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Lection 1 LECTOR: Zlata Tiahunova , PhD , Poltava University of Economics and Trade

BUDAPEST METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY (Hungary) Poltava University of Economics and Trade (Ukraine) Digital Marketing as the Main Method of Brand Promotion in International Business. Lection 1 LECTOR: Zlata Tiahunova , PhD , Poltava University of Economics and Trade.

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Lection 1 LECTOR: Zlata Tiahunova , PhD , Poltava University of Economics and Trade

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  1. BUDAPEST METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY (Hungary)Poltava University of Economics and Trade (Ukraine)Digital Marketing as the Main Method of Brand Promotion in International Business Lection 1 LECTOR: ZlataTiahunova, PhD, Poltava University of Economics and Trade

  2. 1. What is Brand Promotion in International Business? 2. Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing: Which One Is Better? 3. What Digital Marketing Tool to Use and When? 4. How to develop an international digital marketing strategy? 5. What is the impact of digital marketing on the international business?

  3. The brand of a company represents everything the company stands for. It becomes the label of the company’s values, services and reputation. Branding offers a competitive edge through differentiation. This makes it vital to create an effective international brand. • Since, choosing a company name, slogan or brand can make or break a company, one needs to be aware that certain brand names could have different translations in other countries. A great example of this is Mercedes-Benz. They entered the Chinese market with the name “Bensi,” which translates into “rush to die” in Chinese. Another branding failure was Pepsi’s slogan in China that translated as “Pepsi Brings You Back from the Grave,” instead of its original English idea : Pepsi Brings You Back to Life! *Souse: https://www.allianceexperts.com/en/knowledge/exports/export-marketing/

  4. Here are top 5 most valuable brands, according to the firm's rankings in 2018: • 1. Amazon Brand value: $150.8 billion • 2. Apple Brand value: $146.3 billion • 3. Google Brand value: $120.9 billion • 4. Samsung Brand value: $92.3 billion • 5. Facebook Brand value: $89.7 billion *Souse: https://www.inc.com/business-insider/amazon-google-most-valuable-brands-brand-finance-2018.html

  5. 5 Strategies to Build a Global Brand • Building a global brand requires more than just launching a web site that's accessible from almost anywhere in the world. • From language missteps to misunderstanding cultural norms, veteran branding expert Barbara E. Kahn has seen it all when it comes to the missteps of launching a brand across borders. Here, she shares five tips to help entrepreneurs avoid the pitfalls. *Souse: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226554

  6. 1. Understand customer behavior. Just because consumers have certain buying preferences or habits in one culture, doesn't mean that such preferences are universal. "It's astonishing how many retailers haven't made it because they haven't studied how consumers shop," she says. In her book, Global Brand Power (Wharton Digital Press, 2013), Kahn cites Walmart's mistake in choosing locations in China that were near industrial parks when consumers were used to shopping closer to home instead of near work. 2. Position yourself properly. Good brand positioning includes truly understanding your competition and then looking at your competitive advantage. Who are the providers of similar products and services that you sell in this country? They may not be the same providers as in the U.S. For example, if you sell athletic clothing, look at where people are buying their athletic clothing. It could be from specialty stores, online retailers, or sporting goods stores. If you have a high-end brand and you're going into a market where the preferred buying location is discount retailers, it may take a different strategy from the one you use in the U.S. "You need to understand how people shop and how your brand will fit into that mix," she says. *Souse: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226554

  7. 3. Know how your brand translates.A clever brand or product name in one language may translate into an embarrassing misstep in another. For example, the French cheese brand Kiri changed its name to Kibi in Iran because the former name means “rotten” or “rank” in Farsi -- not exactly the association you want for cheese. In addition to ensuring that your brand translates well into other languages, consider which colors are favored in various markets. In the U.S., blues and greens are favored, while reds and yellows are frequently used in some Latin American countries and may be appealing and familiar to audience members from those areas. 4. Think broadly. Since your company may need to expand into offering new products based on regional market demands, it's important that your company name be broad enough to accommodate those changes. *Souse: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226554

