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Myth Busters Cell Phones vs Drunk Driving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8LuM92Twm8 Mythbusters test pits drunken driving against distracted driving http://www.otuslawgroup.com/2012/08/23/mythbusters-test-pits-drunken-driving-against-distracted-driving/.
Myth Busters Cell Phones vs Drunk Driving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8LuM92Twm8 Mythbusters test pits drunken driving against distracted driving http://www.otuslawgroup.com/2012/08/23/mythbusters-test-pits-drunken-driving-against-distracted-driving/
CHAPTER 18 Handling Social Pressures STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 1 Alcohol and You A. For each sentence below, circle T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Correct each false statement in the space below. 1. Peer pressure can influence the way you walk and talk. True 2.Alcohol is a powerful drug. True 3. There are ways to tell before you start drinking if it will eventually become a problem for you. False – There is no way to tell beforehand whether you will become a problem drinker. 4. Choosing not to drink guarantees that you will not become addicted to alcohol. True 5. Frequent lateness and absences from school are not a sign of problem drinking. False - Frequent lateness and absences from school can be a sign of problem drinking.
CHAPTER 18 Handling Social Pressures • STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 1 (continued) • Alcohol and You • 6. People have no responsibility to protect themselves and others from the threat of people who drink and drive. • False - People always have a responsibility to protect themselves and others from drivers who drink. • 7. A support group for young people who have an alcoholic friend, parent, or sibling is Alateen. • True • 8. Alcohol abuse can cause malnutrition. • True • B. FIND OUT MORE. Go online. Look up any information that you can find on teenage alcoholism, and write what you find below.
STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 2 Alcohol and Its Effects A. Check the facts in the graph below and answer the questions. The graph is based on the effects of alcohol on a 150-pound adult male who has had four or more years of experience driving and who is an experienced drinker as well.
1. For how long does alcohol remain in a person’s blood? 12 hours • 2. Between what hours should the person in the graph not drive? Between 5 p.m. and 5 a.m. • 3. For approximately how long is this person legally impaired? 6 hours, 45 minutes • 4. Between what hours is the person legally intoxicated? Between 8:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.
5. For how long after the person stops drinking is he legally impaired? 5 1/2 hours • 6. What is the alcohol level at the time elimination starts? .12 percent • 7. How long does it take for the alcohol to be eliminated? 8 hours • 8. Is the person legally impaired for a longer period while absorbing the alcohol or while eliminating the alcohol? Eliminating
STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 2 (continued) Alcohol and Its Effects B. FIND OUT MORE. Search your local newspaper for one week. Keep a list of all accidents related to alcohol, and describe one of them below. http://search.nj.com/dui
STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 3 Other Drugs’ Effect on Driving Ability A. For each sentence below, circle T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Correct each false statement in the space below. • 1. Over-the-counter drugs are drugs that you can purchase only with a prescription. False - Over-the-counter drugs are drugs that you can purchase without a doctor’s prescription. • 2. Over-the-counter drugs will not interfere with your driving ability. False - Some over-the-counter drugs can make you drowsy or can have other side effects. • 3. A depressant slows down the central nervous system. True • 4. Alcohol is a stimulant. • False - Alcohol is a depressant. • 5. Stimulants can make users think that they are more alert than usual. • True • The chemicals in marijuana can stay in your body for as long as 6 hours. • The chemicals in marijuana can stay in your system for up to 6 weeks.
STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 3 (continued) Other Drugs’ Effect on Driving Ability LSD is a kind of depressant. False - LSD is a kind of hallucinogen. 8. Marijuana can make the user feel drowsy. True B. FIND OUT MORE. Collect your local newspaper for a week. Write a brief summary ofany articles that you find about the problems associated with drugs and alcohol. Pay particular attention to what is happening in your community. http://www.thehcnews.com/breaking/default.htm
STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 4 Preventing Impaired Driving In the space provided below, describe each legal measure for dealing with drivers who use alcohol or drugs. Administrative License Revocation Laws that have been passed to provide immediate punishment for persons who fall or refuse a breath or blood test; punishment is usually immediate loss of driver’s license. Zero Tolerance Laws Prohibit persons under age 21 from drinking at all and from operating a motor vehicle with any measurable amount of alcohol in their system punishment is usually immediate loss of drivers license. Open Containers Prohibit open containers of alcohol in a vehicle designed to get people of legal age to drink in their homes not in their vehicles. Blood Alcohol Concentration Sets a legal measure for being under the influence; drivers can be convicted of driving under the influence regardless of how they look or act; being convicted of driving under the influence can result in jail time, fines, and loss of license.
STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 18 LESSON 4 (continued) Preventing Impaired Driving B. FIND OUT MORE. Which addiction support groups operate in your area? What services do these groups offer to the community? How might have these groups positively affected the roadway? SAMPLE OF SUPPORT GROUPS IN HUNTERDON COUNTY Below is a partial list of groups in Hunterdon County. For meeting and contact information on any of these groups and others started more recently, call the Clearinghouse at 1-800-367-6274. Alcoholics Anonymous alcoholics (various locations) Al-Anon Family Groups families & friends of alcoholics (various) Narcotics Anonymous drug addicts (various) Families Anonymous families & friends of addicted (Flemington) Nar-Anon Family Group families of addicted (various) Overeaters Anonymous compulsive overeating (various) Nurse Recovery Group nurses who are addicted (meets in Flemington)
B. FIND OUT MORE. Look in your NJ Driver’s Manual. 1. If under 21, New Jersey law states that you may be under the influence if your BAC is more than: .00%, we are a zero tolerance state 2. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means a driver’s _____________ and _________________ are impaired by alcohol. Sense , judgement 3. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to not ___________________________________. not drive at all after dr inking 4. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up? Time 5. If a motorist has reached a BAC of .15%, the risk of causing a motor vehicle accident is ___________ times as great. 25% 6. Altering a driver’s license, or showing an altere d driver’s license, may result in a suspension, and ______________________________________________. A fine , and up to six months imprisonment. 7. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up? Time 8. Refusal of a breath test in NJ is equal to driving with a BAC of .10% and a MV insurance surcharge of $1000 per year for ____________________________. 3 years 9. A 5 ounce glass of wine (12%) contains the same amount of alcohol as a - ___________ _______________________________________. A 12 ounce bottle or can of beer.
9. . A 5 ounce glass of wine (12%) contains the same amount of alcohol as a - ___________ _______________________________________. A 12 ounce bottle or can of beer. 10. Whether your blood alcohol content (BAC ) rises above legal limits depends on ______________________, _________________, and ___________________. the amount you drink, your weight, and the time you take to drink 11. After two to four drinks, alcohol begins to impair your: reaction time, ______________, and ______________________. Coordination and balance, and judgement. 12. What would happen if you applied for a driver’s license illegally? License suspension, fine of $200 to $500 and/or imprisonment. 13. If a motorist has reached a BAC of slightly above .05%, the risk of causing a motor vehicle accident is ____________. Double 14. If under 21, New Jersey law st ates that you may be under the influence if you BAC is _______________ Anything over .00%, NJ is zero tolerance especially if under the age of 21 years old 15. Drugs that may affect basic driving skills are ______________, _________________, and _____________ _______. Cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription medications.
16. If a motorist has reached a BAC of .10%, the risk of causing a motor vehicle accident is __________ times as great. 6 times 17. New Jersey’s Implied Consent Law means, that by simply using NJ roads, motorists have agreed to a __________ ________________. Breath test 18. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to not ________________ ________________________. Drive at all after drinking 19. What following convictions will result in an Insurance Surcharge: (hint: there are 3) Driving unlicensed or suspended, DUI of liquor/Drugs and/or Refusal to take a Breathlyzer Te st, No liability insurance o n a motor vehicle 20. Whether your blood alcohol content (BAC) rises above legal limits depends on : the amount your drink, _______________________, and ______________________. Y our weight, and th e time you take to drink