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High School. 7-year Implementation to Higher Graduations Requirements. SB 4. Revises high school graduation requirements to phase-in Geometry, Biology, Algebra II, Chemistry or Physics, and an additional rigorous science course. (see handout). Entering 9 th Grade 2010 2011 2012 2013.
High School 7-year Implementation to Higher Graduations Requirements
SB 4 Revises high school graduation requirements to phase-in Geometry, Biology, Algebra II, Chemistry or Physics, and an additional rigorous science course. (see handout)
Entering 9th Grade 2010 2011 2012 2013 To Graduate Algebra and Geometry + Biology and Algebra EOC + Biology EOC, Geometry EOC and Algebra II + Chemistry or Physics and an equally rigorous science course High School Graduation Requirements Cohort
High School Assessment • The statewide assessment program will be changing over the next several years to phase in new assessments aligned to Florida’s new expectations for student learning, known as the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • The Florida EOC Assessments will be very different from the FCAT—students will participate in these assessments on the computer at the conclusion of specific high school courses (handout) • Initial year of EOC implementation will include 30% calculation of the student’s grade.
SB 4 • Requires high schools to offer specified rigorous courses/programs. • Requires advisement of those rigorous courses.
SB 4 Phases-in end-of-course assessment requirements for Algebra I, Biology, and Geometry. (see handout) Creates the Credit Acceleration Program. (CAP)
SB 4 Deletes Major Area of Interest elective requirement not ePep and ePep review. Requires OPPAGA to conduct a study on other states' high school diploma options.
SB 206 Provides legislative intent to recognize student academic achievement. Encourages each district school board to adopt policies and procedures that provide for an annual "Academic Scholarship Signing Day."
HB 267 Provides that comprehensive health education taught in public schools shall include component on teen dating violence & abuse for students in grades 7 through 12; requires district school boards to adopt & implement dating violence & abuse policy; requires DOE to develop model policy; requires school personnel training.
HB5101 The bill adds “electronic textbooks” to the definition of “adequate instructional materials”
HB 5201 Revises requirements for bright futures for students. No requirement for every student to take a virtual class for HS graduation (SB4)
House Bill 5101Section 25 • Use of IB and Industry Certification bonus funds
Are our Schools Prepared • Do we offer these courses to all students? • Do we need to increase the number of required courses? • Do we need to phase out less rigorous courses? • Does our guidance office have a plan to schedule ALL students in these courses? • Do our teachers know where to access the course descriptions? • Are our teachers appropriately certified and prepared to teach these courses to all students? • Is our district professional development plan aligned to the needs of the teachers in these areas? • Does our school schedule allow for teacher collaboration? • Does our school schedule provide students opportunities to be remediated prior to a late graduation? • Are we discussing student preparation in these areas with our elementary and middle schools? • Does the district student progression plan ensure students entering high school are prepared for success? • Do we have a prioritized school plan for student success?
2008-09 Biology and Equivalents 92.68% Algebra 2 and Equivalents, 59.53% Physics OR Chemistry and Equivalents, 47.47% Geometry and Equivalents, 85.79% 2009-10 Biology and Equivalents, 88.39% Algebra 2 and Equivalents, 61.79% Physics OR Chemistry and Equivalents, 49.54% Geometry and Equivalents, 85.37% Are our schools prepared?
What are the mathematics credit requirements for a student who enters grade nine in 2010-2011? • Four credits to include • One credit in Algebra 1, a series of courses equivalent to Algebra 1, or a higher-level mathematics course • One credit in Geometry or a series of courses equivalent to geometry. • In addition, for a student who completes Algebra 1 or an equivalent, a student’s performance on the Algebra 1 EOC assessment must constitute 30% of a student’s final course grade.
Does a student who enters grade 10 or higher in 2010-2011 have to take and Algebra I EOC assessment? If so, does the Algebra I EOC assessment count as part of the student’s graduation requirements? • All students (in any grade) who have completed the Algebra 1 curriculum in 2010 – 2011 are required to take the Algebra 1 EOC assessment. Students taking Algebra 1 in grade 10 in 2010 – 11 will have to take the 10th Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics and the Algebra 1 EOC exam.
What are the mathematics credit requirements for thecohort of students who enter grade nine in 2011-2012? • Four credits to include: • One credit in Algebra 1 earned by passing the Algebra I EOC • One credit in Geometry or a series of courses equivalent to geometry. • For a student who completes Geometry or an equivalent course, the student’s performance on the Geometry EOC assessment must constitute 30% of a student’s final grade.
What are the mathematics credit requirements for the cohort of students who enters grade nine in 2012-2013? • Four credits to include: • One credit in Algebra 1 earned by passing the Algebra I EOC • One credit in Geometry earned by passing the Geometry EOC • One credit in Algebra 2 or a series of courses equivalent to Algebra 2
Do these same requirements listed described in answers to questions 1-7 apply to the three-year 18-credit accelerated high school graduation options (section 1003.429, F.S.)? • Yes
What do we do about students who are not present during the district chosen testing window and make-up days when it counts as 30% of the grade? • These students would earn an Incomplete for the final course grade and have to take the EOC or an alterative assessment approved by the department as specified in F.S. 1008.22(11) prior to graduation. The final course grade would be calculated to include the EOC as 30% of the course grade. This is the graduation requirement for that cohort of students.
Because EOC’s will be offered only at the end of the year the first year each course EOC is offered, how should schools on a 4 x 4 block schedule keep their students current in the course information when they complete the entire course credit by December? • There are two possible solutions, enroll students in the course with EOC the first year it is offered in the second block or provide study sessions for those who have already completed the course.
Does the EOC exam count 30% of the grade once passing the EOC is required to pass the course? • No, not for the cohorts of students who do not fall into this requirement. Districts can implements this policy as part of their student progression plan but it is not a state requirement.
How does awarding a final grade impact credit recovery programs? • Students in the 9th grade cohort who are earning credit in the courses with EOC’s that are required to be 30% of the final course grade must take the EOC and their end-of-course grade must include the results of the EOC.
Is Informal Geometry (1206300) a prerequisite for Geometry (1206310)? • No, the Informal Geometry course is neither a prerequisite course nor an equivalent course for the Geometry course. The EOC assessment for Geometry will be based on the course description for the Geometry course (1206310).
If a student is part of a cohort that requires the EOC assessment to count as 30% of the student’s grade and is completing course work as part of a series of courses (such as Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B or Integrated Science I, II, and III), which course grade calculation should the EOC grade count as 30%? • We (FLDOE) recommend that districts include the EOC assessment grade as 30% of the course grade calculation for the last course completed by the student which included content standards covered on the EOC assessment (for example, the Algebra 1 EOC assessment would count as 30% of the student’s course grade for Algebra 1B and the Biology EOC would count as 30% Integrated Science III).
What is the authorizing legislation for the EOC assessment results waiver? • Senate Bill 4 amended Section 1003.428(8)(b)2, F.S., and it states the following: “A student with a disability, as defined in s. 1007.02(2), F.S. for whom the IEP committee determines that an end of-course assessment cannot accurately measure the student’s abilities, taking into consideration all allowable accommodations, shall have the end-of-course assessment results waived for the purpose of determining the student’s course grade and credit as required in paragraph (4) (a).”