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Articles. Definite articles. THE. Undefinite articles. A / AN.   "I'd like  a  glass of orange juice, please," John said.     "I put  the  glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.

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  1. Articles Definitearticles THE Undefinitearticles A / AN   "I'd like a glass of orange juice, please," John said.    "I put the glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.

  2. No articleisusedbeforeuncountable and plural nounswhenused in a general sense.I likemusic.She’sinterested in animals and wantstobe a vet. • Whenthereis a followingphraseorclausespecifyingexactlywhatisbeingtalkedabout, thedefinitearticleisrequiredbeforeuncountable and plural nouns.I likethemusictheyplay at thejass club in town.Are theanimals in therainforestsafe in theirenviroment?

  3. Aoranisusedthefirst time a singular countablenounismentioned, butafterthis, theisusedsincethereaderorlistenerisclearaboutwhatisbeingreferredto.Abirdwastrapped in theroom and Anna calledherbrothertohelpher free thepoorcreature. • Singular countablenounsmustalwayshaveanarticleorsomeotherdeterminer (likeeach, my, this) exceptfor a fewfixedexpressionslike :BycarInhospital…

  4. Theisnotusedwith te names of mostcountries. Itis, however, usedwith plural namesornames of countrieswhichcontain a commonnoun.ThePilippinesTheUnitedStates • Theisusedwithplayinginstrumentsbut no articleisusedwithplayinggames.Mary’s hobby isplayingthe guitar and mine isplayingchess. Behavelike singular nounswithverbs

  5. The can oftenbeusedbeforecar, train, bus, plane, ferryorboatwhentalkingaboutthe use of differenttypes of transport in general, evenwhenthemode of transport has notpreviouslybeenreferredto. Aisalsoused.Are yougoingtotakethetrain / atrain /the bus/ a bus to London tomorrow? • Parts of thebody are usually preceded by a possessivepronounratherthananarticlewhenthey are talkedabout in thecontext of theirrelationto a specificbodyorbodies. Whenparts of thebody are talkedabout in general, theisnormallyused.Sally has sprainedherankleTheliveristhelargestorgan in thebody

  6. Thewordownmustbe preceded by a possessivepronounratherthantheoraWhendidyoufirstgetyourown car? • Whenwetalkabouttheunits in whichcommodities are generallyboughtorsold, weoften use by + the. Whenwetalkaboutprice, weusually use a / an.Herparentsusedtobuycoalbythe ton.Those chocolates are nearly $100 a kilo. • Ifwe miss outabeforefew and little, themeaningischangedto mean notmany / notmuchShehada fewfriends (some)Shehadfewfriends (lessthanyouexpected)

  7. We use a /anwhendescribingsomeoneorsomething in a waythatappliestoothersKim isaninterestingcharacter (there are otherinterestingcharacters in theworld) • Each and every precede singular nouns.Everygirl has herownlocker and eachclass has itsowncloakroom

  8. Ejercicio 1 Ejercicio 2 Ejercicio 3 Test builder

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