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QualNet Tutorial

QualNet Tutorial. Yi Zheng. 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction. Writing protocols in QualNet. Example. Using QualNet. Contents. QualNet. Part I Introduction. Introduction. What’s QualNet? Commercial derivative of GlomoSim Rapid prototyping of protocols

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QualNet Tutorial

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  1. QualNet Tutorial Yi Zheng

  2. 1 2 3 4 Introduction Writing protocols in QualNet Example Using QualNet Contents

  3. QualNet Part I Introduction

  4. Introduction • What’s QualNet? • Commercial derivative of GlomoSim • Rapid prototyping of protocols • Comparative performance evaluation of alternative protocols at each layer • Built-in measurements on each layer • Modular, layered stack design • Standard API for composition of protocols across different layers • Scalability via support for parallel execution • GUI Tools for system/protocol modeling

  5. Introduction • Installation • Make a local copy of QualNet in your home directory • % mkdir ~/qualnet • % cp –r /cs/local/packages/qualnet/4.0 ~/qualnet • Set environment variables in ~/.cshrc • setenv QUALNET_HOME ~/qualnet/4.0 • setenv PATH ${PATH} :${QUALNET_HOME}/bin • Test installation • % cd ~/qualnet/4.0/bin • % qualnet default.config

  6. Introduction • Directory Structure • addons Components developed as custom add-on modules • bin Executable and other runtime files • data Data files for the Wireless Model Library • documentation User’s Guide, Release Notes, etc. • gui Graphical components • include QualNet kernel header files • interfaces Code to interface QualNet with third party tools • kernel QualNet kernel objects used in the build process • lib Third party libraries used in the build process • libraries Source code for models in QualNet model libraries • license_dir License files required for the build process • main Kernel source files and Makefiles • scenarios Sample scenarios

  7. Introduction • Simulation experiment life cycle • Startup • Read configuration files • Initialize wireless environment • Create/initialize nodes • Execution • Execute events • Shutdown • Finalize nodes • Produce statistics files

  8. QualNet Part II Using QualNet

  9. Configuration File (1) • Configuration files • Plain-text explanation for configuration file • $QUALNET_HOME/scenarios/default/default.config • Global Parameters • Experiment name • Simulation time • Coordinate system and terrain • Random seed • Topology and subnets • Layer/Protocol related parameters

  10. Configuration File (2) • EXPERIMENT-NAME default • Name of experiment. Results are written to default.stat. • SIMULATION-TIME 15M • SEED 1 • Value used to seed the random number generator. • COORDINATE-SYSTEM CARTESIAN • TERRAIN-DIMENSIONS (1500, 1500) • Cartesian xy terrain dimensions in meters • SUBNET N16-1.0 { 1 thru 30 } • 30 nodes whose IP addresses range from to • Format: N<# host bits>-<address with front end 0’s omitted> • N16-1.0 allows hosts with IP address numbered from through, it is equivalent to N16-

  11. Configuration File (3) • NODE-PLACEMENT UNIFORM/GRID/RANDOM/FILE GRID RANDOM UNIFORM • MULTICASTGROUPFILE ./default.member • multicast membership file • See $QUALNET_HOME/scenarios/default/default.member for more details. • APPCONFIGFILE ./default.app • Specifies a file with a list of apps/traffic generators to run • CBR <src> <dest> <items to send> <size> <interval> <start time> <end time> • See $QUALNET_HOME/scenarios/default/default.app for more details.


  13. Using QualNet • Step 1: Prepare config files for your protocol • Step 2: Run QualNet on the config files • Step 3: Examine the output statistics file Use script language (perl/awk) to process it. • Step 4: Use plotting tools (gnuplot) to create graphs from above results.

  14. Using QualNet • Find fast computers in our department • Checkout /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/meminfo, etc. • Use “top” to check no other people is using that computer • Some new(fast) computers • cse2017-pc01 ~ cse2017-pc12: E8400 3G 6M cache • cse2027-pc01 ~ cse2027-pc08: E8400 • cse2023-pc01 ~ cse2023-pc08: E8400 • jun01 ~ jun24: E6750 2.66G 4M cache • navy • Don’t run QualNet on Indigo/Red • Only one process in one computer. • Our QualNet license only supports 30 processes simultaneously.

  15. Using QualNet • Use the powerful tool: screen • a terminal multiplexer that allows a user to access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single terminal window. • allows the user to start applications from one computer, and then reconnect from a different computer and continue using the same application without having to restart it.

