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USA VOLLEYBALL SCOREKEEPING. Non-Deciding Set Left Click the mouse after you hear this sound. HEADINGS & FOOTERS. CAPITAL LETTERS are used throughout the scoresheet. Use a Black or Blue Pen for all information entered prior to the first serve and after the last point.
USA VOLLEYBALL SCOREKEEPING Non-Deciding SetLeft Click the mouse after you hear this sound.
HEADINGS & FOOTERS • CAPITAL LETTERS are used throughout the scoresheet. Use a Black or Blue Pen for all information entered prior to the first serve and after the last point. • DATE- should be Six characters, mm/dd/yy (02/04/05) • TIME- should be INTERNATIONAL TIME 9AMwould be09:00 2 PM would be14:00 • OFFICIALS NAMES- Should be LAST NAME, FIRST NAME. Enter the complete last and first name.
Entering Headings USAV OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 13 50 X BB Make sure all Headings areas are complete. The Tournament Director needs all the information to correctly post the results.
Results Section Pre-Set 1ST Ref - Yugo Upman 2nd Ref - Dani Downs Scorekeeper - Clare Writer Work Team- NW Aces Region – Iowa (IA) Set - 1 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE Scorekeeper signs at the end of game. NW ACES IA 1
s R SETTING UP THE SHEET • Set up the scoresheet as if facing the Up Referee. • TEAM NAMES in capital letters. • Place an X on the for the serving team. • Place an X on the for the receiving team. • Place an X in the first service round box of the receiving team. • The Team Starting Set one on the left side of the Sheet is Team A. • The Team on the right will be Team B. • The teams will keep their letter designation for the whole match.
CHAMPIONS Receiving on the Left. ALL STARS Serving on the Right Champions Team A All Stars Team B X A CHAMPIONS ALL STARS B X Serving X Receiving X X Rotation X
THE LINE-UPS • Once a Signed Line-up sheet is submitted it may not be changed. • When Line-ups are submitted check for • A Floor Captain. • A Libero • A signature by the Coach or Captain.
ENTERING LINE UPS Use Black or Blue Ink to enter Line-up. Enter number to the far left of the box to allow for substitutions. It does not matter if the team is Serving or Receivingalways start with BOX I.
X CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X ALL STARS 47 10c 8 23 2 15 John Johnson ALL STARS SERVING ON RIGHT 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 8 10c 23 2 47 X
Libero Tracking 16 CHAMPIONS 14 1 3 5c 7 9 Eric Sato Assistant Scorekeeper / Libero Tracker should enter the line up of teams having a Libero 16
While checking the ALL STARS’ line-up, the 2nd ref and scorekeeper notice that the *All Stars have #18 on the floor instead of #8. Since the All Stars do not have a #18 on their roster, the team is charged with a “phantom” sub. Record like a normal sub.
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 PHANTOM SUBSTITUTION You may record in ink or pencil. *Slash All Stars #8, and write #18. *Enter 0/0 for the score at time of substitution. *Slash the number 1 in Team Substitution section. 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 X Phantom Substitution
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 8 18 47 15 10c 23 2 0 0 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 Inaddition,the first referee noticesthat All-Stars #23 is wearing anecklace and signals a teamdelay warning. X CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X 9 3 1 14 5c 7 X You may use ink or pencil.In thefirst row of the SANCTIONSbox,*slash the D in the W(Warning) column, *record B inthe A/B column, *write 1 in theSET column,and *record thescore (0-0). / B 1 0 0 Team Delay Warning
Libero Replacement By Champions After the second referee checks the Champions’ line-up, Champions’ Libero replaces #7. Slash #7 and Write L 16 L
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 Use of Pencil is optional until the end of the gamewhen ink should be used. X P Place a check mark P on the number1 in SERVICE ROUND box of All Stars #15 after he contacts the ball. Check marks P should not be made until after the ball is contacted for the serve.
