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The Warrior’s Agenda Spiritual Self Defense Seminars Presents. Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare…. Presented by Min. David M. Humphrey, www.thewarriorsagenda.info. Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare….
The Warrior’s Agenda Spiritual Self Defense Seminars Presents Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… Presented by Min. David M. Humphrey, www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • As you become more effective forthe Kingdom, frequently you may find your self under particularly oppressive attacks. • Here is why they come. • Here is how they come. • And here is what you can do about them… www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • WHY they come… • Prov. 28: 16 – “The Prince that wanteth (lacks) understanding is also a great oppressor…” • 1) Some sudden and oppressive attacks occur to gain information from you, ie., ‘Intelligence Gathering’.Some Christians when they come under attack ‘spill the beans and tell everything’. “Child, let me tell you, I was supposed to go witnessing this Saturday at the Hospital and then counsel Sis. Claire, but I can’t now. I’m too sick. And then the Lord told me to…” Don’t blabb God’s business. www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • 2 Chron.32:1-2: “After these things and the establishment there of (see 2 Chron. 31: 20 & 21), Senacherib king of Assyria came and entered into ‘Judah’ and encamped against the fenced (protected) cities and thought to win them for himself. …Hezekiah saw that Senacharib was come and that he was purposed to fight against ‘Jerusalem’…” • 2) Some attacks come to destroy your Peace… www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • 3) Some attacks come to prevent you from completing your Mission for God… • I Thessalonians 2:18, “Wherefore we would have come to you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us…” • Note: Satan likes to attack the ‘Weak Points of Strong Christians,’ and the ‘Strong Points of Weak Christians’. www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • 4) Some attacks come to destroy you or your Will to fight… • 2 Cor. 12:7, “..there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the Messenger of Satan to buffet* me, lest I should be exalted above measure…” • *Buffet: Grk-‘Kolaphizo’: “To cuff, beat black and blue, to punch or box one on the ear”. See 2 Cor. 11:23-27 for specifics. www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • Some attacks come to destroy you, your reputation, or your ‘Ability to Function’… • 1 Cor. 9:27, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway*. • * Castaway: Grk-’Adokimos’, “reprobate, rejected”. But it also means ‘set aside’.** • ** Also means to be so badly damaged that one can no longer be used, for the original mission, and, like an old car, must be ‘set aside’ along the side of the road so that the mission can continue… Take care of your health and listen to the Holy Spirit. www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • HOW some attacks come, in the form of… • Booby Traps: Attacks that if you aren’t careful you will ‘Fall Into…’ www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • Some Booby Traps you have to be careful not to ‘Walk Into’ or ‘Step Into’ Bouncing Betty Mine : If you step on this mine it will bounce up in the air about face height and then explode in Your Face. Kill radius: ¼ Football field. Examples of Booby Traps: Porn on the Internet. Temptation to Start an Affair, Gambling Addiction, Offer from Friend to ‘Try Out’ This New Thing, i.e., Drugs, Club Scene, Drink, Psychic, etc. www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • Some Booby Traps are not only designed to take you out, but if you allow it, they are designed to affect your family, ministry and your whole church. Always stay Spiritually Alert. • Claymore Mine: Packs 700 steel ball bearings on top of a charge of C-4 Plastic Explosives www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • Range of atleast ½ a Football Field… A ‘Claymore Mine’ would be getting caught in some God-awful act. Can you think of some of those that have happened to the Body of Christ/ Church recently? www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… As the ‘Pointman’ (Leader, Chief Lookout and Scout) for your Family, your Church, your Ministry, your Home Cell Group, or your Business, etc. You can not just be awake… Like Our Friend Below… But always Alert in the Spirit! Sometimes when you’re exhausted, it seems like it’s all you can do to just stay awake…
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • …But you must also be Spiritually alertat all times… See the difference?
