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WPA/ISSPD Educational Program on Personality Disorders

WPA/ISSPD Educational Program on Personality Disorders. WPA Regional Meeting in Athens March 12-15, 2004 Erik Simonsen Chair, Section on Personality Disorders E-mail: rfes@ra.dk. WPA Educational Programs.

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WPA/ISSPD Educational Program on Personality Disorders

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  1. WPA/ISSPD Educational Program on Personality Disorders WPA Regional Meeting in Athens March 12-15, 2004 Erik Simonsen Chair, Section on Personality Disorders E-mail: rfes@ra.dk

  2. WPA Educational Programs WPA provide international support to national and regional efforts to educate psychiatrists, general practitioners and other health professionals

  3. WPA Educational programs- examples • Teaching and learning about Schizophrenia • WPA/PTD Program on Depressive Disorders • Social Phobia • ICD-10 Training kit

  4. WPA/ISSPD Educational program on Personality Disorders under development by the steering committee: Theodore Millon Elsa Ronningstam Erik Simonsen (chairman) will be availabe on the website 2006

  5. WPA/ISSPD Educational Program on Personality Disorders • Module I (general overview) • Module II (specific disorders) • Module III (vignettes)

  6. WPA/ISSPD module I (a) • Introduction Scope of problem Social costs • Definition Differentiating normality and abnormality • Historical review • Classification Current official systems Alternaltive models

  7. WPA/ISSPD module I (b) • Developmental pathogenesis biogenic influences psychogenic influences sociogenic influences • Diagnostic assessment Clinical observation Rating scales and checklists Selfreport inventories Projective techniques

  8. WPA/ISSPD module I (c) • Therapeutic management Psychodynamic therapies Cognitive therapies Biological treatemnt Combining pharmatherapy and psychotherapy

  9. Contributors to module I Ted Millon, Allan Frances, Joel Paris, Renato Alarcon, Robert Ruegg, Juan J. Lopez-Ibor, G.E.Berrios, Erik Simonsen, Vincent Caballo, Drew Westen, Michael Rutter, Peter Tyrer, Irving Weiner, Judith Beck, Seth Grossman, Glen O. Gabbard, W. John Livesley Mel Sabshin (reviewer)

  10. WPA/ISSPD module II Clinical presentations of the specific personality disorders

  11. Contributors to module II • Larry Siever, US (Paranoid) • Henning Sass & Reinhild Schwarte , Germany (Schizoid) • Svenn Torgersen, Norway (Schizotypal) • Stephen Hart, US (Dyssocial) • Anthony Bateman, England (Borderline) • Bruce Phohl, US (Histrionic) • Elsa Ronningstam, US (Narcissistic) • Yutaka Ono, Japan (Avoidant) • Robert Bernstein, US (Dependent) • Vincent Caballo, Spain (Obsessive-Compulsive) • Michael Stone, US (Sadistic) • Chris Perry, US (Passive-aggressive)

  12. Module III Real cases presented following given format: presenting complaints history of illness mental status family and social history medical history treatment course differential diagnosis

  13. Vignettes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, England, Holland, Italy, Norway, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Spain, USA, Uruguay WE NEED VIGNETTES FROM OTHER COUNTRIES !!! Africa? Asia? Please contact: Erik Simonsen: rfes@ra.dk

  14. Conclusions • Assessment and treatment of Personality Disorders is an underdeveloped service within General Psychiatry • There is a lot of stigma and lack of knowledge • Education is needed, both in primary care and in secondary care • WPA/ISSPD Educational Program will be an important step forward

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