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AD POSTING. - f,dj ckm%sh wu;r uqo,a bmhSfï l%uhla jk ”Ad Posting” l%uh ms<snoj fuysoS wm idlþpd lruq' - f,dj mqrd fndfyduhla wka;¾cd,h Ndú; lrkakka ;u wu;r wd¯hï ud¾.hla f,i ”Ad Posting” l%uh Ndú;d lrk w;r fuh ´kEu wfhl=g b;du;a myiqfjka l< yelsh'
- f,dj ckm%sh wu;r uqo,a bmhSfï l%uhla jk ”Ad Posting” l%uh ms<snoj fuysoS wm idlþpd lruq' - f,dj mqrd fndfyduhla wka;¾cd,h Ndú; lrkakka ;u wu;r wd¯hï ud¾.hla f,i ”Ad Posting” l%uh Ndú;d lrk w;r fuh ´kEu wfhl=g b;du;a myiqfjka l< yelsh' - fuysoS ”Ad Posting”fjí wvúh úiska fokq,nk fj<o ±kaùï wm fjk;a fjí wvú j, ^fkdñ<fha fj<o ±kaùï m< lsrSug bv ,ndfok fjí wvú j,& m,l< hq;=h' tf,i wm úiska m< lrKq ,nk ±kaùï ioyd uqo,a f.ùula isÿflf¾' fuh Ad Posting jYfhka yeÈkafõ'
- fkdñf,a ;ukaf.au kñka AD POSTING .sKqula idod tu.ska uqo,a bmhSu ´kEu wfhl=g b;du;a myiqfjka l< yelsh' - fï ioyd mrs.Klhla iy wka;¾cd, iïnkaO;djhla Tn i;=j ;sìh hq;=h' - m%Mufhka Google fjí wvúhg msúi Ad Posting lsrSu ioyd iqÿiq fjí wvúhla f;dard .; hq;=h' ^1 rEmh& fuysoS fjí wvú oyia .Kkla ,efnk uq;a tu fjí wvú w;rska kshu wjHdc fjí wvú muKla ^jxpksl fjí wvú u.yer& f;dard fjka lr .; hq;=h' fï ioyd Tn l<ska W.;a fjí ixLHdk (Web Statistics) úYaf,aIKh u.ska wdrlaIs; fjí wvú yÿkd .kakd wdldrh m%fhdackhg .kak'
- fï ioyd m%:ufhka Tn úiska f;dard .;aAD POSTINGfjí wvúfha ,shmÈxÉ úh hq;=h' • ,shmÈxÉ ùu ioyd m%:ufhka w¯,fjí wvúhg msúi Sign Infnd;a;u click lrkak' • túg Tnf.a f;dr;=re iemhSu ioyd fmdaru (Forms) lsysmhla újD; jkq we;' fuu fmdaru ioyd ksjerÈ ms,s;=re ,ndoSfuka wk;=rej w¯, fjí wvúfha Tn fjkqfjka .sKqula újD; jkq we;' - lghq;= ish,a, Tn ksjerÈj isÿlf,a kï Èk 5la we;=,; Tnf.a .sKqu il%sh jkq we;' • ó<.g Tnidod .;a User Name iy Password Ndú;d lr uqo,a bmhSu wdrïN l< yelsh' • fuysoS wm wu;r Wmfoia bx.%sis NdIdfjka ,nd oS we;s w;r tu fldgia lshùu ;=<ska Tng wu;r ±kSula ,nd .; yelsh' • fuh isÿ lrk wdldrh rEm igyka u.ska fjkuu fmkajd we;'
- ”Ad Posting”fjí wvúh úiska fokq,nk fj<o ±kaùï wm fjk;a fjí wvú j, ^fkdñ<fha fj<o ±kaùï m< lsrSug bv ,ndfok fjí wvú j,& m,l< hq;=h' tf,i wm úiska m< lrKq ,nk ±kaùï ioyd uqo,a f.ùula isÿflf¾' - fuysoS lrkq ,nk f.ùï Tnf.a Ad Posting .sKqu ;=, tl;= jk w;r uq,q tl;=j wefursldkq fvd,¾ 100la (USD 100/-) jqkq miq fpla m;la u.ska tu uqo, Tnf.a ksjigu ;emEf,ka tjkq we;' - fuysoS lsj hq;= jeo.;a lreKla we;' tkï fuysoS tla fj<o ±kaùula ioyd f.jkq ,nk uqo,a m%udKh iy fpla m;la u.ska uqo,a tjk ,nk iSudj ^ uq,q uqof,a tl;=j& Tnf;dard .kakd fjí wvúh wkqj fjkia jk njhs'
Ad Posting job is a job where all you have to do is post ads on different classified websites, blogs, forums and anywhere else you wish. This job consists of typing and placing ads on the internet. You will get paid for every ad you type regardless of the outcome, sales or responses that are generated. • What are the basic requirements to get started in this ad posting job? To get started you should have the basic knowledge of internet surfing, you should have internet connection and a pc. - This is just for posting ads in free classified websites, forums, blogs or directories. You'll be paid for every ad posted by you, no matter whether it has been clicked or not.
Procedure of doing Ad Posting - First you have to open any free classified web site, there you will find the option 'post free ad', just click it. A new page will open, where you have to input the ad matter & just click post your ad. • After posting each ad, you will get a confirmation mail along with the ad link. You have to copy the url and paste it in an excel sheet. You need to maintain the records of each ad you have posted. Because some web sites may request you to send this by the end of month. - After getting registered with an ad posting web site , they will provide you a list of free classified websites, blogs, and forums. So you don't have to post ads on paid classifieds. - You can choose any of the sites and any free classifieds, blog, and forums.
Your Ad Posting Account will be terminated in the below cases: 1. If you are not doing any work for a long period. 2. If you are posting Ads on auto traffic, auto surf and auto click generating websites. 3. If you are not posting the Ad matters correctly in classifieds continuously. 4. If you are violating any of rules and regulation. 5. You should not repeat the same ads on the same site.
- ie'hq'( fuu lghq;a; lsrSfïoS Tnf;dard .kakd fjí wvúfha Policiesiy Terms & Conditions fydÈka lshjd f;areï .; hq;= nj u;l ;nd .kak'