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C Stream Input

C Stream Input/output. C provides low level and high level I/O capabilitieslow level stream transfer deal with individual bytehigh level stream transfer deals with built-in data type and user-defined data types. C Stream Input/output. iostream library has hundreds of I/O capabilitiesiostre

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C Stream Input

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    1. C++ Stream Input/output C++ standard libraries provide an extensive set of input/output capabilities. Streams of bytes, a sequence of bytes bytes flows from devices to memory in input stream; from memory to devices in output stream I/O operations are very important procedure in computing

    2. C++ Stream Input/output C++ provides low level and high level I/O capabilities low level stream transfer deal with individual byte high level stream transfer deals with built-in data type and user-defined data types

    3. C++ Stream Input/output iostream library has hundreds of I/O capabilities iostream: basic input and output iomanip: parameterized stream manipulators fstream: file processing iostream library contains many I?O related classes, mainly istream and ostream istream and ostream are subclasses of ios base class

    5. C++ Stream Input/output operator overloading is applied to all of the iosteram classes cin is an instant of iostream class cin>>grade; cout is an instance of ostream class cout<<grade; buffer concept cerr and clog instnaces

    6. C++ Stream Input/output For file processing, C++ has the following classes

    7. C++ Stream Input/output stream-insert operator

    12. C++ Stream Input/output Cascading stream-insertion

    14. C++ Stream Input/output C++ automatically determine data types However we may have conflicts. For example, one wants to display the value of char pointer (expected to be a memory address)

    17. C++ Stream Input/output cout as a object of ostream has a special member function called put(). It can be used to display a individual character cout.put('F'); cout.put("J').put('u').put('n');

    18. C++ Stream Input/output Stream input

    23. C++ Stream Input/output A popular way to input a value to a variable using stream-extraction operation is in a while loop Example:

    26. C++ Stream Input/output get() and getline() member functions get() input one character put() is to display a character as we mentioned. example

    33. C++ Stream Input/output unformatted input/output is performed with the read and write member functions

    36. C++ Stream Input/output Stream manipulations: perform formatting of input and output tasks. integral stream base: dec, oct, hex, and setbase

    40. C++ Stream Input/output Stream manipulations: perform formatting of input and output tasks. floating-point precision (precision, setprecision)

    46. C++ Stream Input/output Field width (setw, width)

    50. C++ Stream Input/output User-defined manipulators

    55. C++ Stream Input/output Stream Format States setf, unsetf, flags member functions See table Fig 11.20 Format State Flags examples Trailing zeros and decimal points (ios::showpoint)

    59. C++ Stream Input/output Format State Flags examples Justification (ios::left, iosright, ios::internal)

    63. C++ Stream Input/output Format State Flags Padding (fill, setfill)

    69. C++ Stream Input/output Format State Flags internal stream base (ios::dec, ios::oct, ios::hex, ios::showbase)

    73. C++ Stream Input/output Format State Flags Floating-point number; scientific notation (ios::scientific, ios::fixed)

    77. C++ Stream Input/output Format State Flags Uppercase/Lowercase control (ios::uppercase)

    80. C++ Stream Input/output Format State Flags Setting and resetting the format flags (flags, setiosflags, resetiosflags)

    84. C++ Stream Input/output Stream Errors States there are many error member functions in ios eof() failbit fail badbit goodbit good rdstate clear …

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