  8. Brand building tools are the means of marketing communication by which companies aim to inform, persuade and remind customers directly or indirectly about its product and brands. In a way, they dialog and build relationships with customers. • The brand building tools are not fundamentally different in B2C and B2B areas. The communications program is made up of the same major modes of communication (Kotler and Pfoertsch, 2006). *Souse: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:453926/ATTACHMENT01

  9. Promotionhas been defined as the coordination of all • seller initiated efforts to set up channel of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and service or promote an idea. While implicit communication occurs through the various elements of the marketing mix, most of an organization’s communication with the marketplace take place as part of a carefully planned and control promotional program (Belch & Belch, 2009). • Traditionally the promotional mix has included four elements: advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling. In the modern perspective, direct marketing and internet marketing is the major promotional mix elements. Each element has different forms and advantages. Organization uses a variety of tools and media (broadcast, print, outdoor, in store, digital and others) to engage their audiences and generate brand awareness. *Souse: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:453926/ATTACHMENT01

  10. The six principles of promotional tools are presented below: *Souse: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:453926/ATTACHMENT01

  11. Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing: Which One Is Better? • To clarify the terms, the use of print ads on newspapers and magazines is a simple example of traditional marketing. Other examples include flyers that are put in mailboxes, commercials both on TV and radio and billboards. On the other hand, when a business invests on building a website, advertising the brand name through different social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, this kind strategy is called digital marketing. *Souse: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2016/july/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing

  12. Benefits of Traditional Marketing • You can easily reach your target local audience. For example, a radio ad might play in one location: your city or region. Or mailbox flyers will go to households in a select number of suburbs. • The materials can be kept. The audience can have a hard copy of materials of which they can read or browse through over and over again. • It's easy to understand. It can be easily understood by most people because they are already exposed to this kind of strategy. *Souse: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2016/july/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing

  13. The Downside to Traditional Marketing • There is very little interaction between the medium used and the customers. It is more of providing information to the public that the brand exists with the hope of these people patronizing the brand. • Print or radio advertisements can be very costly. Printing materials can be expensive and you need to hire people to distribute these. • Results on this marketing strategy cannot easily be measured. Was the campaign successful? *Souse: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2016/july/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing

  14. Benefits of Digital Marketing • You can target a local audience, but also an international one. Further, you can tailor a campaign to specific audience demographics, such as gender, location, age and interests. This means your campaign will be more effective. • Your audience can choose how they want to receive your content. While one person likes to read a blog post, another person likes to watch a YouTube video. Traditional marketing doesn't give the audience a choice. Most people hate receiving sales flyers in their mailbox or phone calls at inconvenient times on stuff that they have little interest in.  Online people get the choice to opt in or out of communications and often it is relevant because they were the ones searching for it in the first place.  Don’t underestimate the power of market segmentation and tailored marketing. *Souse: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2016/july/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing

  15. Interaction with your audience is possible with the use of social media networks. In fact, interaction is encouraged. Traditional marketing methods don't allow for audience interaction. You can encourage your prospects, clients and followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services, rate them, buy them and provide feedback which is visible to your market. • Digital marketing is cost-efficient. Though some invest on paid ads online; however, the cost is still cheaper compared to traditional marketing. • Data and results are easily recorded. With Google Analytics and the insights tools offered by most social media channels, you can check on your campaigns at any time. Unlike traditional marketing methods, you can see in real time what is or is not working for your business online and you can adapt very quickly to improve your results. • Level playing field:  Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of size with a solid digital marketing strategy.  Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle to match the finesse of the fixtures and fittings of its larger competitors.  Online, a crisp well thought out site with a smooth customer journey and fantastic service is king – not size. • Real time results: you don’t have to wait weeks for a boost to your business like you would have to waiting for a fax or form to be returned.  You can see the numbers of visitors to your site and its subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a button. *Souse: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2016/july/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing

  16. Brand Development: A well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and adding value to your target audience can provide significant value and lead generation opportunities.  The same can be said for utilising social media channels and personalised email marketing. • Viral: how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and prospects?  Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social media channels enables your message to be shared incredibly quickly.  If you consider the average Facebook user has 190 friends of which an average of 12% see their liked posts – your one message has actually been seen by 15 new prospects. Now imagine a number of them also like and share your message and their friends do the same?  That's why high-quality content is so important. *Souse: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2016/july/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing

