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Strength of Materials and Life of NPP equipments Dr . sc . Alexander Balitskii

The First Ukrainian-Hyngarian “Safety, Reliability and Risk of Engineering Plants and Components” Seminar, 11-12 April 2006, Miskolc-Tapolca. Strength of Materials and Life of NPP equipments Dr . sc . Alexander Balitskii Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute, NAS Ukraine.

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Strength of Materials and Life of NPP equipments Dr . sc . Alexander Balitskii

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  1. The First Ukrainian-Hyngarian “Safety, Reliability and Risk of Engineering Plants and Components” Seminar, 11-12 April 2006, Miskolc-Tapolca Strength of Materials and Life of NPP equipments Dr.sc. Alexander Balitskii Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute, NAS Ukraine

  2. The percentage of electricity generated by NPP (on 01.01.2006)



  5. Eastern Europe: nuclear power station

  6. Eastern Europe: nuclear power station

  7. Eastern Europe: nuclear power station

  8. Japan: nuclear power station

  9. Switzerland: nuclear power station

  10. Belgium: nuclear power station

  11. Spain, Italy: nuclear power station

  12. Reactors age

  13. Example of starting PLEX Procedure • NPP Surry-1 (2003-2013) (PWR) • NPP Monticello (2001-2011) (BWR) • Yankee NPP (PWR) (1991-2006) • Bilibino-1 (2004-2019) (LWGR) • Kola-1 (2003-2018) (PGW-440) • Nowoworonez-1 (2001-2016) (PGW-440)

  14. NPP with BWR reactor:1 – reactor shell; 2 – fuel elements; 3 – regulative rods; 4 – moving devices of regulative rods; 5 – water circulation pomp; 6 – fresh steam;7 – quiring water; 8 – high pressure turbine; 9 – low pressure turbine; 10 – turbogenerator; 11 – turbogenerator exiter; 12 – capasitor; 13 – water from river; 14 –water heating devices; 15 – feeding water pomp; 16 - cooling water pomp, 17 – concrete defence.

  15. NPP with PWR reactor:1 – reactor; 2 – fuel elements; 3 – regulative rods; 4 – moving devices of regulative rods;5 – pressure stabilizator; 6 – steam generator; 7 – first circle water pomp; 8 – fresh steam;9 – quiring water; 10 – high pressure turbine; 11 – low pressure turbine; 12 – turbogenerator; 13 – turbogenerator exiter; 14 – capasitor; 15 – water from river; 16 – feeding water pomp; 17 – water heating devices; 18 – concrete defence; 19 – cooling water pomp

  16. NPP with high temperature THTR reactor with granular fuel: 1 – reactor; 2 – graphite reflector; 3 – steel screen; 4 – steam generator; 5 – cooling gas (helium) ventilator; 6 – concrete building; 7 – regulative rods;8 – exite pipe of using fuel;9 – entrance pipe of fuel; 10 – cooling gas (helium)

  17. Sheme of 1st contour sirculation lupe of nuclear reactor vessel PWR (Westinghouse(a), Babcock & Wilcox (b)): 1 – pressure stabilizator, 2 – steam outlet on turbine, 3 – stem generator, 4 – main circulation pump, 5 – reactor active area, 6 – reactor core, 7 – cooling loop, 8 – entrance of nourishing water from a condenser

  18. The persentage of accidents risk (N, %) on NPP equipments: steam generators (SG), heat exchange system (HE), turbogenerators (TG), reactor equipment (R), electrosystem of water intrance and accompained equipment (W)

  19. Chornobyl-4 (Safety of “Shelter”) General wiew of object of “Shelter”: a – cutting on the L axis; b – cutting on an axis 47; 1 – blocks of B1 and B2 beams; 2 – beam “Mammoth”; 3 – beam “Vosminig”

  20. Chornobyl-4 (strategy of stabilization of “Shelter” )Reinforcement of existing metal structures by making an extensive use of welding of West fragment of “Shelter”

  21. Chornobyl-4 (Long term stabilization) Beam “Mammoth”

  22. Possible PLEX procedure on “Shelter” • If the full replacement of the damaged structural elements is impossible, the technologies of their restoration became important using the modern concepts of fracture mechanics the injection processes of crack-like defects in NPP structural elements: for example – basin of self-controls and overloads of the worked nuclear fuel) • The elastic and strength properties of the matrix (concrete) and the polyuretane - based fillers in crack-like defects of concrete structures allows to restore the structure carrying ability by 50-80 %.

