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Spanish Language Classroom Routine and Assessment

Review definite and indefinite articles, verb 'ser', and classroom procedures for participation and assessment. Practice vocabulary and expressions through engaging activities to enhance language skills.

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Spanish Language Classroom Routine and Assessment

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  1. La fecha de hoy es miércoles, 7 de agosto • Objective: • review definite and indefinite articles and the verb ser • Campanazo (Traduce al inglés) • Señora Cislak es la directora de U.H.S. • Señor Gribble es un maestro de • Matemáticas • 3. ¿Cómoerestú?

  2. Descanso (5 minutos)

  3. Procedure for passes • If you need to leave the room for any reason you need to ask in Spanish • Bathroom: • ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?

  4. Check for understanding: Quiz

  5. TAREA: Student Survey

  6. Reflexion Look at your participation/class culture rubric • What grade do you think you have earned so far based on your participation today? 2.Why do you think you earned that grade?

  7. End of class routine • Pass up your whiteboards and have one person at the front of each row return them neatly to the whiteboard box • Stay in your seats until Profe dismisses you • On your way out, hand your exit pass to Profe at the door. (if I do not get your exit pass then it will be a deduction in your participation points—you may not hand it in the next day because you forgot to turn it in)

  8. Saca la placa de nombre ydobla el papel en estilo “hot dog” (horizontal)

  9. Saca la placa de nombre ydobla el papel en estilo “hot dog” (horizontal) Me llamo Alicia Me gusta comer aguacates. Choose one… Me gusta comer Me gusta beber Me gustaría probar (I’d like to try…)

  10. Share name cards in groups

  11. Me llamo__________ • Me gusta(n)__________ • Se llama_______ • Le gusta(n)__________

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