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Sustainability and the APARSEN Network of Excellence: Preservation services Simon Lambert, Simon.Lambert@stfc.ac.uk Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) 8th International Digital Curation Conference Amsterdam , 17 January 2013. Preservation services: the APARSEN approach.
Sustainability and the APARSEN Network of Excellence: Preservation services Simon Lambert, Simon.Lambert@stfc.ac.uk Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) 8th International Digital Curation ConferenceAmsterdam, 17 January 2013
Preservation services: the APARSEN approach “Services that perform or assist with preservation-related activities or operations” • Aim to characterise a set of services covering the spectrum of needs of digital preservation • Examine what services already exist, are under development, or have potential for development • Identify both general, infrastructure-type components as well as delimiting applicability of specific services and techniques • Take into account requirements of different domains
Services as an aspect of sustainability • Sustainability as one of the “topics” of digital preservation in APARSEN • Others are trust, usability, access • What contributes to the ability of digital preservation systems to continue their existence into the future?
What do we mean by preservation services? • A somewhat fuzzy definition, but some characteristics are: • Something that can be shared • Distinguished from a tool (partly …) • Could in principle be offered by an external party • Do we include services carried out by people? (e.g. audit and certification)
Some examples of services • Registry/repository of representation information • Authenticity evidence service • Persistent identifier resolver • Characterisation service • Cloud storage service
Key questions • What services are needed for a sustainable infrastructure? • Conversely, what service offerings already exist or are under development? How may they be delivered? • Is there a common view on what services can be shared?
Starting points for mapping services PARSE.Insightroadmap
Starting points for mapping services “Long-Term Preservation Services: A description of LTP services in a Digital Library environment” (by several national libraries)
From Neil Grindley, JISC What might organisations need in terms of preservation services? ?
How to classify services • Two-dimensional classification seems reasonable • Type of data • Service function
Mapping to the RAC standard • ISO 16363 “Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories” • Offers a detailed specification of criteria by which digital repositories may be audited • A series of metrics under the following main headings: • Organizational Infrastructure • Digital Object Management • Infrastructure and Security Risk Management • Each metric is accompanied by discussion and examples of how a repository can show it is meeting the requirement expressed in the metric
Mapping to the RAC standard • See separate spreadsheet
Relation to other sustainability issues • Storage solutions • … as a service • Costs • … obviously depend on how activities are implemented • Business cases • … likewise
Discussion • Does the two-sided approach to services make sense? (supply and demand) • How could we map a landscape of services? • Are there any services that seem not to be covered by this approach? • What are your priorities for services?