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National Debtline. Performance Evaluation. August 2008. Prepared for:. National Debtline. Prepared in compliance with the International quality standard covering market research, ISO 20252 by Illuminas, Lion House, 141-145 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3AR, UK
National Debtline Performance Evaluation August 2008 Prepared for: National Debtline Prepared in compliance with the International quality standard covering market research, ISO 20252 by Illuminas, Lion House, 141-145 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3AR, UK T +44 (0)20 7909 0929 F +44 (0)20 7909 0921 E info@illuminas-global.com www.illuminas-global.com
Background: a measure of performance • In order to secure ongoing support for the services offered by National Debtline, it is considered important to monitor the performance of the service against specific objectives • Research objectives: • To measure and evaluate the performance of National Debtline • Specifically, to look at caller satisfaction with the overall service, including the telephone advice service, the email service and the website • To compare performance measures with previous years to investigate whether any significant changes are evident • To look at immediate & on-going impact of contact with National Debtline • In particular, to investigate the impact of contact with NDL on a caller’s ability to manage their money and debt • To look at any wider issues that may result from contacting NDL and the impact on overall control of finances
A quantitative approach providing robust measurement • Performance evaluation • 15-minute telephone interviews with individuals who had contacted National Debtline between September 2007 and February 2008 250 interviews with callers from England & Wales 50 interviews with callers from Scotland Total 300 interviews • Longitudinal impact evaluation • 15-minute telephone interviews with individuals who had contacted National Debtline 2 years ago, 4 years ago and 5 years ago 2 years on callers: Participated in performance evaluation survey ‘06 Total 90 interviews 4 years on callers: Participated in longitudinal impact survey ‘06 and performance evaluation ‘04 Total 41 interviews 5 years on callers: Participated in longitudinal impact survey ’06 and ‘04 and performance evaluation ‘03 Total 31 interviews • Website pop-up survey Total 450 responded Pop up survey on NDL website
Methodology • All fieldwork conducted by The Wire, Illuminas’s own telephone and online interviewing unit • Data sources: • Performance evaluation: • Caller details provided by National Debtline • All provided consent for details to be passed on to a third party for purpose of research • Longitudinal impact: • Those who participated in previous waves of research and agreed to be re-contacted - 162 interviews achieved • Website evaluation: • Pop-up placed on National Debtline website during May – July 2008
Overview of Performance Evaluation • Executive summary • Part I: Performance evaluation • Performance evaluation: key measures • Making the first call: awareness and experience • Delivering advice: literature and website • Part II: Website evaluation • Part III: Longitudinal impact evaluation • Longitudinal impact evaluation: key measures • Practical long-term benefits • Wider impact of contact • Literature • Summary and conclusions • Appendix • Performance evaluation • Website evaluation • Longitudinal evaluation
Executive Summary: A continued success story • Continuing short and long-term satisfaction: • Both recent callers to National Debtline and callers who used the service some time ago report high levels of satisfaction with the service received: • …95% of callers satisfied who used the service during 2008 • …94% of callers satisfied from two years ago • …92% of callers satisfied from four years ago • …97% of callers satisfied from five years ago • High levels of recommendation: • Majority find the information provided by National Debtline extremely helpful and are keen to recommend it • 75% of 2008 callers found the advice to be extremely helpful • 85% of 2008 callers would definitely recommend the service to someone experiencing debt difficulty • Reducing debts over time: • For many, speaking to National Debtline prompts them to take positive action to reduce their debt • Of those callers who spoke to National Debtline 2 years ago, 19% no longer have any outstanding debt, while 27% of callers from 4 years ago and 32% from 5 years ago no longer have any outstanding debt • Use of the website: • Website usage continues to increase in terms of first time and repeat usage – and is rated now even more highly than two years ago, particularly in terms of ease of use (a major positive attitudinal shift seen among callers in Scotland) • Areas for consideration: • Those with new debt are much more likely to be those who first called five years ago (and are less likely to be confident about managing money and feeling in control of life). Proximity to the advice engenders confidence and control
