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專題研究 語音訊號處理專題

專題研究 語音訊號處理專題. 助教:余典翰 指導教授:李琳山. Outline. Acoustics ( 聲學 ) Phonetics ( 語音學 ) Useful Tools. Part 1. A coustics. Acoustics (1/4). Oscillogram ( 波形圖 ) Spectrogram ( 頻譜圖 ). Acoustics (2/4 ). Frequency hertz (Hz) Amplitude decibel (dB) Phase degree ( ∘ ). period. amplitude. phase.

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專題研究 語音訊號處理專題

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  1. 專題研究語音訊號處理專題 助教:余典翰 指導教授:李琳山

  2. Outline • Acoustics (聲學) • Phonetics(語音學) • Useful Tools

  3. Part 1 Acoustics

  4. Acoustics(1/4) • Oscillogram(波形圖) • Spectrogram (頻譜圖)

  5. Acoustics(2/4) • Frequency • hertz (Hz) • Amplitude • decibel (dB) • Phase • degree (∘) period amplitude phase

  6. Acoustics(3/4) • F0 (fundamental frequency 基頻) • property of vocal fold(聲帶)vibration • pitch(音高) fundamental period

  7. Acoustics(4/4) • F1, F2, F3… (formant frequencies 共振頻率) • properties of vocal tract(聲道) • phone (音素) F3 F2 F1

  8. Part 2 Phonetics

  9. Phonetics(1/4) • Transcription • 語音符號 • Articulatory phonetics (speech production) • 語音發聲 • Acoustics phonetics • 語音聲學 • Auditory phonetics (speech perception) • 語音聽覺

  10. Phonetics(2/4) • Vowels • Monophthong(單母音) • Diphthong (雙母音)

  11. Phonetics(3/4) • Consonants • Voiced(濁音) • Unvoiced(清音) ╳ • Plosive/Stop (爆破音/塞音) • Fricative(擦音) • Affricate(塞擦音) • Nasal(鼻音)

  12. Phonetics(4/4) • IPA consonantsfor English

  13. Part 3 Useful Tools

  14. Useful Tools • Praat • http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/ • Wavesurfer • http://www.speech.kth.se/wavesurfer/index.html

  15. Praat (1/6)

  16. Praat(2/6) • Read from file (.wav)

  17. Praat(3/6) • Record mono sound (need microphone)

  18. Praat(4/6) • Record • Stop • Save to list

  19. Praat(5/6) • View & Edit

  20. Praat(6/6)

  21. Wavesurfer (1/4) • File/Open

  22. Wavesurfer(2/4) • Choose “Speech analysis” • Do NOT check “default” (next time will crash)

  23. Wavesurfer(3/4)

  24. Wavesurfer(4/4) • Right click and create other panes you need • Ex: power plot

  25. Summer Assignment • Use praat or wavesurfer to analyze a .wav file • Can you identify any phone by spectrogram? • What kind of vowels or consonants are there? • Can you recognize pitch and formants? • Try out more functions of these tools!

  26. Thank You Questions? r01942043@ntu.edu.tw

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