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Ms. Bah's Classroom: Computer Information Systems and Management

Welcome to Ms. Bah's classroom! I am a passionate teacher with a background in Computer Information Systems. Get ready to learn and excel in the field of technology and management.

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Ms. Bah's Classroom: Computer Information Systems and Management

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  2. Ms. Bah • Graduated from DeVry University with a degree in Computer Information Systems (CIS) • After college I wanted to pursue a career in Education. So I went back to Brookdale College for my Teaching degree. • I also went back to graduate school for my Masters in Management Information Systems (MIS)

  3. Continued • I have an 8 yrs. old son, who is in 4th grade. • He is my pride and joy!

  4. Continued • I love reading, travelling, listening to music, watching television & spending time with family • My favorite sports are soccer (A.C.Milan), track & field and basketball. • I am a big LeBron James & Pelé fan!!

  5. Pet Peeves • Disrespecting each other and those in authority • Calling out • Not paying attention • Not putting effort into your work NEATNESS IS IMPORTANT!

  6. What you need to survive • Notebook with a folder • Pencil or pen • Gmail email • Attention span • Communication skills • Respect • Time management skills

  7. Enter the class quietly and be seated in assigned seat when bell rings. • Check Teacher’s Page & Projection Monitorfor essential question, learning objectives, project due dates, quiz and test dates. The Teacher’s Page will clearly list the day’s activities to read and complete warm up/do now activity. • Do not come to class late without a hall pass.

  8. Classroom Rules/Respect • All FHS rules apply. • I like to run an open forum classroom. But that is dependent on how the class acts. It is just as easy for me to give bookwork. • I ask that when others are speaking you are quite. • No cursing • Respect myself and your class mates and we will get along

  9. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before you talk. • Only 2 students (1 boy & 1 girl) at a time leave the room with a hall pass. • Follow the District’s Acceptable Use Policy, procedures and school rules. • Cellphones should be put away. If I see or hear a cell phone, I will follow school procedures and take it and turn it in to the office. NO Exceptions!!!!

  10. Guideline Infraction Notice • Read it • Sign it • Keep it until the end of class Franklin High School

  11. Guideline Infraction Notice

  12. You’ve been Pink-Slipped! Being prepared for class and completing your Do Now and completing In-class Assignment/Projects is your responsibility as a student. Missing Assignment: ____________________________________________ I do not have complete any work today because: _____ I did the a homework, but I did not save it or show it to teacher _____ I chose not to do any work. _____ I forgot to do my work. _____ Other—please explain below.

  13. Do your own work but you may assist fellow students when told • Please remain in your seat until the bell rings.  Never line up at the door before dismissal. 

  14. Passes are not issued during the first and last ten (10) minutes of the period.

  15. If you need help or need to finish an exam I can stay after school on Wednesdays in Room B212 • 2:28-3:18pm

  16. Email is the best way to contact me. • mbah@franklinboe.org - if you or your parents need to contact me • Ms.mbah1@gmail.com - for Google Drive work only

  17. A  = 90-100 • B  = 80-89 • C  = 70-79 • D  = 67-69 • F = below 67 • Test = 30% • Projects = 25% • Quizzes = 20% • Classwork = 15% • Do Now's = 10%  ***Parents and students may access grades throughout the school year through Genesis***

  18. Do Now’s • Do Now’s will be collected each day that I see you. We will start out with 10 points. 1 point will be deducted each time you miss your “Do Now”. This can help you with your final grade

  19. Always access my Teacher’s Page daily to see what needs to be done : http://www.franklinboe.org/Domain/2392

  20. Google Drive Account • All students will need to create a Gmail email account in order to access Google Drive. • Google Drive

  21. Late Work • Late work is your responsibility. I will not track you down for it. • Late work is 10 points off each day • EX: 5 days = 50 points off

  22. Missed a class • If you miss a class it is your responsibility to make the work up. Just simply ask me what you missed and I will provide you the materials needed.

  23. Teacher’s Page • http://www.franklinboe.org/Domain/2392

  24. Laptop Procedure • Each student will be assigned a laptop number. That is your laptop for the semester. You are responsible for that laptop during your class period. If something happens to your laptop during your class period you will be held accountable.

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