  17. What Digital Marketing Tool to Use and When? • Infographics - Use when you want to explain something with visual aids. Label a map instead of taking 500 words to describe where all the countries are. Infographics are great to explain your competitive advantages, inform about what you do, how you do it and the benefit of your product/service. Plus it’s easy to share as a sponsored ad/post/tweet in LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  18. Bing Search - Lots of people use Internet Explorer and Bing is the default search tool. Several verticals like financial services do well on the Bing Search network. The ads are very cheap (fewer businesses advertise). That means greater ROI if your campaign goals are clear. Internet Explorer is still widely used on most office and family machines. Bing ads also appear in Yahoo! Search. Use Bing Search if you promote/sell financial services or are looking for cheap traffic. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  19. Streaming Services (Hulu, Pandora) - Both are meaningful substitutes to traditional TV and radio. Hulu and Pandora guarantee impressions in specific demographics, geography and interests. You can’t skip their ads like you can on live TV, radio or YouTube. If you are already on local TV and radio then allocating a part of that budget for far more targeted, measurable and guaranteed impressions makes sense. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  20. Google Search - Advertise on search results relevant to your product or service. Powerful and productive if you know what search terms (keywords) you want to focus on. A waste of money if you don’t since Google Search ads are competitive. Instead of bidding on competitive keywords try focusing on specific phrases or geographies and bid aggressively. This won’t show your ad often, but will show to the most meaningful searchers when it does. Resulting in more clicks. The riches are in the niches. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  21. LinkedIn Ads and Social Selling - LinkedIn is the king of B2B sales. Use a Premium LinkedIn account and these tactics to reach decision makers at any company. Communicate with niche businesses (ie; marketing execs for restaurants in Toledo) by targeting that group with advertisements and relevant information. Use this tool if you are in the B2B realm, need to target specific industry verticals and communicate offers directly to decision makers. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  22. Marketing Automation - These apps help develop a marketing strategy based in online tools. Setup a process map and these tools automate follow-ups and lead nurturing. Automatically email contacts updates, follow-up based on their responses and stay front of mind. You need to get contacts and email addresses before you start. Leverage the on-boarding support most marketing automation companies give you at signup. Evaluate the tool’s value by getting the provider to immediately setup a campaign. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  23. eCommerce- Use eCommerce principles in all digital properties. Offer something online that people can say yes to - an appointment, consultation, seminar, webinar, ebook download etc even if you don’t sell anything online. Setup an eCommerce website to move products online if you have products to sell. There is a lot of free (Opencart, Woocommerce, OsCommerce, Magento) and paid shopping cart software available (Shopify, Volusion) depending on your budget. Any will suffice. Integrate Google Product Listing Ads to boost online sales from your site. Submit your site and products to Google (a simple process) and set a daily advertising budget. The product’s picture, price and a link to your website appear in Google search results and on Google shopping if someone Google’s a product you sell. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  24. App Development - Build web and mobile apps for specific purposes only. These are great if you need to solve a particular business pain. If your business uses a system that is customized for you then you should extend its usage to an app (so that the database loads/renders quickly). For everything else responsive/mobile friendly pages will suffice. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  25. Analytics - Lots of tools are available to analyze your digital marketing performance. Never start a campaign without mechanisms to track how many times the campaign results in new business opportunities (conversions). Most advertising mediums give you the ability to track conversions. Definitely take this further and see how those conversions (ie; ebook downloads) translate into sales meetings, closed deals and deal size to see if the campaign generated a return. Also use this data to refine your next campaign. *Souse: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sajeel-qureshi/what-digital-marketing-to_b_5530675.html

  26. Top 5 Digital Marketing Platforms for Brand Promotion

  27. If you are using the internet for technical research you might surely have once reached on this website. It features a lot of useful content as well is one of the best Digital Marketing platforms for brand promotion. Hubspot has all the important features all integrated in one single platform, which is very easy to use. You can make use of it for SEO and other major concepts of digital marketing such as multi-device testing. *Souse: http://www.artcotechs.net/top-5-digital-marketing-platforms-for-brand-promotion/

