Actions Member States and Third Countries Opportunities for Individual Researchers Associated Countries Experienced Level of Experience Experienced Researcher Researcher Early-Stage Early-Stage Researcher Researcher Type of Marie Curie Action =10 =10 Years Years >10 Years >10 Years Research Training Networks u u u u Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training u u Host Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge u u u u Conferences and Training Courses u u u u Intra-European Fellowships u u Incoming International Fellowships Individual u u Outgoing International Fellowships u u Grants for Excellent Teams u u u u u u Excellence Chairs u u u u Excellence Awards u u u u u u European Reintegration Grants u u u International Reintegration Grants u u
Profile ofFellows Chairs Teams Awards Advanced Lifelong Training and Excellence Intra-EuropeanFellowships InternationalFellowships 4 yearsexperience or Ph.D. Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Industry-Academia Partnership Development Action Return and Reintegration Research Training Networks < 4 yearsexperience Conferences and Training Courses Early-Stage Training Host Fellowships for Early-Stage Human Resources and Mobility (Marie Curie Actions) Transfer of Knowledge
Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training Marie Curie Research Training Networks Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses MarieCurie Actions Initial Training
To develop the offer of structured research training; To stimulate the training and mobility of early stage researchers Application by host (Higher education, research centres, enterprises), who selects fellows Early stages of their career(<4 years experience) Structured training in research(incl. complementary skills) Single or Multi-partner Group(min 3 groups in 3 countries) Hosts select fellows: stays 3 months to 3 years MarieCurie Actions Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training
To stimulate early stage researchers through participation of conferences and courses Encourage junior researchers to benefit from the experience of leading researchers Variety of Actions (including virtual ones) series of conferences, summer schools, lab courses etc. on a theme or linked themes support for junior researchers in larger conferences selected for their training interest Duration from several days to 4 weeks MarieCurie Actions Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses
To stimulate the training of early stage researchers within an international collaborative research project Well defined collaborative research projects of recognised international stature Minimum 3 partners in 3 countries Flexible framework for the training and development of researchers Transfer of knowledge by experienced researchers if required by the project Promotion of multidisciplinary research Networks select fellows for stays up to 3 years (incl. short stays) MarieCurie Actions Marie Curie Research Training Networks
To create or develop true strategic and durable partnerships Application by Industry and academia partners from at least 2 different countries Co-ordinating host from industry or academia, with one or more partners from the other sector Funding of exchange of experienced researchers amongst staff members, in both directions (2-24 months) Includes SMEs, spin-offs, start-ups MarieCurie Actions Industry-Academia Strategic Partnership Scheme
To respond to the individual advanced training needs of the most promising experienced researchers to give them the necessary boost to become fully independent in their field Fellowships for experienced researchers(>4 years experience or PhD) Training through research, incl. life-long training or for resuming career Application by fellow in liaison with host MarieCurie Actions Advanced Training: Individual Fellowships
3 Individual Fellowship Actions: Intra-European: 1 to 2 years From and to EU and Associated Countries Outgoing: up to 2 + 1 years EU and Ass. Country fellows to 3rd country mandatory return element Incoming: 1 to 2 years promising researchers from 3rd country possibility of return support for emerging economies MarieCurie Actions Advanced Training
To promote excellence in European research Marie Curie Excellence Grantsup to 4 years To set up or extend teams of the highest level Leading edge or interdisciplinary research Marie Curie Chairsup to 3 years Top level teaching appointments Particularly for researchers who wish to resume their career in Europe Marie Curie Prizes Prizes for excellent researchers who have benefited from Marie Curie Actions MarieCurie Actions Excellence Promotion and Recognition
Marie Curie Actions • 17 December 2002 First calls published. • From March 2003 First deadlines. • First contracts 5-7 months after the deadlines FP6: Time Scales
Benefit of the researchers Living allowance (by researcher category and country) Travel costs Mobility allowance Career development allowance Costs of eligible researchers MarieCurie Actions Community Contribution
Benefit of the researchers Living allowance (by researcher category and country) Travel costs Mobility allowance Career development allowance Costs of eligible researchers Benefit of the host organisations Contribution to programme expenses (organisation, co-ordination...) Overheads Management costs (incl. audit certificate) Other eligible expenses Not all contributions apply to all Actions MarieCurie Actions Community Contribution
Contributionto researchers Living allowance (reference, cost of living index 100) MarieCurie Actions Community Contribution Correction factor for cost of living to be applied
Contributionto researchers (cont.) Travel costs depending on distance: 250 € -2500 € /year Mobility allowance 600 € /month (no family); 900 € /month (family) (Correction factor for cost of living to be applied) Career exploratory allowance 2000 € /fellow (min. 1 year stay) Training/research costs of eligible researchers 250 € -750 € /fellow-month (depending on Action) MarieCurie Actions Community Contribution
Contribution to host institutions Specific projects costs (organisation, co-ordination…) actual costs incurred (max. depending on Action) Overheads generally max. of 10% of direct costs Management costs (incl. audit certificate) (including audit certification): 3% or 7%, depending on Action Other eligible expenses Not all contributions apply to all Actions MarieCurie Actions Community Contribution
Postdoctoral Researcher with family, coming to York as part of RTN,for 2 years with an employment contract, undertaking experimental work Total allocated to fellow (Mobility + salary): 62,212.50 € x 2 years= 124,425 € Career exploratory allowance=2000 € Travel costs: 1000 € x 2 years=2000€ Total received by researcher (before tax etc.):128,425€ MarieCurie Actions Contribution for researchers: Example
Postdoctoral Researcher with family, coming to York as part of RTN,for 2 years with an employment contract, undertaking experimental work Running Expenses: 24 x 400 €= 9,600 € Management cost : 7% x Total Cost= 9,661.71€ Overheads=10% of Total Cost= 13,802.50 € Total Contribution to Host:33,064.25€ (£20,830.48) Total received by institution:33,064 €+128,425 € =161,489€ (£101,783) (£0.63= €) MarieCurie Actions Contribution to Host: Example
Evaluation Criteria/ Proposals Part B 1. Scientific Quality of Project (n.a. for Awards) 2. Quality of Research Training (n.a. for Awards) 3. Quality of Host (n.a. for Awards) 4. Quality of Researchers (Individual actions & Excellence) 5. Management and Feasibility (n.a. for Awards) 6. Relevance to the objectives of the Scheme/Activity 7. Added Value to the Community
How to Write a Strong Application SELL! SELL! SELL! Quality of research Quality of host Quality of training programme Quality of recruitment plans Quality of individual Quality of supervision Quality of language
Evaluation Process Proposal Rejection Eligibility Individual Evaluation Consensus Ethical Issues Rejection Thresholds Ranking by Commission Negotiation Rejection Negative Result Commission Funding Decision
Getting Further Help • Workshops for Applicants • Handbooks • Check with ELO for any further information • Web sites: • Mobility UK Contact Point:http://www.ukro.ac.uk/public/Mobility/index.htm • EUROPA:http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/mariecurie-actions/home_en.html • Application materials:http://www.cordis.lu • If you need help, PLEASE ASK!!!
Funding for Mobility in FP6 David Lauder Ext: 5213 E-mail DDL1