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AQA GCSE Physics 2-7 Nuclear Physics. GCSE Physics pages 198 to 209. March 25 th 2011. NUCLEAR DECAY 12.9 What happens to radioactive substances when they decay? Using skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works:
AQA GCSE Physics 2-7Nuclear Physics GCSE Physics pages 198 to 209 March 25th 2011
NUCLEAR DECAY 12.9 What happens to radioactive substances when they decay? Using skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works: • to explain how the Rutherford and Marsden scattering experiment led to the .plum pudding. model of the atom being replaced by the nuclear model. Skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works set in the context of: • The relative masses and relative electric charges of protons, neutrons and electrons. • In an atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. The atom has no net electrical charge. • Atoms may lose or gain electrons to form charged particles called ions. • All atoms of a particular element have the same number of protons. • Atoms of different elements have different numbers of protons. • Atoms of the same element which have different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. • The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is called its mass number. • The effect of alpha and beta decay on radioactive nuclei. • The origins of background radiation. NUCLEAR FISSION & FUSION 12.10 What are nuclear fission and nuclear fusion? Using skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works: • to sketch a labelled diagram to illustrate how a chain reaction may occur. Skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works set in the context of: • There are two fissionable substances in common use in nuclear reactors, uranium 235 and plutonium 239. • Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus. • For fission to occur the uranium 235 or plutonium 239 nucleus must first absorb a neutron. • The nucleus undergoing fission splits into two smaller nuclei and 2 or 3 neutrons and energy is released. • The neutrons may go on to start a chain reaction. • Nuclear fusion is the joining of two atomic nuclei to form a larger one. • Nuclear fusion is the process by which energy is released in stars. AQA GCSE Specification
A Lithium atom protons neutrons electrons Atomic structure (Revision of Module 1) An atom consists of a small central nucleus composed of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons. An atom will always have the same number of electrons as protons.
protons = 3 neutrons = 4 electrons = 3 Atomic and mass number The atomic number (Z) of an atom is equal to the number of protons in its nucleus. The mass number (A) of an atom is equal to the number of protons plus neutrons in its nucleus. This Lithium atom has: atomic number = 3 mass number = 7
Properties of protons, neutrons and electrons 1 + 1 nucleus 1 0 nucleus outside nucleus 0.005 - 1
Positive Lithium ion Lithium atom Negative Lithium ion protons neutrons electrons Ions An atom becomes an ion when it loses or gains one or more electrons.
The three isotopes of hydrogen hydrogen 1 hydrogen 2 (deuterium) hydrogen 3 (tritium) neutrons Isotopes (Revision) The atoms of an element always have the same number of protons. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. Note: The number after ‘hydrogen’ is the mass number of the isotope.
Number of protons PLUS neutrons (Mass number) 14 C Chemical symbol Number of protons (Atomic number) 6 Nuclear notation An isotope of carbon consists of 6 protons and 8 neutrons. This can be written as: carbon 14 OR:
Question 1 An isotope of uranium (chemical symbol U) consists of 92 protons and 143 neutrons. Give the two different ways of notating this isotope. The mass number of the Uranium isotope: = 92 + 143 = 235 235 U uranium 235 AND 92
(a) (b) 13 60 N Co 7 27 (c) (d) 197 239 Au Pu 79 94 Question 2 Determine the number of protons and neutrons in the isotopes notated below: protons = 7 p = 27 neutrons = 6 n = 33 p = 94 p = 79 n = 118 n = 145 Note: Apart from the smallest atoms, most nuclei have more neutrons than protons.
Alpha particles consist of two protons plus two neutrons. They are emitted by some of the isotopes of the heaviest elements. Alpha decay
238 U 92 234 Th 4 4 α He 90 2 2 Example: The decay of Uranium 238 + Uranium 238 decays to Thorium 234 plus an alpha particle. Notes: 1. The mass and atomic numbers must balance on each side of the equation: (238 = 234 + 4 AND 92 = 90 +2) 2. The alpha particle can also be notated as:
239 Pu 94 + 235 U 4 α 92 2 Question Show the equation for Plutonium 239 (Pu) decaying by alpha emission to Uranium (atomic number 92).
