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Architecture Selection of a Flexible DSP Core Using Re-configurable System Software

Architecture Selection of a Flexible DSP Core Using Re-configurable System Software. July 18, 1998 Jong-Yeol Lee Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST. Agenda. Introduction MetaCore C Compiler MetaCore Assembler MetaCore Instruction Set Simulator

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Architecture Selection of a Flexible DSP Core Using Re-configurable System Software

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  1. Architecture Selection of a Flexible DSP Core Using Re-configurable System Software July 18, 1998 Jong-Yeol Lee Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

  2. Agenda • Introduction • MetaCore C Compiler • MetaCore Assembler • MetaCore Instruction Set Simulator • “Compile-Simulate-Refine” Procedure of Architecture Selection • Experimental Results • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Application-Specific Instruction set Processor(ASIP) • maximize the performance on a specific application • parameterized architecture • Major issues in ASIP design • performance & cost efficiency • instruction set & micro-architecture • diverse exploration of the design space • short design turnaround time • how efficiently transform the higher-level specification into lower-level implementation • application program development tools • compiler, assembler, ISS(Instruction Set Simulator) • Re-configurability

  4. Introduction • MetaCore is a flexible DSP core • MetaCore can be modified easily by just changing hardware parameters • MetaCore has special features for DSP applications(e.g. MAC unit and hardware loop unit) • To support the flexible core • The system software must be re-configurable • For re-configurability, each software has its own form of machine description • Using re-configurable system software • Many architectures can tested by iterating “compile-simulate-refine” cycles

  5. Parameter File B inst = 16bit general_ reg = 28 address_ reg = 8 minmaxALU = 1 Assembly Code B : min A0, R1 mvtom *AR2(0), A0 : Parameter File A inst = 16bit general_ reg = 28 address_ reg = 8 minmaxALU = 0 ... Assembly Code A : Amin : cmp A0, R1 b.lt LLmin cla A0 add A0, R1 LLmin : mvtom *AR2(0), A0 : Application C Program main() { ... m = min(m,t) ... } Machine Description MCC : . . . MetaCore C Compiler(MCC) • MetaCore C Compiler • Can be configured by changing parameters • Can be used to explore architectures Operation of MCC

  6. Assembly Language Definition // instruction : (operation field) (operand field) add : 80 (OP_ALU) sub : AF (OP_ALU) u_add : 8F (OP_ALU) Mapping Table Assembly Code ADD A1, R7 SUB A0, R1 U_ADD A0, A1 B LOOP Object Code 80 F0 AF 47 8F F1 31 41 Assembler MASM MetaCore Assembler(MASM) • User can define new instructions • Mapping table is automatically reconstructed from Assembly Language Definition Operation of MASM Format Converter

  7. U_ADD:B10001111,2,6 { Operands1 = GetSource 1; …. Result = AddOperands; SetConditionCodes; } Instruction Description Format Tree Builder Instruction Usage Statistics Decoding Tree Object Code 80 F0 AF 47 8F F1 31 41 Simulation Core Program Output MISS MetaCore Instruction Set Simulator(MISS) • MetaCore Instruction Set Simulator • Enables fast simulation on instruction level • Supports re-configurability using Instruction Description Format • Can be used as a debugger of assembly codes Operation of MISS

  8. Instruction-set Simulator Compiler Assembler Simulation Result Architecture Parameter Assembler Language Definition Instruction Description Format OK? No Architecture Refinement Yes Selected Architecture Architecture Selection Procedure • “Compile-simulate-refine” cycle Application C code

  9. Experimental Results • Performance impact of accumulators • The reference architecture has six address registers and ten general purpose registers

  10. Experimental Results • Parameter selection considering generated code size • If the code size should be smaller than 32K bytes, 16 general purpose register and 4 address registers will be enough

  11. 5% 20467 19923 2.7% 16 10% 20467 20019 2.2% 15 ADPCM 15% 20563 20115 2.2% 13 20% 20707 20259 2.2% 10 5% 20467 19971 2.5% 16 10% 20515 20067 2.2% 14 IDCT 15% 20563 20115 2.2% 13 20% 20659 20211 2.2% 11 5% 20419 19923 2.5% 17 10% 20419 19923 2.5% 17 Viterbi 15% 20467 19971 2.5% 16 20% 20467 19971 2.5% 16 Experimental Results • Find minimum area under speedup constraints • Use simple iterative heuristic Speedup constraint Obtained area Optimal area Area overhead Number of iterations Benchmark

  12. Conclusion • Present re-configurable system software for a flexible DSP core • Show that the re-configurable system software can be used to select the most suitable architecture for a given application • Code Optimization will be major future work

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