Executive Summary: Performance Evaluation (I) • Continuing high levels of satisfaction and recommendation in 2008 • 78% of callers were very satisfied with the service • 75% of callers found the information and advice provided to be extremely helpful • 85% of callers would definitely recommend the service • Encouragingly, satisfaction amongst callers in Scotland is now largely on a par with callers from England • 72% of callers in Scotland were now very satisfied with the service versus 66% in 2006 • 78% now found the information and advice provided extremely helpful versus 66% in 2006 • A large proportion of callers were prompted to take direct action after contact • 70% of callers contacted the companies they owed money to and 76% of these callers came to an arrangement with the companies using the advice provided by NDL • 91% of those callers who contacted and made arrangements with companies have kept to the agreement • Contact also had a positive attitudinal effect on managing debt • 90% of callers agreed they felt more knowledgeable about financial matters overall • 85% of callers agreed they felt less likely to find themselves in a similar situation again • 84% of callers agreed they felt more confident about managing money in general
Executive Summary: Performance Evaluation (II) • Mixed levels of awareness of what the service offered before contact • 39% of callers knew nothing about what the service offered when they first called NDL • 59% of callers knew that National Debtline offered advice on handling debts • The Internet is an ever-increasing source of awareness of National Debtline • 27% of callers first heard about NDL via the internet (versus 22%, 15% and 11% previously) • A vast increase in proportion of callers able to reach an adviser the first time they called • 80% of callers got through first time (versus only 53% in 2006) • High levels of praise reserved for NDL advisers • 80% of callers strongly agreed that the adviser was easy to talk to • 84% of callers strongly agreed that the adviser dealt with their situation in a professional way • 65% strongly agreed they had a better understanding of how to manage debt as a result of NDL • Increased use of website continues in 2008 • Website rated more highly against all performance measures • Note: substantial positive shift in scores amongst callers in Scotland • Overall, and in terms of contact with advisers, literature and website
Performance Evaluation: Website Evaluation (I) • Website searches are an extremely effective method of drawing people to the website • Half (50%) of website users found the NDL address via an internet search • However, a significant proportion (23%) experienced problems finding the NDL website • Website being used even more fully in 2008 • 59% of users this time versus 38% in 2006 had searched for information/ advice about debt • NDL clients are almost twice as likely this time to have: viewed templates; downloaded templates; accessed factsheets; used budget sheet; etc • Some evidence to suggest the website is assisting more users to take productive action • 48% of users this time versus 36% in 2006 state are going to contact creditors • Reactions to the website even more positive in 2008 • E.g. 80% of users this time versus 71% in 2006 rated the website as “good” or “excellent” for providing easy-to-understand information
Executive Summary: Longitudinal Evaluation (I) • High levels of satisfaction and recommendation remain over time • 98% of callers from 2 years ago, 95% from 4 years ago, and 96% from 5 years ago were satisfied with the service they received from National Debtline • 98% of callers from 2 years ago, 97% from 4 years ago, and 100% from 5 years ago would recommend the service • Previous callers appear successful in reducing their debts • 19% of callers from 2 years ago no longer have an outstanding debt • 27% of callers from 4 years ago no longer have an outstanding debt • 32% of callers from 5 years ago no longer have an outstanding debt • A high proportion of respondents are able to maintain payment arrangements over time • 78% of callers from 4 years ago contacted companies they owed money to and 81% of these callers came to an arrangement with these companies • Of those callers who had made arrangements, 92% kept to these arrangements. The majority of these arrangements had been made over two years ago
Executive Summary: Longitudinal Evaluation (II) • Respondents report that contacting NDL engenders self-sufficiency in financial matters • Around 6 in 10 callers from 2-4 years ago strongly agreed they were more in control, more knowledgeable, or more confident about managing their money. However, those from 5 years ago were slightly less likely to strongly agree (and are more likely to have new debt) • Evidence suggests there are wider consequences of debt • 36% had visited a doctor because of the stress of debt • 23% had time off work as a result of stress • NDL advice has a positive impact on callers’ emotional states in particular • 9 in 10 of callers from 2 to 5 years ago state this • Literature provided by National Debtline is shown to be of high value over time • 83% of callers from 2 years ago and 84% from 4 and 5 years ago reported that they read the literature and stored it for future reference • 38% of these callers have looked at the information since they first stored it