Beta decay Beta particles consist of high speed electrons. They are emitted by isotopes that have too many neutrons. One of these neutrons decays into a proton and an electron. The proton remains in the nucleus but the electron is emitted as the beta particle.
0 14 β- C -1 6 14 N 7 0 e -1 Example: The decay of Carbon 14 + Carbon 14 decays to Nitrogen 14 plus a beta particle. Notes: 1. The beta particle, being negatively charged, has an effective atomic number of minus one. 2. The beta particle can also be notated as:
0 25 25 + β- Na Mg -1 12 11 Question Show the equation for Sodium 25 (Na), atomic number 11, decaying by beta emission to Magnesium (Mg).
90 90 0 γ Co Co 27 27 0 Gamma decay Gamma decay is the emission of electromagnetic radiation from an unstable nucleus Gamma radiation often occurs after a nucleus has emitted an alpha or beta particle. Example: Cobalt 90 + Cobalt 90 with excess ENERGY decays to Cobalt 90 with less ENERGYplus gamma radiation.
Changing elements Both alpha and beta decay cause the an isotope to change atomic number and therefore element. Alpha decay also causes a change in mass number.
0 59 59 + β- Fe Co (a) -1 27 26 224 4 220 + Ra α Rn (b) 88 2 86 0 16 16 + β- N O (c) 7 -1 8 Complete the decay equations below:
202 198 4 + α Pb Hg 82 80 2 198 194 4 + α Hg Pt 80 78 2 194 194 0 Pt Au + β- 78 79 -1 Write equations showing how Lead 202 could decay into Gold. (This cannot happen in reality!) There are other correct solutions
Background radiation Background radiation is ionising radiation from space (cosmic rays), devices such as X-ray tubes, and from radioactive isotopes in the environment (for example radon gas from rocks in the ground). Most of this radiation occurs naturally but a small amount is due to nuclear weapon testing and nuclear power stations.
Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below: When an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle its atomic number falls by _______ and its mass number by ______. Beta particles are emitted by nuclei with too many ________. In this case the atomic number increases by ______ while the ________ number remains unchanged. Background radiation is mainly due to natural sources of _________ radiation such as from ________ gas that seeps out from rocks in the ground. two four neutrons one mass ionising radon WORD SELECTION: four one ionising two neutrons mass radon
Nuclear reactionsNotes questions from pages 198 & 199 • Copy the table near the top of page 198. • Define what is meant by: (a) an ion; (b) atomic number; (c) mass number; (d) isotopes. • Copy all parts of Figure 1 on page 198. • Copy and answer question (a) on page 198. • By giving an example equation in each case describe the processes of: (a) alpha decay and (b) beta decay. • Compare gamma emission with alpha and beta decay. • Copy and answer questions (b) and (c) on page 199. • What is background radiation? Copy the pie chart on page 199. • Copy the ‘Key points’ table on page 199. • Answer the summary questions on page 199.
In text questions: 92p, 143n 23890Th = 90p + 138n; 22488Ra = 88p + 136n 4019K = 19p + 21n; 4020Ca = 20p +20n Summary questions: (a) 6p + 6n (b) 27p + 33n (c) 92p + 143n (a) 92p + 146n (b) 90p + 144n (c) 91p + 143n Nuclear reactions ANSWERS
The ‘Plum Pudding’ Model The Plum Pudding Atomic Model Before about 1910 many scientists believed that an atom consisted of: Positively charged matter spread out like a pudding embedded by negatively charged electrons (like plums in a pudding).
Lord Rutherford 1871 - 1937 Rutherford’s Atomic Model In 1909 Ernest Rutherford suggested that an atom consists of a a tiny positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons.
Geiger and Marsden Geiger & Marsden’s alpha particle scattering experiment In 1909 Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden performed an experiment using alpha particles to determine which of the two models was the better in describing the structure of an atom.
