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Mars. By Shanell Stewart. Did You Know. Did you know it would take about 214 days to get to Mars from Earh ? It would take this long the distance between Earth and Mars is about 44 million miles .

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  1. Mars By Shanell Stewart

  2. Did You Know ............... Did you know it would take about 214 days to get to Mars from Earh ? It would take this long the distance between Earth and Mars is about 44 million miles . Did you also know that mars is called The "Red Planet " ? It is called that becuase of its reddish appearance .But do you know why it is red ? It is red because the red color comes from multiple oxides iron , hematite , and other elements such as sulfur ,titanium and chlorine .

  3. The Atmosphere of Mars The atmosphere of mars is almost entirely full up of Carbon Dioxide. The atmosphere of mars is 95% Carbon Dioxide ,3% Nitrogen ,1.6% Argon and contains trace amounts of Oxygen , Water and Methane . The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than the atmosphere on Earth.The atmospheric pressure on Mars is about 0.6 kilopascals (the standard metric unit for measuring air pressure).

  4. "The Red Planet "

  5. Mars Surface Mars surface has no liquid water , its very close to one of the driest deserts on earth . There is a Volcano on mars's surface called Olympus Mons which towers 27 km above surrounding plains .As well as 3 other volcanoes which are almost as big .

  6.                The Temperature Mars is VERY COLD ! It is cold because it is further from the sun then earth . Mars is tilted on an axis of 25 degrees , Which means that mars also has seasons . During the cold winters,carbon dioxide freezes out of the atmosphere on Mars, and creates a layer about 1 meter thick around the north pole.

  7.        Rotation and Revolving It takes mars about 1.88 earth years to revolve around the sun.  Mars takes 24 hours and 37 minutes to rotate on its axis.

  8.    Mars is unique because..... Mars is unique because it is red has a magnetic feild and will be able to have life on it before earths moon.

  9. Interesting features ! Mars has a diameter of about half of Earth , It measures about 6.800 km across . You would be able to jump 3 times as high on Mars as you would Earth due to the gravity which is 37% more than what you'll experience on Earth. Mars also has to moons one called Phobos and the other Deimos.

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