The service continues to generate high levels of continued satisfaction amongst callers • Overall satisfaction remains at the same level as 2006 (95% satisfied) • Callers in Scotland appear less content than callers in England and Wales, albeit satisfaction levels in Scotland are increasing after a slight dip in 2006 • Overall, how satisfied with service you received from National Debtline? % Base: all (300) Base: Scotland (50)
Reasons for satisfaction (I) They gave me the information that I needed; they were very helpful, very pleasant and understanding I phoned them up in distress; they were able to calm me down, listen to me and then explain the procedure. Sometimes I got lost and they very carefully explained it again…they held my hand all the way I was impressed with the level of professionalism, comprehensive knowledge and response They went extra mile for me… they were very informative and sent everything out that they said they would do Whenever I phone they are very understanding. They don't try to hurry you; they give you all the time in the world, are very professional and very effective They were very understanding, gave a personal touch and didn't make you feel awkward or uncomfortable; they were all very polite and listened very well They are readily available to call without an appointment They spoke to me in a language that I understood I felt that they knew what they were talking about and that it was objective They were very friendly, non judgmental and they put me at ease
Reasons for satisfaction (II) National Debtline put everything into perspective for me They made me feel equipped to deal with the people who were taking financial advantage It is nice to be able to speak to people who are very neutral They were there every step of the way, I only needed to phone them in order to calm me down You are not treated just as a number - you are treated with a bit of respect They were polite, helpful and not judgmental; providing great advice, and being really understanding…They were wonderful and supportive They put me on the right track and enabled me to organise things properly…things are now controllable whereas before they weren’t Excellent advice and step by step procedures It was like speaking to a friend
Reasons for dissatisfaction They explained everything fairly clearly and gave me ideas on what to do but didn't answer all of my questions I suppose they didn't really tell me anything that I wasn't aware of The leaflets they promised they would send never arrived I think I was expecting a little bit more - personal advice rather than the basics They were pretty good when I spoke to them on the phone but they did not follow up too well The adviser was quite patronising - he spoke to me as if he thought I was a bit of an idiot because I was in debt Although they sent out a very useful information pack, I could have done with a bit more follow up from them When I wanted to get in touch with them I could never get a reply at the end of the phone, it was an answering machine
NDL is often praised for helping manage debt • Majority of respondents find service of considerable assistance, which translates into high recommendation • Thinking about all the information and advice you received specifically from National Debtline, how helpful was it to you in dealing with your debt problem at the time? Extremely helpful % Base: all: 300 • If someone you knew found themselves in difficulty with debt, how likely would you be to recommend National Debtline as a source of advice? Definitely recommend % Base: all: 300
Why recommend NDL? (I) People on the phone are very sympathetic, they don't patronise you in any way Both the people I spoke to were non judgmental and that's very important You realise you're not the only fish in the sea, you find out there are a lot of people in the same situation They gave a few options…an informed choice, they didn't make decisions for you It is a very good starting point because they help to clarify things that may be bothering you unnecessarily. They have a better understanding of all these things because they do it on a day to day basis The information I've received and the confidence they've given me to get my dignity back National Debtline explained my problems to me in simple language and made it simpler for me to understand where I was going. I phoned them as a last resort; it should have been my first resort The advice is good and helpful, it is a whole weight off your shoulders Overall it's an exceptional service…it is an organisation that is helping people in despair