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… • If not, you are then an easy target for an enemy… • Ambush www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… The US Military defines an Ambush as ‘A Surprise Attack From a Concealed Position Designed to Assault and Destroy a Target..’ www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… …Satan’s Purpose Being Either to Try to Destroy You, Discourage You, or Damage You to the Point That You Are Unwilling to, or Unable to, Continue the Mission (i.e., Your Assignment From God…)
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… Again, Satan’s Purpose Being Either to Destroy You, Discourage You, or Damage You to the Point That You Can Not or Will Not Continue the Mission…) • 1. Ever Have a Sudden Unexpected Attack Out of the Blue, Out of No Where? • Others You Have Fought Off Easily Enough, But This One Has Lingered and it’s Been Either Painful, Annoying, Embarrassing or Persistent, Maybe Even All of the Above. • It Can Be a Situation That Everyone Can See, or One That No One Knows About But You. • 2. You’ve Prayed About It, Others Have Prayed About It For You and Yet, it Persists. • Like All Those Who Strike From Ambush, Satan seeks an Unguarded Moment, or an Unguarded Point of Entry, Then He Attacks and Strikes Hard and Deep. Examples of Others Who Have Endured the Same Thing. • Attacked: Smith Wigglesworth Kidney Stones/Gall Stones. Result: Bleeding From the Groin. • Attacked: John G. Lake , Nervous Breakdown From Overwork on the Mission Field. Result: Had to Leave the Mission Field and Return to US. • Attacked: Oral Roberts as a Child with Polio. • Attacked: Betty Price with Cancer. • Attacked: Kenneth Hagin, Incurable Blood Disease . • Attacked: Apostle Paul by a Fallen Angel (Messenger, Grk ‘Angel’ of Satan). Which Led to constant Physical Attacks in One Form or Another. 2 Cor. 11:24-28.
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… How Do You Over Come an ‘Ambush Attack‘ Like This, is it Even Possible ? • What Were the Results in the Lives of the People We Just Examined? • Smith Wigglesworth: Healed and Never Stopped Ministering Even During the Worst of Satan’s Bloody Attacks. • John G. Lake: Healed, Recovered w/in 6 Months and Went on to Minister to Over 100,000 People in Seattle Alone. Went on to Minister All Over the Country and was Given the Key to the City by the Mayor of Seattle and was Noted as the Reason the US Dept of Health Selected Seattle as the Healthiest City in America That Year. • Oral Roberts: Healed and Went on to Minister Healing To Millions • Betty Price: Healed and Still Teaching and Ministering Today. • Kenneth Hagin: Healed • Apostle Paul: Healed From His Beatings and Delivered (2 Tim. 4:17-18)
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… What is the Secret to Surviving an Ambush? With Some, the Secret is Counter-Attacking IMMEDIATELY, Hard, Fast, and Strong. You Overwhelm the Enemy and His Attack So Quickly That He Doesn’t Have Time or the Opportunity to Sink His Hooks into You. (Your flesh). With Other Types of Ambushes, the Secret is Endurance. 2 Tim.2:3 Why? • Because Satan Has Two Kinds of Ambushes • Those That Are Designed to Test YOU. James 1:12, I Peter 4;12 • Those That Are Literally Designed to Test Your Faith. James 1:1,2, I Peter 1:6,7 And please note: This is NOT God Testing you. www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… The Word Temptation in James 1:2,12-14 is Translated From the Greek Word Peirazo Which Means: An Attempt to Tempt, Test or Try a Person to Ascertain the Quality of the Person Tested and His or Her Response When Tested. It also means: A Test or Trial with the Intention of Proving That One Has Been Evil OR to Make Him Evil. (The Complete Word Study New Testament—SpirosZodhiatesTh.D) Bottom Line, if it’s a Number of Small to Medium Attacks, Then Satan or One of His Minions is Trying (Testing) the Quality (Staying Power) of Your FAITH… www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… …But if it’s One Big Trial or Test or Temptation, then He’s Testing YOU. Your Quality, Your Strength, Your Will, Your Endurance as a Christian Warrior… Psychological Warfare: He Wants to See, Can You Take It, Will You Quit, Cave In, or Will You Endure and Continue to Fight…
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… If You Stand Your Ground and Don’t Quit, Don’t Give Up and Don’t Give In, You Will Win. And That’s Guaranteed. Col. 1:13 It Ain’t Easy Sometimes—But You CAN Do it, and the Holy Spirit will Help You… www.thewarriorsagenda.info
Enemy Booby Traps, Tactics, Ambushes and Psychological Warfare… Remember this Ancient Samurai Warrior Saying: AfterVictory Tighten Your Helmet Cords! (Stand Ready For Your Next Battle) Presented by David M. Humphrey The Warriors Agenda Min. Inc. Website: www.thewarriorsagenda.info Email: www.thewarriorsagenda@yahoo.com www.thewarriorsagenda.info