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 P UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 *ALL STARS # 15 scores point 1. Slash # 1 in the All Stars Points column. *ALL STARS # 15 scores point 2 & 3. Slash the # 2 & 3 X
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 P UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 SLASH POINT 1 in the CHAMPIONS’ Point Column. X 3 *ALL STARS # 15 serves out. In the Checked box enter the EXIT SCORE of 3 (The EXIT SCORE is the TOTAL TEAM SCORE at the end of the service round)
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 P 3 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 *Champions # 3 serves into thenet. Check PServiceRounds box for Champions# 3. Write the exit score of 1. Slash point 4 in the Points column of All-Stars. X P 1
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 X P P 3 1 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 *All-Stars #18 serves and winsthe rally on a close line call. Check P the 1 for All Stars 18. Slash pt 5. Champions captain complains persistently about the line call. The first referee issues a verbal warning. Nothing is written for verbal warnings. P P 1
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 X P P P 3 1 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 *All-Stars #18 serves again andwins the next point. Slash point 6 in the Points column.
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 X P P P 3 1 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 Champions captain explodesin anger over a ball-handlingno-call and the previous linecall. *The first referee sanctions Champions #5 with ayellow card. • In addition, slash and circle point 7 for All-Stars as they earned this point on a penalty In the Sanctions box, * write 5 in the P (Penalty) column, *write A in the A/B column, *record 1 in the SET column, *record the score at the time of the sanction (1-6). List the score of the team committing the sanction first. 5 A 1 1 6 Yellow Card Penalty
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 X P P P 3 1 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 *Champions request and aregranted a time-out. *Record the time-out in the top Time-Outsbox located under the Champions Pointscolumn, listing Championsscore first(1-7). 1 7
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 0 0 X P P P 3 1 1 7 UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 *At the end of the time-out, Champions request a substitution,#22 for #1. *Slash the # 1 and write the substitute # 22. Record the score listing Champions Score on top. (1-7). Slash the 1 in the Team Substitutions row. 22 1 7
Tracking Regular Sub on Libero Tracking Sheet Champions #22 Sub for #1. Slash #1 and write #22 16 22 L
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P 3 1 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 All-Stars #18 serves into thenet. Exit Score 7. Side out point 2 for Champions. 7
Libero Replacement CHAMPIONS #7 replaces the Libero. The Libero Tracker makes sure the number preceding the L is #7. Then they Slash the L and write 7. 16 22 7 L
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P 3 7 1 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 Champions #22 servesand wins a point. PThe Service round box for Champions #22. Slash pt 3. P
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P P 3 7 1 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 Champions #22 ’s next serve results in a loss of rally.Exit Score 3. Side out Pt 8 for All Stars. 3
Libero Replacement 7 L The Libero Replaced Champions #22. Slash #22 and Write L 16 22 L
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P P 3 7 1 3 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 • All-Stars #10 serves andwins three quick points. • Check PtheService round box for #10. • Slash Points 9, 10, 11. P
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P P P 3 7 1 3 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 Champions captain requests a sub, #22 for #9. The second referee disallows the sub (because #22 was replaced by the libero). The first referee issues an improper request (IR). Slash IR, Record A inA/B column, Record 1 for SET and the score of 3-11.(Champions’ Score is listed first as they committed the Improper Request.) A 1 3 11 Improper Request
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P P P 3 7 1 3 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 • All-Stars #10 serves andwins 2 pointsSlash Points 12, 13. • And then serves out. Enter Exit score of 13. • Slash side out point 4 for the Champions. 13
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P P P 3 7 13 1 3 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 Champions #14 serves andwins the next two points. Check MarkPthe Service round box. Slash points 5 & 6. P
Play-over Champions #14 serves again. The first referee stops the rally when aball rolls onto the court. Thefirst referee signals a play-over. The scorekeeper does not record the play-over on the scoresheet.