  28. This is now a part of Salesforce, they have a lot of tools which can be used for Digital Marketing management purposes and promotion of your or your client’s brand. This involves a lot of tools such as tools to establish online relationships with other brands and customers. You can use it for emailing and automation purposes. This tools also helps you in multiple level approach and analyzing the results. *Souse: http://www.artcotechs.net/top-5-digital-marketing-platforms-for-brand-promotion/

  29. If you have so many projects to manage at the same time, then Marketo is a perfect choice which can help you in the automation of promoting the brands on Digital Marketing platforms. You can start multi-level and multi-channel; campaigns, all with automation. The best part of such kind of automation is that you time is saved which you can use in other work. A Digital Marketing tool should be modern and up to date so that it can fulfil the need of promotion of any brand of the top most level. • There are some good videos on YouTube like generate business leads from Facebook and brand promotion ideas also and you must see them. *Souse: http://www.artcotechs.net/top-5-digital-marketing-platforms-for-brand-promotion/

  30. If you want a platform to increase you website traffic or brand value by getting competitor based keywords and backlinks, then SEMRush is the first choice of any digital marketer. It us a tool which get information from Google Keyword searches and rank the websites accordingly. You can see on it which is getting the traffic from which keywords. Thus you can start having content targeted for the same keyword in same niche and thus getting more and more traffic for you. This is our favorite tool for Keyword research and Site audits. *Souse: http://www.artcotechs.net/top-5-digital-marketing-platforms-for-brand-promotion/

  31. This is specially a SEO based campaigns management Digital Marketing platform. This tools will help you to look for the SEO based keywords to gain more and more traffic. This will also help you indirectly to optimize your website and thus you will end up in brand promotion after monitoring your website performance. And as like the other Digital Marketing platforms listed in this article, this tool also has the concept of automation to save your time. *Souse: http://www.artcotechs.net/top-5-digital-marketing-platforms-for-brand-promotion/

  32. How to develop an international digital marketing strategy?

  33. Globalisation is no longer an obscure term reserved for academics: it is a very real and ever growing phenomenon affecting most people and businesses all over the world. In the digital arena, this means that a company's website also needs to be a part of the global mix. If you'd like to focus on trading and exporting your products and services worldwide, you need to have a solid international digital marketing strategy in place. The aim of this post is to highlight a wide range of considerations that need to be addressed in order to tailor your strategy to a global target market. The areas that will be focused on are: website design, international SEO, international PPC and international social media marketing. *Souse: https://www.smartinsights.com/online-brand-strategy/international-marketing/develop-international-digital-marketing-strategy/

  34. What is the impact of digital marketing on the international business?

  35. Stage 1: Domestic market or HQ focus Benefits and Risks: • The benefit?A cost effective way of «globalising»a market-specific campaign. • The risk?A potentially bland and soulless campaign, or worse still one that crosses the line of accepted cultural norms and might even be perceived as offensive in certain markets.Diesel’s «be stupid»ad campaign for example had to be pulled out of the UK after being deemed inappropriate. *Souse: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-impact-of-digital-marketing-on-the-international-business-field

  36. Stage 2: Domestic and International focus • Over time, the process evolved and became more fluid. Brands learned to operate with a more international mindset and produce campaigns relevant across a range of markets. They managed to reach the fine balance between keeping global cohesion and branding, and integrating cultural flavours. • In-market marketers actively participated in the ideation and development of the campaign to make sure that it hit the spot in their market.Equally, global marketers became savvier in their knowledge of the various cultures (and underlying languages, regulations, accepted behaviours, etc.) their brands operated in. *Souse: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-impact-of-digital-marketing-on-the-international-business-field

  37. Stage 3: Global focus • This approach has worked particularly well for certain brands. Coca-Cola for example arguably established the early concept of global marketing and has managed to keep its slogans universal through the years. From ‘Have a Coke and smile’ in 1979 to ‘Can’t Beat The Feeling’ in 1989 and ‘Always Coca-Cola’ in 1993, its taglines appealed to its audience’s feelings – universally so. *Souse: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-impact-of-digital-marketing-on-the-international-business-field

  38. THANK YOU!

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