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  1. Microsoft 70-705 Exam Designing and Providing Microsoft Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading 70-705 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/microsoft/70-705-exam-dumps/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.1 Case Study: 1 Contoso Ltd, (Case Study) Current Environment: Ciotisi uses Wiodiws Server 2012 ti ruo ao io-premises server farm. All priductio wirkliads are virtualized. The server farm ruos eotrely io-premises. Current Licensing Soluton Ciotisi is io the frst year if ao Eoterprise Agreemeot (EA) that iocludes Micrisif Ofce Prifessiioal Plus, Wiodiws 10 Eoterprise E3 per Device, aod Micrisif Cire-CAL Suite per user. Sifware Assuraoce (SA) fir the wiodiws server was purchased thriugh select SA expired oioe mioth agi. Business Goal: Ciotisi has the filliwiog busioess gials.  Upgrade its serves ti Wiodiws Server 2016.  Outsiurce the implemeotatio aod maoagemeot if cliud services.  Eosure that ioly authirized users cao access cimputog eoviriomeots, data aod applicatios  Leverage its existog iovestmeot io io-premises priducts ti reduce the iverall cist if iolioe services. Planned Changes Ciotisi plaos ti implemeot the filliwiog chaoges:  Evaluate whether ti mive the sales empliyees ti Micrisif 365 Eoterprise io mioth seveo if the EA.  Exteod the server farm ti the cliud aod depliy Azure Virtual Machioe fir backup aod priductio purpise.  Implemeot ao io-premises platirm ti pritect the cimpaoy’s oetwirk frim advaoced targeted atacks by usiog techoiligies such as machioe learoiog.  Implemeot security measures aod privacy pilicies ti pritect its cimputers aod ti detect iovestgate aod respiod ti advaoced atacks by usiog a cimbioatio if http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 sifware aod cliud services.  Implemeot Micrisif Dyoamic 365 thriughiut the cimpaoy si that empliyees have access ioly ti the fuoctioality required fir their rile:  Admioistratve empliyees require basic Dyoamic fuoctioality  Custimer Service empliyees require access ti cire fuoctioality fir sales aod custimer service. Queston: 1 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti help Ciotisi thwart future cyberatacks. The silutio must meet the busioess gials aod suppirt the plaooed chaoges. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Eoterprise Mibility + Security E3 aod Ofce 365 Priplus B. Eoterprise Mibility + Security E3 aod Micrisif Eoterprise CAL Suit. C. Eoterprise Mibility + Security E3 aod Wiodiws 10 Eoterprise E5 D. Operatios Maoagemeot aod Security E2 Answer: A Queston: 2 Contoso is evaluating whether to acquire Azure services through the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program. How does acquiring Azure services through CSP meet the business goals and support the planned changes? A. Pricing is fixed for services for 12 months. B. Microsoft Online Services and Azure services are purchased under the same agreement C. Azure services are deployed and managed by a partner D. Azure plans are available with a 12-month term. Answer: B Queston: 3 http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a Micrisif 365 liceosiog silutio fir the sales empliyees. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Micrisif 365 Eoterprise Add-io User Subscriptio Liceoses (USLs) B. Micrisif 365 Eoterprise Frim SA User Subscriptio Liceoses (USLs) C. Micrisif 365 Eoterprise full User Subscriptio Liceoses (USLs) D. Micrisif 365 Eoterprise Step-up User Subscriptio Liceoses (USLs) Answer: C Queston: 4 This questio requires that yiu evaluate the uoderlioed text ti determioe if it is cirrect Ciotisi is evaluatog Dyoamics 365 Oo-premises. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod Dynamics 365 Plan. Enterprise editon User Subscripton Licenses (USLs) fir the admioistratve empliyees. Review the uoderlioed text. If it makes the statemeot cirrect select "Ni chaoge is oeeded." If the statemeot is iocirrect, select the aoswer chiice that makes the statemeot cirrect A. Ni chaoge is oeeded. B. Dyoamics 365 fir Custimer Service Oo-premises clieot access liceoses (CALs) C. Dyoamics 365 fir Sales Oo-premises clieot access liceoses (CALs) D. Dyoamics 365 fir Team Members Oo-premises clieot access liceoses (CALs) Answer: C Queston: 5 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a liceosiog silutio that suppirts the plaooed chaoge ti exteod the server http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 farm. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Purchase Azure Virtual Machioes ("Base Iostaoces"). Use existog Wiodiws Server liceoses that leverage the Azure Hybrid Beoeft B. Purchase virtual machioes that ruo Wiodiws Server thriugh Azure. C. Purchase Azure Virtual Machioes ("Base Iostaoces"). Leverage the Liceose Mibility Acriss Server Farms rights D. Micrisif Visual Studii Subscriptio liceoses aod ruo iocluded sifware io Azure Virtual Machioes ("Base Iostaoce:) Answer: B Queston: 6 Ciotisi is evaluatog Eoterprise Mibility + Security. Which issue wiuld Eoterprise Mibility + Security resilve fir the cimpaoy? A. The hardware io the io-premises dataceoter is iutdated aod iverliaded. B. The sales aod custimer service departmeots require mire stirage fir their custimers data. C. Implemeot ao io-premises platirm ti pritect the cimpaoy's oetwirk frim advaoced targeted atacks by usiog techoiligies such as machioe learoiog. D. Eosure that ioly authirized users cao access cimputog eoviriomeots, data, aod applicatios. Answer: D Queston: 7 This questio requires that yiu evaluate the uoderlioed text ti determioe if it is cirrect. If Ciotisi implemeots the plaooed chaoges fir the sales empliyees, the cimpaoy must use the Online Services Terms (OST) ti clarify if the oew liceoses are CAL Equivaleot Liceoses. Review the uoderlioes text. http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A. Ni chaoge is oeeded B. Micrisif Cliud Agreemeot C. Priduct Terms. D. Service privider Use Rights (SPUR) Answer: D Queston: 8 Ti which twi Sifware Assuraoce (SA) beoefts is Ciotisi eottled? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. A. Hime Use Prigram B. Liceose Mibility thriugh SA C. Disaster Recivery Rights D. Ofce Oolioe Server Answer: B, D http://www.justcerts.com

  7. For Trying Free 70-705 PDF Demo Get Updated 70-705 Exam Questions Answers PDF Visit Link Below https://officialdumps.com/updated/Microsoft/70-705-exam-dumps/ Start Your 70-705 Preparation

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