  23. Depository for the blasted reactor of Chernobyl-4 NPP (weighing 20 thouth. ton)

  24. Chemical composition of structural steels, coatings and welding wires, which used for pressure vessel of ligh pressure water reactors on Ukraine and Russian NPP.

  25. Mechanical characteristics of Ukrainian and Russian structural steels, coatings and welding wires, which used for pressure vessel of ligh PWR

  26. The integrity of RPV steels determines the safety and lifetime of NPPs and must therefore be guaranteed for ~40 years (at least…) RPV steels are known to harden and embrittlement under neutron irradiation and this may put their integrity during operation in danger

  27. Future reactors: Accelerator driven sub-critical Fusion Main candidate structural material: FM

  28. The neutron fluence and fatigue damage distribution through WWER-440 height: N– cycles quantaty during full project resource of construction, [N] – quantaty of cycles to failure according PNAE (I); Cover of WWER-440 RPV and separate units joining different nozzles with sphere: a: 1 – surfacing “I”; 2 – surfacing “E”; 3 – in cross-section are shown shematically; 4 – elec­troslag weldment №1; 5– sphere; 6 – electroslag weldment №2; 7 – flange; 8 – surfacing “Zh”; 9 – branch pipe ЗВ; 10 – branch pipeTK; 11 – branch pipeARK; b: 1 – upper flange of ARKcover; 2 – weldment weldment №7; 3 – pipe Ø273; 4– weldment №5; 5– adapter; 6– weldment №4; 7– pipe; 8– weldment №3; 9– weldment №2; 10– weldment №1; 11 – down flange ofARK cover.

  29. 1– weldment №25; 2 – surfacing “Р”; 3– weldment №18; 4– sphere; 5– flange; 6– surfacing “П”; 7– weldment № 24; 8– weldment № 28; 9– pipe; 10 – protective housing; 11 – heat tension member (c); 1 – weldment “С”; 2– surfacing “Т”; 3– branch pipe; 4 – weldment № 19; 5– weldment № 3; 6– weldment “Е”; ; 7 – protective housing; 8– surfacing “Д”; 9– weldment № 20(d)

  30. Temperature control by “Termoprylad” (Lviv, Ukraine) sensors Control of parameters in the WWER-440 reactor, basic reactor equipment: I – overlay; II – corps; III – active area; IV – corps fastening; V – dry defence; VI –concrete mine. Controlled parameters: 1 – temperature of reactor flange; 2 – temperature of overlay flange; 3 – temperature of heat transfer agent on an exit from a reactor; 4 – concentration of boric acid on the entrance to the reactor; 5 – water level in a reactor; 6 – temperature of heat transfer agent on ther exit from cassettes; 7 – temperature of heat transfer agent on the entrance to the reactor; 8 – temperature of fastening; 9 – temperature of dry defence; 10 – concrete temperature; 11 – energy irradiation on height of the active area; 12 – energy irradiation on the radius of active area; 13 – temperature of heat transfer agent on the entrance in an active area; 14 – concentration of boric acid on the entrance in an active area; 15 – appearance of water in a mine; 16 – temperature of reactor corps

  31. Effect of service time on intergranular stress corrosion crack depth detected in pipes (mostly in weld heat affected zones) (boiling water reactors, 280–290 ºC): 1 – KKB (Kernkraftwerk Brunsbüttel), 2- KWW (Kernkraftwerk Würgassen) , 3-GKT (Grosskernkraftwerk Tullnerfeld) (in Austria, has been built but not operated), 4- KKK (Kernkraftwerk Krümmel), 5 - KKI 1, 6 - KKP-1 (Kernkraftwerk Philipsburg), 7- Chernobyl

  32. PLEX procedure of reactor core • PTS – pressurized thermal shock • ADP – Annealing Demonstration – Midland NPP (BWR), Marble Hill NPP • Sufery Guide 50-SG-012 • Code of Federal Regulation 10 CFR 54 • Licence Renewal Rule • ISI-requirements of the ASME Code Section

  33. Location and shape of steam generator parts fabricated from alloy 600 1 – vessel head nozzle ; 2 – core support pad item M; 3 – bottom head penetration; 4 – distribution plate (f.s.); 5 – tube sheet; 6 – partition plate (f.s.); 7 – outlet nozzle; f.s. – ferritic steel