Why recommend NDL? (II) It was easy to deal with the people at NDL, you feel comfortable talking to them because you feel they are on your side When you find yourself in a situation where you owe money, it is better to take positive action…The advice I was given enabled me to do this rather than sitting down worrying and hoping the problem would go away…it won't go away The advice is clear, concise, helpful… knowledgeable and well considered. The advisers are friendly and sensitive and if, at any point, they feel unable to respond to your query they consult a colleague who can help them give the correct information. It makes you feel less alone, it gives you the sense that there is someone who will support you and argue your case They take away the worry…and give you a light at the end of the tunnel I felt that once I talked to the debt line I was able to go back to my creditors and talk with more authority …or why would you not recommend them? It was a bit like a financial Samaritans…they help you at every turn In the first instance, I had to make four phone calls to actually get through to them. When I spoke to them about the situation, they seemed to feel that I could manage it myself by sending me through an information pack which I didn't really want
NDL contact encourages repayment of debt • National Debtline continues to successfully assist callers to take direct action • After contact with National Debtline, 53% of callers took action to repay their debts and have successfully kept to these arrangements Not contacted companies owed Did you yourself contact any of the companies you owed money to after receiving advice from National Debtline? YES: 70% Base: all (300) Not come to arrangement And as a result of this, did you come to any agreement or make any new arrangements with the companies you owed money to using the advice provided by National Debtline? YES: 76% Base: all who contacted companies (209) And have you managed to keep to the arrangement which you agreed to? YES: 91% Base: all who contacted companies and came to agreement: 158
NDL advice has a profound impact on future money management • Contact had a positive attitudinal effect on managing debt, and empowered callers Base: all (weighted): 300
The importance attached to the contact • How would you describe how the service provided by National Debtline has helped you in terms of managing money and debt? The budget plan that National Debtline sent to me and I downloaded actually gave me a realistic understanding of my entire financial position It has helped me realise that you can spend too much money too quickly on a credit card…It is so easy to get into debt and a lot harder to get out of it They have been instrumental in everything I have had to deal with; they have helped me tremendously. They have encouraged me to deal with things straight away…however little, just to make sure every payment is made on time It has helped me understand the pitfalls of borrowing on top of loans and how that can put me into huge debt without noticing I feel like I am working for me now and not just working for everyone else to take my money It has encouraged us to set a specific budget per month and we're now very strict with keeping to it It simplified things and made things easier to understand; the information was very clear
Most are aware NDL is a debt advisory service; unsurprisingly knowledge somewhat unrefined at first call stage • Mixed levels of awareness surrounding what the service offered: • Just over half (59%) of callers knew that National Debtline offered advice on handling debts • 39% of callers knew nothing about what the service offered when they first called • Internet an increasingly important source of awareness • How did you first hear about National Debtline? 2008 = 27% 2006 = 22% 2004 = 15% 2003 = 11% • Other sources include: • Bank/ building society • Radio • Poster/ leaflet • Creditors % Base: all (weighted): 300
NDL is now more accessible; moreover, vast majority of callers were given most of the advice they needed • A vast increase in proportion of callers able to reach an adviser first time they called • Once they had spoken to an adviser, majority of callers happy with service they received • 94% of callers felt that length of their first call was about right • 51% given all the advice they needed, with a further 39% given most of the advice they required • Thinking about when you first rang National Debtline, how many times did you have to ring before you got through to an adviser? % % Base: all (300) • How many times have you spoken to National Debtline? % Base: all (300)
NDL is often the first port of call for debt advice • National Debtline often first point of contact for debt advice (for two-thirds, as in 2006) Had you contacted anyone else for debt advice before you spoke to National Debtline ? % Base: all (300) • Who else have you contacted? Used a fee-charging debt consultancy service, before spoke to NDL? As in previous waves, CAB is most common alternative source of debt advice % % Other includes: trading standards, solicitor, other websites Base: all who had contacted someone else prior: 95
