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It's all in the details....

It's all in the details.

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It's all in the details....

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  1. It's all in the details....

  2. On Thanksgiving, I had _______ Turkey, with _______ stuffing and ______potatoes. The ________ was very tasty, although a bit ______ for my taste. My sisters and _______ came over to eat with me. We spent a lot of time _________ about __________. However, my brother in-law _________ and refused to __________. Meanwhile, my nieces and nephew _________ my poor _________.

  3. On Thanksgiving, I had Boston Market Turkey, with cornbread stuffing and mashed potatoes. The stuffing was very tasty, although a bit bland for my taste. My sisters and brother came over to eat with me. We spent a lot of time arguing about which Christmas movie to watch. However, my brother in-law is a big party pooper and refused to watch with us. Meanwhile, my nieces and nephew tortured my poor hamster named Stella.

  4. Dear Madame or Sir, It is a great honor to recommend Monica for admittance to college. Although I only taught Monica for one year, I think she is a hard working student. Monica has all the qualities that college professors are looking for. In my class, I could always count on Monica to come to class and to work. She always stood out from other students. It is clear that Monica likes her education. She is what I would call a “life learner”. She is very smart, and she was accepted into AP English Literature. Monica also demands a lot out of herself. In addition to school work, Monica prides herself on participation in scholarly clubs. I still see Monica on a regular basis. She is one of the very few students that I know that always has a smile on her face. Overall, Monica is a good person. What I really enjoy about Monica is that she is very sure of herself but always leaves room for improvement. Overall, Monica is a role model and a pure delight of her teachers. I highly recommend Monica. Sincerely, Bonnie – High School Teacher

  5. Dear Madame or Sir, It is a great honor to recommend Monica Patel for admittance to Florida State University. Although I only taught Monica for one year, I can say with great certainty that she is one the most diligent, hard working students that I know. Monica has all the qualities that college professors are looking for; she is articulate, insightful, and most importantly, driven. In my class, I could always count on Monica to be prepared and ready to work conscientiously on any assigned task. She always stood out from other students as result of her uncanny ability to elevate class discussion. It is clear that Monica takes great pride in her education. She is what I would call a “life learner”. Her keen intellect, and desire to pursue excellence pushes her to learn more. This craving to learn and challenge herself enabled Monica to be accepted into AP English Literature. Only a select group of students were invited to take this class as it is very demanding. Sometimes seniors take the easy way out – small class loads, easy courses. However, Monica demands a lot out of herself and knows that her goals are only as worthy as the effort required to achieve it. She is managing a challenging senior course load with a sense of tenacity that I wish all students possessed. In addition to school work, Monica prides herself on her participation in scholarly clubs such as French National Honor Society, English National Honor Society, and Beta Club. I still see Monica on a regular basis as she exudes her quiet confidence and zest for learning. I am always amazed at how “put together” Monica is. If she is stressed, I would never know it. She is one of the very few students that I know that always has a smile on her face. Monica is optimistic, kind, and compassionate. I have never heard Monica speak ill of another person, nor have I seen her turn down the opportunity to help someone. She remarked once that, “You don’t have to be good at something to make a difference.” Well, she is better than good with regards to most things. What I really enjoy about Monica is that she is very sure of herself but always leaves room for improvement. She doesn’t let anything get in the way of being a good person and an exemplary student. Overall, Monica is a wonderful role model for her peers and a pure delight of her teachers. I highly recommend Monica in any capacity. I think she would be a great addition to your university. You would be lucky to have her.

  6. The room smelled like cooked grease, Lysol, and age.

  7. Write one sentence describing someone with disgusting eating habits. It must be one, correct sentence; and it must contain three vivid details. Your Turn

  8. Now consider this example: “Whenever he was so fortunate as to have near him a hare that had been kept too long, or a meat pie with rancid butter, he gorged himself with such violence that his veins swelled, and the moisture broke out of his forhead” - Thomas Babington Macaulay, ‘Samuel Johnson 1.) What effect does the detail have on the reader? 2.) How would the meaning of the sentence be changed by ending it after himself?

  9. Think of two contrasting characters. Write a sentence for each showing their reaction to a fight. Do not explain their different reactions; instead show the different reactions through use of detail. Your Turn

  10. “The dog stood up and growled like a lion, stiff-standing hackles, teeth uncovered as he lashed up his fury for the charge. Teacake split the water like an otter, opening his knife as he dived. The dog raced down the back-bone of the cow to the attack and Janie screamed and slipped far back on the tail of the cow, just out of reach of the dog’s angry jaws.” - Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God 1.) Which details reveal that the dog has rabies? What effect do these details have on the reader? 2.) Contrast the details used to describe Teacake and Janie. What do the details reveal about the author’s attitude toward these two characters?

  11. “An old man, Don Tomasito, the baker, played the tuba. When he blew into the huge mouthpiece, his face would turn purple and his thousand wrinkles would disappear as his skin filled out.” -Alberto Alvaro Rios, “The Iguana Killer”1.)The first sentence is a general statement. How does the second sentence enrich and intensify the first?Contrast the second sentence with the following:When he blew the tuba, his face turned purple and his cheeks puffed out2.) Which sentence more effectively expresses an attitude towards Tomasito? What is that attitude and how is it communicated?

  12. Your Turn Describe someone jumping over a puddle. Your first sentence should be general, stating the action simply. Your second should clarify and intensify the action through detail.

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