2 1 5 3 4 The apparatus
What was observed alpha source thin metal foil • Virtually all of the alpha particles went straight through the metal foil. • A few alpha particles were deflected through a small angle. • About 1 in 10 000 were deflected backwards.
atom nucleus (highly enlarged) How the results can be explained • Deflections occur because there is a force between the charged nucleus and the positively charged alpha particles. • Most of the alpha particles do not go near enough to the nucleus to be deflected. • Backwards deflections occur when the alpha particles make near head on collisions with the positively charged nucleus.
How their results supported Rutherford’s atomic model • The relatively small number of deflections indicates that most of the atom is empty space with only a very small nucleus. • The backward deflections can only occur if the nucleus is positively charged and contains most of the atom’s mass. • The ‘plum pudding’ model would not produce backward deflections.
Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below: According to __________ an atom consists of a tiny, ___________ charged __________ surrounded by a cloud of ________ electrons. The nucleus also contains most of the ______ of an atom. This model was supported by the ______ particle scattering experiment in 1909. In this experiment most alpha particles passed ________ through a thin metal foil with only about 1 in 10000 being deflected _________. Rutherford positively nucleus negative mass alpha straight backwards WORD SELECTION: Rutherford mass backwards negative straight positively alpha nucleus
The discovery of the nucleusNotes questions from pages 200 & 201 • (a) With a copy made of Figure 1 describe the experiment performed by Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden that supported Rutherford’s model of the atom. (b) What were the results of the above experiment? (c) Explain how these results supported Rutherford’s model. Draw Figure 2 on page 201 as part of your answer. • What was the plum pudding model? • Copy and answer questions (a) and (b) on pages 200 and 201. • Copy the Key Points on page 201. • Answer the summary questions on page 201.
In text questions: It had to hit something much heavier. Rutherford’s model would have been incorrect. Summary questions: (a) Charge (b) Diameter (c) Mass 2. (a) Path B (b) A is wrong because it is attracted by the nucleus; C is wrong because it is unaffected by the nucleus; D is wrong because it is repelled by the nucleus through too great an angle. The discovery of the nucleus ANSWERS
Nuclear fission Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus. Nuclear fission can be used as an energy source in a nuclear reactor. There are two fissionable substances in common use in nuclear reactors, uranium 235 and plutonium 239.
neutron A chain reaction Chain reaction The fission of a nucleus of Uranium 235 can be initiated by a neutron. When this nucleus splits further neutrons are produced. These neutrons in turn can cause more nuclei to split. An avalanche effect, called a ‘chain reaction’ can then occur.
1 2 3 & 4 5 6 7 Nuclear fission reactor
1. Fuel rods These contain U235 or Pu239. They become very hot due to nuclear fission. 2. Control rods Made of boron, when placed in-between the fuel rods these absorb neutrons and so reduce the rate of fission. Their depth is adjusted to maintain a constant rate of fission. 3. Moderator This surrounds the fuel rods and slows neutrons down to make further fission more likely. The moderator can be water or graphite. 4. Coolant This transfers the heat energy of the fuel rods to the heat exchanger. Coolant be water, carbon dioxide gas or liquid sodium. 5. Heat exchanger Here water is converted into high pressure steam using the heat energy of the coolant. 6. Reactor core This is a thick steal vessel designed to withstand the very high pressure and temperature in the core. 7. Concrete shield This absorbs the radiation coming from the nuclear reactor. Nuclear reactor parts
Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below: Nuclear fission is the _________ up of the nucleus of an atom into two smaller nuclei. ________ and neutrons are also usually emitted. Nuclear ________ use Uranium _____ or Plutonium _____to produce energy by nuclear ________. A controlled chain reaction is maintained by the use of _______ rods which absorb some of the _________ produced. An _______ bomb is the consequence of an uncontrolled chain reaction. splitting energy reactors 235 239 fission control neutrons atomic WORD SELECTION: reactors energy 239 atomic splitting neutrons 235 fission control
Nuclear fissionNotes questions from pages 202 & 203 • Define what is meant by nuclear fission. • With aid of a copy of Figure 1, explain what is meant by a chain reaction. • Explain the purpose of fission neutrons in a chain reaction. • Copy and answer question (a) on page 202. • What isotopes are used for fission reactions? • Copy Figure 3 on page 203 explain how a nuclear fission reactor produces steam to drive the turbines of a power station. Your account should include the purpose of the moderator, control rods and coolant. • Copy and answer question (b) on page 203. • Copy the Key Points on page 203. • Answer the summary questions on page 203.