  16. Tip • More Information • Read manuals in $QUALNET_HOME/documents • Read source codes • Visit community forums • http://www.scalable-networks.com/support/forums

  17. QualNet Part III Writing protocols in QualNet

  18. Writing Protocols • Message • A message is a unit defining an interaction between protocols and between nodes. • Two types of messages • Packets used for communication between nodes • Timers allow protocols to schedule events in a future time

  19. Writing Protocols • MESSAGE_Alloc() • Allocate a message and provide it with standard event, layer, protocol info • MESSAGE_PacketAlloc() • Allocate space for the packet within the message • MESSAGE_InfoAlloc() • Allocate additional user-specified space for optional information about the event (info field) • MESSAGE_Send() • Send the message as an event to the specified layer • MESSAGE_Free() • Free the message, once it has reached its final destination

  20. Writing Protocols • Implement five main functions in routing protocol • Initialization function • Create an instance of the protocol • Read configuration parameters • Initialize the state variables • register the router function • Schedule a timer event • Packet/Event handling function • Modify state variables • Generate/forward packets • Process packet/event based on packet/event type • Router function • Determine the next hop and outgoing interface for the packet • Finalization function • Print statistics

  21. Writing Protocols • Example : Simplified routing information protocol (SRIP) • Table-driven, distance vector protocol • Periodic route update • Will be Explained in Part IV

  22. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • Let QualNet know it is a network layer protocol • Modify $QUALNET_HOME/include/network.h • typedef enum • { • NETWORK_PROTOCOL_IP = 0, • NETWORK_PROTOCOL_MOBILE_IP, • : • : • ROUTING_PROTOCOL_IGRP, • ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP, • //InsertPatch ROUTING_PROTOCOL_TYPE • : • ROUTING_PROTOCOL_ALL, • ROUTING_PROTOCOL_NONE • } • NetworkRoutingProtocolType;

  23. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • Let IP module know it is an IP protocol • Modify libraries/developer/src/network_ip.h • // • // IP protocol numbers for network- and transport-layer protocols. • // • #define IPPROTO_ICMP 1 • #define IPPROTO_IGMP 2 • : • #define IPPROTO_DVMRP 200 • #define IPPROTO_SRIP 234 • //InsertPatch ROUTING_IPPROTO

  24. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • Let IP module recognize the five entry functions • Modify libraries/developer/src/network_ip.cpp • Include routing_srip.h • #include <stdio.h> • #include <stdlib.h> • #include <string.h> • #include <math.h> • : • : • #include “routing_srip.h" • //InsertPatch HEADER_FILES

  25. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • Have IP initialize SRIP if specified in the configuration file • Modify libraries/developer/src/network_ip.cpp, function NetworkIpInit() • else if (strcmp(protocolString, "SRIP") == 0) { NetworkIpAddUnicastRoutingProtocolType(node, ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP, i); if (!NetworkIpGetRoutingProtocol(node, ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP)) { SripInit(node,(SripData **) &ip->interfaceInfo[i]->routingProtocol,nodeInput, i); } else { NetworkIpUpdateUnicastRoutingProtocolAndRouterFunction(node, ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP, i); } • }

  26. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • When the network layer receives an event for SRIP, dispatch it to SRIP's event handling function • Modify libraries/developer/src/network_ip.cpp, function NetworkIpLayer() • switch (msg->protocolType) • { • : • case ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP: • { SripHandleProtocolEvent(node, msg); break; • } • //InsertPatch NETWORK_IP_LAYER • : • }

  27. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • When IP receives an SRIP route advertisement packet, dispatch it to SRIP's packet handling function • Modify libraries/developer/src/network_ip.cpp, function DeliverPacket() • switch (ipProtocolNumber) • { • : • case IPPROTO_SRIP: • { SripHandleProtocolPacket(node,msg, sourceAddress); break; • } • //InsertPatch NETWORK_HANDLE_PACKET • : • }

  28. Writing Protocols • Add your routing protocol to QualNet • Call SRIP's finalizing function when IP is terminating • Modify libraries/developer/src/network_ip.cpp, function NetworkIpFinalize() • switch (NetworkIpGetUnicastRoutingProtocolType(node, i)) • { • : • case ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP: • { SripFinalize(node); break; • } • //InsertPatch FINALIZE_FUNCTION • : • }

  29. Writing Protocols • Compile QualNet with the new code • Modify libraries/developer/src/Makefile-common • DEVELOPER_SRCS = \ • : • $(DEVELOPER_SRCDIR)/routing_srip.cpp \ • : • Rebuild QualNet • cd $QUALNET_HOME/main • make

  30. QualNet Part IV Example: SRIP

  31. Thank You !

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