First call with NDL rated highly • High levels of praise for contact enjoyed with National Debtline • Respondents were asked to think back to how they felt after their first call with National Debtline and to rate the service on a number of measures: % Base: all (300)
Vast majority proffer strong praise for NDL advisers • Service successfully provides strong support to callers, both in terms of emotional assistance and practical support • Interpretation and application of advice is likely to be more challenging for some callers • Callers in Scotland views largely on a par with callers in England and Wales • Callers in Scotland this time more likely to strongly agree than in 2006 that adviser understood their situation, and dealt with problem in a sensitive way • No notable shift in views of England and Wales callers against each performance measure % Base: Callers in Scotland: 50 Base: all (weighted): 300
Service improvements • What could National Debtline do to improve the service they offer? I think that some of the advisers are a bit abrupt Get more operatives…it’s getting harder and harder to get in contact with them It’s a pity that they are not better known so that they could help others Sometimes it takes a long time to get hold of them More face to face contact Better advertisement of what they can actually do for you A follow up call to see how someone is getting on If they could provide a bit more information for people at the early stages E.g In school It is important to let people know that it is free, impartial and not for profit
Only a minority are currently on a Debt Management Programme. NDL less likely to be involved this time • 24% of respondents were on a debt management programme at the time of responding to the survey (no significant difference to 2006) • NDL acting as intermediary in set-up by CCCS has halved • Set up by CCCS/ Payplan after NDL referral down a third • Who was it that set up the debt management arrangement for you? % Base: all on debt management programme (2006: 75; 2008: 71)
The quality of the literature is high • Vast majority (92%) recall receiving literature after having spoken to NDL • Most rate the literature very highly against all assessment criteria • Big shift in levels of satisfaction with the literature amongst callers in Scotland – significantly more likely to state very good against each measure • Thinking about information which was sent to you, how would you rate it in terms of the following? % Base: all who recall literature sent:275 Base: Scotland: 46
Half of callers visited the website - mostly before speaking to NDL, further visits followed from most • Growth – albeit less marked this time – in visiting National Debtline website • 47% of callers now, compared to 43% and 24% in 2006 and 2004 respectively • Majority (71%) of those who have visited, visit again (22% five or more times) • Multiple motivations/ usage of website – finding out about service offered by NDL, search for debt information/ advice, and find NDL telephone number most frequently cited % Did you visit the website… Before calling NDL: 69% After calling NDL: 20% Before and after: 10% Base: all who have visited NDL website: 140 (NB: Prompted response)
The website is rated even better than before, particularly amongst callers in Scotland • Website even more likely to be viewed as clear and effective – most state “very good” • Major positive attitudinal shift amongst callers in Scotland about website • How would you rate the website in terms of the following? % Base: all callers in Scotland who have visited website: 29 in 2006 and 23 in 2008 (base too small in previous waves) Base: all who have visited website: 140
Search engines remain the dominant means by which the National Debtline website address is found • Half find the website by searching though an internet search engine, with a further 1 in 7 via the Citizens Advice Bureau. No significant change between 2006 and 2008 • How did you find the National Debtline website address? Other sources mentioned: Yellow pages Credit reference agencies Moneysavingexpert.com Through work/ job Base: all who completed on-line survey (475 in 2006, 450 in 2008)
A significant proportion experienced problems finding the National Debtline website Q. Some people have stated that they had problems finding the official National Debtline website and tried other websites with similar names or website addresses first, did you experience this problem? Base: All respondents who found the website via Internet search engine (220) Q. Experiences and details of other websites tried first? Base: All respondents who found the website via Internet search engine and had difficulty finding it (51)
