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D i m e n s i o n s & D o m a i n s of Physical Activity. p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y : Any activity that involves a moving experience or physical exertion and can be in the form of sport, fitness, recreation, play, or work. p h y s i c a l i n a c t i v i t y :
D i m e n s i o n s & D o m a i n s of Physical Activity Maribyrnong College Physical Education
p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y : Any activity that involves a moving experience or physical exertion and can be in the form of sport, fitness, recreation, play, or work. p h y s i c a l i n a c t i v i t y : Physically inactive people expend low levels of energy. Physical activity only comes from daily routines. No regular or planned physical exertion is undertaken Sedentary behaviour is physical activity requiring only low levels of energy expenditure. EG : watching television / reading / using a computer s t r u c t u r e d vs i n c i d e n t a l : Structured physical activity is planned, organised and usually regular exertion to promote health and fitness benefits. Incidental physical activity is unplanned and as a result of lifestyle influences like work, household chores and transportation. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Experiences in Physical Activity Maribyrnong College Physical Education
A Social Experience • Provide opportunity to meet and interact with other people. • Dancing, ten pin bowling, darts, pool etc Maribyrnong College Physical Education
An Aesthetic Experience • “an appreciation of the beautiful” • Appreciating beauty of movement or the environment • Diving, bushwalking, snorkelling Maribyrnong College Physical Education
A Competitive Experience • Involve competition against others, individually or as a team. • Extrinsic -outperform others • Intrinsic – Beat personal best • Football, soccer, athletics, swimming tennis Maribyrnong College Physical Education
A Recreational Experience • Undertaken to refresh mind and body. • Skateboarding, cycling, golf, tennis, ten pin bowling. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
A Vertiginous Experience • Involving speed, loss of balance, excitement • “On the Edge” • “buzz” • Bungy jumping, skydiving, motor racing etc, diving Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Cathartic Experience • To release built up emotions and tension. Personal Relaxation. • Golf, squash, boxing, martial arts Maribyrnong College Physical Education
An Ascetic Experience • Activities involving stamina, and endurance • Prolonged and strenuous training coupled with self discipline • Bodybuilding, triathlon Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Classifications of PA • Sport : - highly organised with a governing body. - structured rules. - uses learned skills and tactics. - involves physical exertion ( usually maximal) - competitive between individuals and/or teams. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Exercise : - planned physical exertion designed to improve health and fitness. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Games : - organised but by participants involved. - competitive. - enjoyment rather than winning the objective. - examples include * games of skill.* games of strategy.* games of chance. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Recreation : - organised activities for intrinsic rewards. such as enjoyment, fun, relaxation, self-esteem. - spontaneous - no rules. - non competitive. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Play : - non organised but using initiative/imagination. - no rules. - non competitive. - participation for intrinsic rewards such as fun. Maribyrnong College Physical Education
Physical fitness : - A state where the body can maintain lifestyle effectively and efficiently without fatigue or illness and with energy reserves for recreation/leisure / exercise. Maribyrnong College Physical Education