In text questions: The chain reaction would go out of control and the reactor would explode. The chain reaction would go out of control and the reactor would explode. Summary questions: (a) Nucleus, uranium-235, plutonium-239. (b) Uranium-238, plutonium-239. 2. 1A, 2C, 3B, 4A Nuclear fissionANSWERS
Nuclear fusion is the joining of two atomic nuclei to form a larger one. Hydrogen nuclei undergo fusion in stars to make helium nuclei Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion is the process by which energy is released in the Sun and other stars. It is also the energy source of the hydrogen bomb. Energy from fusion
An experimental fusion reactor in Seatle USA Nuclear fusion reactors Scientists are currently working to make nuclear fusion reactors. The fuel for fusion reactors is the isotope hydrogen 2 (deuterium) which is found in sea water.
Nuclear fusionNotes questions from pages 204 & 205 • Explain what is meant by nuclear fusion. • Outline the fusion reactions that take place inside the Sun. • What would be the advantages of using a nuclear fusion reactor over other methods of generating electricity? • Copy and answer questions (a) and (b) on pages 204 and 205. • Copy the Key Points on page 205. • Answer the summary questions on page 205.
In text questions: Helium-3 nucleus It goes out of control, the plasma would touch the walls and go cold. Summary questions: 1. (a) Small, larger (b) Stable 2. (a) So the nuclei have enough kinetic energy to overcome the force of repulsion between them and fuse. (b) The energy output would be less than the energy input so it would not produce any energy overall. Nuclear fusionANSWERS
Alpha Scattering.exe Geiger Muller Tube Nuclear Stability With stability curve Nuclear Reactions Fission & Fusion with binding energy Virtual Physics Laboratory SimulationsNOTE: Links work only in school
Atoms, ions & isotopes (GCSE) - Powerpoint presentation by KT Build an atom - eChalk Atomic Structure Quiz - by KT - Microsoft WORD Hidden Pairs Game on Atomic Structure - by KT - Microsoft WORD Fifty-Fifty Game on What particles are positive - by KT - Microsoft WORD Rutherford Scattering - PhET - How did Rutherford figure out the structure of the atomic nucleus without looking at it? Simulate the famous experiment in which he disproved the Plum Pudding model of the atom by observing alpha particles bouncing off atoms and determining that they must have a small core. Rutherford Scattering Experiment Thomson Model of evenly distributed charge and Nuclear Model - Michael Fowler Types of Radiation - S-Cool section on types of radiations including an animation of absorption and a couple of decay equations to fill in on screen. Alpha Decay - PhET - Watch alpha particles escape from a Polonium nucleus, causing radioactive alpha decay. See how random decay times relate to the half life. Beta Decay - PhET - Watch beta decay occur for a collection of nuclei or for an individual nucleus Decay series - Fendt Andy Darvill's Radioactivity Pages Understanding Radiation - National Radiological Protection Board - Useful starting point to get at useful areas of the site. Nuclear Fission - PhET - Start a chain reaction, or introduce non-radioactive isotopes to prevent one. Control energy production in a nuclear reactor! Nuclear Fission - Powerpoint presentation by Richard Miller of 5SJW (2005) Nuclear Fission - Powerpoint presentation that includes a link to the 'mousetrap' demonstration Power Station Animation - eChalk Managing a Nuclear Power Plant Simulation - by Henrik Eriksson BBC AQA GCSE Bitesize Revision: Atoms, isotopes & radioactivity - Core Science Structure of an atom Isotopes Evidence for atomic structure Alpha, beta & gamma radiation Detecting radiation Radioactive decay equations Natural sources of background radiation Artificial radiation Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Online Simulations
Nuclear energy issuesNotes questions from pages 206 & 207 • No questions