Website visits are mostly for finance/ debt advice Most visit website to look for help and advice on the financial/ debt problems they are experiencing; one in five visit specifically to access the letter templates I've just had a threatening phone call and need some advice urgently I need further help in writing letters and the info on the website is really really good and helpful I’m reaching the end of my tether with debt and have finally decided to take the bull by the horns and do something about it! Base: all who completed on-line survey (450)
The proportion of callers who had previously contacted National Debtline increased - both by phone and visiting the website 2008 2006 2008 2006 Have you spoken to National Debtline advisers by phone? Have you visited the National Debtline website before? Base: all who completed on-line survey (475 in 2006, 450 in 2008)
Though numbers of callers contacting other advice sources is largely consistent, those who do so are contacting a wider range of sources than before Q. Have you contacted anyone else for advice on managing money and debt? 2006 2008 Who else have you contacted ? Who else have you contacted ? Base: all who contacted someone else for advice (146 in 2006, 154 in 2008)
The website is being used for a broader range of purposes than before 2006 Searching for information and advice about debt The proportion who have used the website for a variety of purposes has markedly increased since 2006. And there are still more who intend to use each service 2008 2006 Finding out more about the service National Debtline offers 2008 2006 Viewing/ downloading sample letters 2008 2006 Downloading self help information pack 2008 2006 Accessing the factsheets 2008 Base: all who completed on-line survey (475 in 2006, 450 in 2008)
Number of uses to which website is put to is growing • Further evidence of website serving plethora of needs Base: all who completed on-line survey (475 in 2006, 450 in 2008) 2006 Using the personal budget sheet 2008 2006 Finding the telephone number for National Debtline 2008 2006 Requesting documents to be posted to you 2008 2006 Emailing National Debtline for advice 2008 Did you find what you were looking for? Base: all who completed on-line survey (450)
The website is consistently rated even more highly than in 2006 (across all measures) Already positive in 2006, perceptions of every area of the website have improved in the last two years • How do you rate the website in terms of: 2008 Easy to understand information 2006 2008 Amount of information 2006 2008 General content 2006 2008 Presentation of information 2006 2008 Ease of use 2006 Ease of finding information 2008 2006 2008 Design 2006 Base: all who completed on-line survey (475 in 2006, 450 in 2008)
Additional user comments Feedback regarding site is mainly positive, with some small criticisms An excellent source of reliable information Much needed and useful resource for both the general public looking for information and advice and for advisers to use as a resource tool Extremely helpful & knowledgeable. Thank you Your interactive personal budget sheet is a marvel I think that your fact sheets are the best that are available I’d like the budget sheet to be downloadable in Excel so it can be altered/ managed. I had to print out a few before I got it about right I think your service should be in receipt of some sort of recognition for the support and help you are clearly providing. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! Make it easier to find from an internet search engine I have emailed National Debtline several weeks ago now, and have not received any response - this is very disappointing given the quality of service in terms of advice available on the web pages It should have a discussion forum so we can all help each other more Fantastic service that has helped me more than once!
There has been a clear increase since 2006 in the number of callers who state that they intend to contact their creditors following advice • Sizeable growth in number planning to contact creditors. Similar proportion now versus 2006 intend to complete a budget form or contact National Debtline next • What is the next step you are going to take in terms of managing your money and debt? *1 Base: all who completed on-line survey (475 in 2006, 450 in 2008) (NB: Prompted responses) *1 Addition to 2008 questionnaire
Impact of NDL service is deep and long-lasting Positive impact of contact with National Debtline has lasting effect, and does not appear to weaken over time • Over three quarters rated advice/ information first received as extremely helpful in dealing with their debt at that time 2 years on 98% 4 years on 95% 5 years on 96% 94% 2 years on And satisfaction with all elements of service remains broad over time • Intensity of satisfaction marginally higher amongst first contacted 4 years back 92% 4 years on 5 years on 97% 98% 2 years on And virtually all would recommend National Debtline to someone they knew in difficulty with debt • Again deep felt and lasting 97% 4 years on 100% 5 years on Base: All 2 years on (90), All 4 years on (41 ), All 5 years on (31)