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Travel Planning Steps and Tips for a Stress-Free Vacation

Explore how to plan a vacation smoothly, from visiting the travel agency to boarding the plane and beyond. Learn about packing tips, flight procedures, and more for a hassle-free trip.

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Travel Planning Steps and Tips for a Stress-Free Vacation

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  1. Haciendo planes para ir de vacaciones/hacer un viaje Making plans in order to go on vacation/to take a trip

  2. Ir a la agencia de viajes To go to the travel agency

  3. Hablar con el/la agente de viajes To talk with the (male/female) travel agent

  4. Comprarun boleto de ida y vuelta To buy a round trip ticket

  5. Hacer el itinerario To make the itinerary

  6. Antes de la salida del vuelo… Before the flight….

  7. Hacerlasmaletas To pack the suitcases

  8. Confirmar el vuelo To confirm the flight

  9. Ir al (el) aeropuerto Go to the airport

  10. Hacer cola To get in line

  11. Facturar el equipaje To check the luggage

  12. Recibir la tarjeta de embarque To receive the boarding pass

  13. Mirar a la pantalla de salidas y lasllegadas To look at the departures and arrivals screen

  14. SACAR Y El pasaporte Take out the passport and the identification La identificación

  15. Pasarporseguridad To pass through security

  16. Esperar en la puerta To wait at the gate

  17. Abordar el avión To board the plane

  18. Después de la llegada del vuelo… After the the arrival of the flight…

  19. Pasarpor la aduana To pass through customs

  20. Buscarlasmaletas en el reclamo de equipaje To look for the suitcases on the baggage claim

  21. Visitarla oficina de turismo To visit the tourism office

  22. Ir a la parada de autobús Go to the bus stop O (or) Tomar un taxi To take a taxi

  23. Hacer = to do/make hacemos hago We do/ make I do/make haces You (fam.) do/make hace hacen -He/she does/makes You (formal) -do/make -They do/make You (all) -do/make

  24. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS (DOP) • Used to replace nouns (person, place or thing) • Example: • I didthe HW = I didit. *“it” replaces “the HW”*

  25. Plural = more than 1 person, place or thing Singular = 1 person, place or thing nos = us me =me *Replaces “nosotros” and “nosotras” *Replaces “mí” (yo) te =you(fam.) *Replaces “ ti” (tú) lo = you(formal), him, it los = you(all), them MASC *Replaces “Él” OR words with el and un in front MASC *Replaces “Ellos” OR words with los and unos in front la = you(formal), her, it las = you(all), them FEM FEM *Replaces “Ellas” OR words with las and unasin front *Replaces “Ella” OR words with la and unain front

  26. WHICH DOP WOULD YOU USE TO REPLACE EACH NOUN BELOW? me • mí • ti • nosotros • ellos • ellas • lasmaletas • losdeportes • laclase • elautobús te nos los las las los la lo

  27. EXAMPLES OF WHICH DOP YOU WOULD USE. 1.Ellos ayudan a mí. They helpme. “Me” replaces “mí” (yo) Ellos meayudan. They helpme. 2.Ella conocea ti. She knowsyou. “Te” replaces “ti” (tú) Ella teconoce. She knowsyou.

  28. EXAMPLES OF WHAT DOP YOU WOULD USE. 3.Yo hagoel itinerario. I makethe itinerary. “lo” replaces “el itinerario” Yo lohago. I makeit. 4.Tú hacesla maleta. You packthe suitcase. “la” replaces “la maleta” Tú lahaces. You packit.

  29. EXAMPLES OF WHAT DOP YOU WOULD USE. 5.Usted llamaa nosotros. You callus. “nos” replaces “nosotros” Usted nosllama. You callus. 6.Él compralos boletos. He buysthe tickets. “los” replaces “los boletos” Él loscompra. He buysthem.

  30. EXAMPLES OF WHAT DOP YOU WOULD USE. 7.Nosotros miramoslas películas. We watchthe movies. “las” replaces “las películas” Nosotros lasmiramos. We watchthem.

  31. Steps for using DOP • Identify the noun in a sentence • Choose DOP to replace noun: me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las • Eliminate noun from sentence and place the DOPBEFORE THE VERB Yo comproel helado.  I buy the ice cream. El helado (the ice cream) = lo (it) Yo compro.  I buy it. lo

  32. JUST BE AWARE! Yo voyacomerla pizza. = I’m goingto eat the pizza. • DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS CAN GO IN FRONT OF A CONJUGATED VERB: • OR…DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS CAN GET ATTACHED TO A VERB INFINITIVE: Yo lavoyacomer. = I’m goingto eat it. Yo voyacomerla. = I’m goingto eat it.

  33. Indirect Object Pronouns (IOP) • These tell you to whom or for whom something is intended • Examples in English: • to her • to them

  34. Me To me a mí To you (familiar) Te a ti a él/a ella/a usted a name a mi abuela To him, to her, to you (formal) Le Nos To us a nosotros a nosotras a ellos a ellas a ustedes a Name y Name To them, to you all Les

  35. Examples of IOP used – look for “a…” to help you indicate the IOP I’m going to buy shoes for myself. Indicator for IOP IOP • Mevoy a comprar unos zapatos a mí. • Te voy a dar un disco compacto a ti. • Pienso regalarle una flor a mi abuela. • Nos voy a comprar unos dulces a nosotros. • Pienso regalarles unos juguetes a los niños. I’m going to give a CD to you. Indicator for IOP IOP Indicator for IOP IOP I plan to give a flower to my grandma. IOP Indicator for IOP Im going to buy candy for us. IOP Indicator for IOP I plan to give toys to the kids.

  36. Practicamos • Say which IOP you would use for each person or people below A ti Al presidente A ustedes Te Les Le

  37. Which IOP would you use for each one below? me te 1. a mí _____ 2. a ti _____ 3. a Manuel _____ 4. a tus primos _____ 5. a Gabriela _____ 6. a nosotros _____ 7. a Miguel y Alejandro _____ 8. a ellos _____ 9. a mí y mi familia _____ 10. a ti y tus amigos _____ IOP le MEANING les le nos les les nos les

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