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Future European teachers: training KIT according to the Lisbon strategy

5 th Meeting in Arad, Romania February 28 th - March 04 th 2011. Future European teachers: training KIT according to the Lisbon strategy. " La Riforma Gelmini ".

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Future European teachers: training KIT according to the Lisbon strategy

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  1. 5th Meeting in Arad, RomaniaFebruary 28th - March 04th 2011 Future European teachers: training KIT according to the Lisbon strategy

  2. "La Riforma Gelmini" Starting from the scholastic year 2010/2011 the Italian School is involved in a project of revision of the structure of Secondary School. In particular has been created a system of six High Schools (Licei): • Liceo Classico • Liceo Scientifico • Liceo Linguistico • Liceo delle scienze umane • Liceo artistico • Liceo musicale e coreutico separated from that ones of vocational and technical training

  3. "La Riforma Gelmini" Starting from February 15th 2011 is in force the New Regulation for the future teachers initial training. The Regulation has the overriding aim to qualify and increase the value of the teachers in training through the acquisition: • of skills on the different and specific subjects to teach, on psycho-pedagogy, on educational and teaching methodology • of the organizational and relational abilities necessary to conduct the students to the results expected by the Regulation.

  4. "La Riforma Gelmini" The new teacher must be, besides, in possession of skills on: • English language at B2 level of QCER • ITC methodologies (the multimedial languages for the communication and spreading of knowledges and for use of digital contents and virtual laboratories) • Conduct of disabilities with the aim to improve the fitting of the students in the group

  5. The teacher training is organized in: A master degree (five years) for a number of selected and defined trainees A teaching practice (one year) Six years of training "La Riforma Gelmini"

  6. "La Riforma Gelmini" Teaching practice: • a- Learning and practice of educational sciences • b- Practice in the schools under the supervision of tutores and mentores. The schools are responsible to organize the training into two different steps: 1- watching and examining of good practices 2- real teaching to different classes with at least 75 hours dedicated to the conduct of students with some disabilities

  7. "La Riforma Gelmini" Teaching practice: • c- Learning of epistemological competences • d- Pedagogical-didactical laboratories finalized to revise and compare the good practices experienced during training

  8. "La Riforma Gelmini" CLIL (Content and language integrated learning) The Regulation expects to integrate the curriculum of the future teacher with the acquisition of expertises in a foreign language at a C1 Level for teaching a not linguistic subject in a European language.

  9. Summary The New Regulation of the "Riforma Gelmini" about the initial teacher training is based on the Lisbon Strategy "philosophy". In particular: • the training through apprenticeship increases the acquisition of good practices of teaching and supports improvements in pedagogical approaches • the teaching training is focused on the pedagogical-didactical innovation, with the aim to enrich the development of the future teaching profession and to guarantee a professionalism open to the diversities around us

  10. Summary • the knowledge of a foreign language at a level B2 or C1 (CLIL) improves the didactic experimentation through the activation of an intercultural dialogue in the learning/teaching processes and increases the mutual integration between different subjects, experimenting the didactic use of the plurilinguism • the use of ITC for learning through the new technologies improves the innovation of the didactic creative practices to promote the motivation to learn.

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