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 / / / / / / CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / 8 22 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 1 0 7 0 X P P P P P P 3 7 13 1 3 1 7 / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 All-Stars sub #6 for #47. Slash 47, write #6. Enter the score of 13-6. Slash Sub #2. 6 13 6
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 1 0 6 7 0 X P P P P P P 3 7 13 1 3 1 7 / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 Champions #14 serves again and wins a point. Slash point 7. Champions #14 Serves and loses the rally. Enter Exit score 7. • Award side out point 14to the All Stars. 7
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 1 0 6 7 0 X P P P P P P 3 7 13 1 3 7 1 7 / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 All Stars sub #14 for #15. Slash All Stars #15, write 14. Enter Score of 14-7. Slash Team Sub #3. 14 14 7
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P 3 7 13 1 3 7 1 7 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 All-Stars #6 serves and wins 15 point. Check mark service round box. Slash point 15. P
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P 3 7 13 1 3 7 1 7 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 All-Stars win the next rally on a kill. Slash pt 16. Immediately after indicating that All-Stars won the rally,the first referee realizes the line judge signaled an antennae violation against All-Stars. The first referee changes the call and signals that Champions won the previous rally. (Mind Change) 15 If you awarded pt 16 to the All Stars erase it or white it out. Enter Exit Score of 15 to All Stars #6. Slash side out point 8 for the Champions. Mind Change
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P 3 7 13 15 1 3 7 1 7 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 Champion’s #5 serves and wins the rally on a great block. Check mark the service round box for #5. Slash point 9. Champions #5 Serves again and commits a Foot Fault. No special Notations are needed for a foot fault. Enter Exit score of 9. P 9 Slash side out point 16 for the All Stars Foot Fault
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P P 3 7 13 15 1 3 7 9 1 7 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 All Stars #23 Serves and wins point 17. Check mark the service round box. Slash pt 17. #23 serves and wins points 18 & 19. Slash Pts 18 & 19. P
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P P P 3 7 13 15 1 3 7 9 1 7 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 The Scorekeeper should indicate to the referees that 2 time outs have been taken. The Scorekeeper should raise 2 fingers on the left hand as the Champions have taken 2 time outs. They should use a fist on the right hand as the All Stars have not taken any Time Outs. Champions call a Time-out. Record the Time-out in the second Champions’ time-out box. List the Champions’ score first (9-19) 9 19
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P P P 3 7 13 15 1 3 7 9 1 7 9 19 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 At the end of the time-out, All-Stars bench is cleaning up a huge water spill near the side-line. The first referee issues a TEAM DELAY PENALTY. Write D in the P column, Write B in the A/B column, Write the 1 in the SET column and Write the score of 19-9. Since the penalty results in loss of service. Record the exit score of 19for the All Stars. Slash and circle the penalty point 10 for the Champions. 19 D B 1 19 9 Team Delay Penalty
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P P P 3 7 13 15 19 1 3 7 9 1 7 9 19 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 D B 1 19 9 Champions #7 serves the ball and wins the rally. Check mark the service box for Champions #7. Slash point 11. P
Wrong Libero Replacement 16 22 L 7 L Champions #1 replaces the libero. This is a wrong position entry as #22 should have entered. As soon as the ball has been served notify the referee.
USA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS ATLANTA GA 21 WORLD CONGRESS CNTR F 4 X 05/29/04 X BB 13 50 X 13 56 CHAMPIONS A B ALL STARS / / / / / / / / / / 16 X / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 6 22 8 18 47 9 3 1 14 5c 7 15 10c 23 2 13 14 1 0 6 7 7 0 X P P P P P P P P P P 3 7 13 15 19 1 3 7 9 1 7 9 19 / / / UPMAN, YUGO DOWNS, DANI WRITER, CLARE NW ACES IA 1 / B 1 0 0 5 A 1 1 6 / A 1 3 11 D B 1 19 9 Improper Player on Court • The libero tracker notifies thesecond referee that Champions#22 should have replaced thelibero instead of Champions #1. • The first referee cancels Champions ’ last point due to havingan improper player on the court. • Record in the REMARK Section.(USE CAPITAL LETTERS)CANCELLED PT 11,B, SET 1, 11-19, IMPROPERPLAYER ON COURT. • Champions #22 returns to thecourt and All-Stars get the ballfor serve. • Erase Point 11 if you used pencil. If you used ink place an X on point 11 and write 11 next to the “X’ed” out point 11. • Write the Exit Score of 10. • Give Side out point 20 to the All Stars. 10 CANCEL PT 11, B, SET 1, 11-19, IMPROPER PLAYER ON COURT