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NDI Marketing Company: The New Dream of India

NDI Marketing Company is a direct single-leg MLM company focusing on values of time, activities, and audience traffic. Join us to pursue your dreams and earn money while improving health with nourishment therapy.

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NDI Marketing Company: The New Dream of India

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  1. Direct SingleLeg MLMCompany NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia WELCOMETO NDI MARKETINGCOMPANY


  3. NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia AAJ KADIN MERE LIYEBOHOTACHAHAI आज का दिन मेरे लिए बहुत अच्छा है

  4. PATH=पथ=रास्ता NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia

  5. NDI Marketing Company PATH= पथ =रास्ता P पैशन्स =धैर्य A T ऐटिटूड= अच्छी सोच टीचेबल= सीखनाऔरसिखाना H ऑनेस्ट=ईमानदार

  6. INTRODUCTION Youthful and dynamic Nathuram Verma is an exemplary example of a great mind, with special achievements, with a resolution and self-confidence. I have done this work in M Amal with 21 years of estimate in my life. During which he welcomed the whole year to know about the director sailing business model, to be given the most efficient and capable director sales sailing business to the Indianlogo. Dreamed of a company which is no other on the planet, such as through its emerge ng products and growing business opportunities. If any person gets proper guidance e and facilities, then he can do anything. NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia

  7. HeadOffice B-20 Sector 57 Noida , U.P.India

  8. NDI Marketing CompanyDirectors Mr. N. R. Verma 1 OurManagement Mr. VandanaSaahu 2 The human body is made up of more than 100 trillion cells and requires dosage ornutrition to keep the cells healthy, so that we can lead a healthy life. It has been proved that due to the lack of nutrition many diseases and disorders occur in the humanbody.

  9. NDIMission NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia हमारा उद्देश्य हर व्यक्ति के सपनों को पूरा करना है, गरीबी को खत्म करना है और जनहित के लिए काम करना है Our purpose is to fulfill the dreams of every person, to eliminate poverty and to work for the publicinterest.

  10. NDIVision The New Dream ofIndia NDI MarketingComp. हम देखते हैं कि आने वाले समय में, हमारे साथ जुड़े सभी लोगों को वित्तीय और शारीरिक समस्याएं नहीं होंगी। We see that in the coming time, all the people associated with us will not have financial and physicalproblems.

  11. What WeDo हमारा कार् NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia The human body is made up of more than 100 trillion cells and requires dosage or nutrition to keep the cells healthy, so that we can lead a healthy life. It has been proved that due to the lack of nutrition many diseases and disorders occur in the human body. In relation to the prevention of such deficiencies, cellular NDI believes in spreading the benefits of nourishment therapy, it is a complete method, Which includes world-class products which fulfill all the ingredients in the body of vitamins, minerals, fibers, fatty, aside, enema, acids and vitamin nutrients with the right amount of product nutrition and also removeshortcomings. मानव शरीर 100 ट्रिलियन से अधिक कोशिकाओं से बना है और कोशिकाओं को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए खुराक या पोषण की आवश्यकता होती है, ताकि हम स्वस्थ जीवन जी सकें। यह साबित हो चुका है कि पोषण की कमी के कारण मानव शरीर में कई रोग और विकार उत्पन्न होते हैं। इस तरह की कमियों की रोकथाम के संबंध में, सेलुलर एनडीआई पोषण चिकित्सा के लाभों को फैलाने में विश्वास करता है, यह एक पूर्ण विधि है, जिसमें विश्व स्तर के उत्पाद शामिल हैं जो विटामिन, खनिज, फाइबर, फैटी के शरीर के सभी अवयवों को पूरा करते हैं, एक तरफ , एनीमा, एसिड और विटामिन पोषक तत्व सही मात्रा में उत्पाद पोषण के साथ और कमियों को भी दूर करते हैं

  12. ProductPlan Ayurvedic Bag Jeans Mobile NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia Grocery T-shirts Masale Shirts Jackets Kurti

  13. Share & Earn Money (दिज्ञापन सेइनकम) They all peoples are 80% earning only from advertisement.

  14. Types ofIncome NDI Marketing IncomePlans Re-Purchasing Income SingleLeg Income Promotional Income No-TimeLimit Reward Royalty Income

  15. Bonus EarningPlan Direct SharingIncome UP-- 5100/- SP-- 5100/- DP-- 5100/-


  17. No Time Limit Rewards 1 6 Joining = 2500/-LDP 2 61 Joining = 15000/-Freeze 3 NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia 166 Joining = 25000/-Mob 4 671 Joining = 75000/-Scooty

  18. 1676 Joining = 100000/-Bike 5 6 6681 Joining = 300000/-Cash 7 16686 Joining = 600000/- AltoCar 8 66691 Joining = 3000000/-Car NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia 9 141696 Joining = 4500000/- BMWCar 241704 Joining = 10000000/-3BHK Special Note : Sare Reward Stage Par Hi DiyeJayen 10

  19. Bullet Fund Rank - SilverDiplomat New Direct ID – 50 -2% 1000 – 40000 (capping) PerMonth

  20. CarFund Rank - DiamondDiplomat New Direct ID – 50 -2% 1000 – 30000 (capping) PerMonth

  21. HouseFund Rank – GoldDiplomat New Rank – GoldDiplomat 1000 – 50000 (capping) PerMonth

  22. TeamBonus Rank – DiamondDiplomat New Team – Direct ID – 100 -1% 1000 – 20000 (capping) PerMonth

  23. Repurchasing BonusIncome NDI Marketing Company Re-Purchasing Plan (Total29%) Level-1 10% Level -2 8% 6% Level-3 5% Level -4

  24. Core ClubMember Rank –Kohinoor 1000000/-

  25. Core ClubMember Rank –Kohinoor Royalty Company Turnover se5%

  26. Head Office: B-20 Sector 57Noida, U.P. India -201301 NDI MarketingComp. The New Dream ofIndia Phone: 9713701906 9669323294

  27. Thankyou For yourTime

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