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Master Data Systems Engineering Department

Understand the importance of master data in the procurement process, delve into material and vendor master records, and learn how to create, maintain, and utilize these records effectively. Gain insights on organizational impacts and data maintenance strategies.

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Master Data Systems Engineering Department

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  1. Industrial Information System LAB 06: Master Data Systems Engineering Department

  2. Reminder from our previous labs! • Master Data Data that remains unchanged for an extended period of time (in contrast to transactional data). Contains info. that is used in the same way for similar objects. Examples are suppliers (name, address and banking information), materials, customers. • The Procurement Process In procurement process we used a number of data that is classified as master data such as material master & vendor master. Systems Engineering Department

  3. Master Data Material Master Record Vendor Master Record Objectives & outcomes • Create Edit or maintain material and vendor master record • Understand and Explain the impact of organizational levels on the material and vendor master Systems Engineering Department

  4. Master Data Your Business Scenario Systems Engineering Department

  5. Master Data Master Data in Procurement process Systems Engineering Department

  6. Master Data: a closer look! • Master data contains data records that are stored in the database for a long period of time. • These are stored centrally and used and processed on a cross-application basis. This prevents the multiple storage (redundancy) of data. • The material master record and vendor master record are the most important master data in the procurement process. Systems Engineering Department

  7. Master Data • When you create purchasing documents, SAP facilitates data entry by copying the data from existing master records as default values into the purchasing documents. • It also copies data such as: • units of measure and material short texts etc. from the material master record • The data in the vendor master record includes addresses and payment data. You can store data for a particular material (for example, delivery time and purchase price) on a vendor basis in info records. Systems Engineering Department

  8. Material Master Systems Engineering Department

  9. Material Master • The material master record is a company's main source of material-specific data. It is used by all components in the Logistics System • The integration of all material data in a single database object prevents the problem of data redundancy. • Every area, such as Purchasing, Inventory Management, Materials Planning, and Invoice Verification can use the same stored material data. Systems Engineering Department

  10. Material Master data Systems Engineering Department

  11. Material Master • The data contained in the material master record is required for many functions such as: • Purchasing data for POs • Inventory management data for posting goods movements and managing physical inventory • Accounting data for material valuation • MRP data for Material Requirements Planning Systems Engineering Department

  12. Material Master • Since materials are processed by various user departments within a company and each department stores different information for the materials, the material master is subdivided into information grouped by user departments. • Each user department has a different view of the material master record and is responsible for maintaining the data to support its function. • The data maintained within a view may be valid for more than one organizational level. Systems Engineering Department

  13. Material Master: Organizational level • Some material data is valid for all organizational levels, while some valid for certain levels. It is designed to reflect the structure of your enterprise so that you can manage the material data centrally, without overloading datasets with redundant information. Systems Engineering Department

  14. Vendor Master Systems Engineering Department

  15. Vendor Master • In Accounting, the vendor is regarded as the company's crediting business partner. • The vendor master record is therefore maintained by Accounting and Purchasing. Systems Engineering Department

  16. Vendor Master • Data in the vendor master record is subdivided into three categories: • General data is valid for the whole client. • Purchasing data is maintained for each purchasing org. You can also maintain different data on a plant-dependent basis or for vendor sub-ranges. • Accounting data: is maintained at company code level. Systems Engineering Department

  17. Vendor Master • Each user department can maintain both general data and Purchasing and Accounting-specific data centrally or decentrally. In addition, Purchasing often maintains data at corporate group level • You can use SAP authorization concept to define how data maintenance should be organized in the vendor master record. Systems Engineering Department

  18. Exercise Systems Engineering Department

  19. Material Master Record • Screens to pass through to maintain a materials master record Systems Engineering Department

  20. Material Master Record • You can assign materials with the same characteristics to the same material type. Material types include raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products, for example. Systems Engineering Department

  21. Material Master Record • Data Entry Screens Systems Engineering Department

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