  34. WWER-1000 steam generator in operation and their damage NV5 – Novovoronezn 5; SU1 – South Ukraine 1; SU2 – South Ukraine 2; Z1 – Zaporizhe 1; K1 – Kalinin 1; Z2 – Zaporizhe 2; B1 – Balakovo 1; Z3 – Zaporizhe 3; K2 – Kalinin 2;R3 – Rivne 3; B2 – Balakovo 2; Z4 – Zaporizhe 4; Kh1 – Khmennitski 1; Kz5 – Kozloduy 5; B3 – Balakovo 3; Z5 – Zaporizhe 5; SU3 – South Ukraine 3; Kz6 – Kozloduy 6; B4 – Bala­kovo 4; Z6 – Zaporizhe 6; T1 – Tamelin-1; Rs1 – Rostov 1; T2 – Tamelin 2

  35. Damage locations at SG III cold collector of South Ukraine-1 (a), Zaporozhe-2 (b), Zaporozhe-1 (c), South Ukraine-2 (d) NPP. ◆ – Area of faulty holes (ligaments) according to instrument readings

  36. Maximum crack growth rates of intergranular SCC nickel-base alloys and steel in water with oxygen content ≤ 20 ppb, conductivity ≤ 0,6 µS/cm at the temperature 288ºC plotted versus yield strength (a): 1 – 316 NG, 2- Nim 70, 3 – A 286, 4 – Nim 80A, 5 – X-750, 6 – IN 600, 7 – IN 600, 8 – IN 718, 9 – SCC service failure of a bolt, alloy ChN35VT (Table 4.3, 4.4), WWER-440 and comparison an actual SCC servise failure in nuclear power plant for different alloys measured in PWR primery water, 350ºC(b):

  37. Technological process ofHEP repair e:a – common scheme, b – electrode opening to the length of the strengthening layer, c – electrode opening,d – electrode opening, e – electrode opening, f – electrode opening, g – cleaning,h – washing, k – electro polishing,l – washing, m – activation, n – washing, o – coating of barier layer, p-coating of barier layer, q – coating of strengthening layer, r – coating of protective layer, s – coating of protective layer, t – washing,u – finish of technological process; 1 – -detected deffect, 2 – cleaning solution, 3 – washing solution, 4 – electro polish solution, 5 – activation solution, 6 – barier sleeve forming from soft Ni, 7 – electrolite Ni, 8 – sleeve forming from alloy Ni-Co, 9 – protective coating

  38. Effect of yield strength (a):1 (▲) – Rp0,2= 1240 MPa; 2 (●) – Rp0,2 = 1190 MPa; 3 (■) – Rp0,2= 756 MPa, content of oxygen in water (b): (■) – < 0,01 ppm [O2], no CO2; (●) – 0,1 ppm [O2], 100 ppm [CO2]; ▲ – 8 ppm [O2], 0,7 ppm [CO2], fracture toughness (c): 1 – KIC= 200 MPam(as received); 2 – KIC= 197 MPam (as received+step cooled); 3 – K1C= 110 MPam (as received+450oC/104h); degree of temperature embrittlement (d): 1 – 3%Ni steel; 2 – 2Cr –1Ni steel; 3 – “clean steels” on the stress corrosion crack growth rates of steam turbine rotor steels exposed in water at 100 C (a,b,d), 160 C (c,d) and 288 C (d)

  39. Effect of stress intensity (a), yield strength (b) on the growth rates of intergranular stress corrosion cracks in steam turbine rotor steels in water at 160 ºC (a) and 100 ºC (b) and two different temperatures (c) as well as reciprocal temperature (d). (a): 1 – 3–3,5% Ni steel; 2 – 2Cr-1Ni steel; 3– “clean steels”, specially alloyed steels. (b): R P 0,2 , MPa: 1 – 1456, 2 – 1289, 3 – 1278, 4 – 1266, 5 – 1211, 6 – 1186, 7– 1138,8– 1053, 9 – 1027, 10 – 1002, 11 – 966, 12 – 926, 13 – 861, 14 – 731. (c): 1 – clean rotor steel, 2 – commercial rotor steel. (d): R P 0,2 , MPa: 1 – 1350, 2 – 1211, 3 – 1190, 4 – 800

  40. Fatigue crack growth diagrams of rotor steel 38ХН3МФА (near threshold and Paris areas) after standard heat tratment: 1, 2, 3 – electrolityc hydrogenation with current density 1 А/dm2; 4, 5, 6 – on air; 1, 4 – loading frequency – 2 Hz; 2, 5 – 10 Hz; 3, 6 – 50 Hz

  41. Damage locations at steam turbine condensator pipes (◆) of South Ukraine –1 NPP according to instrument readings -2003 and risk of engineering plants. Corrosion damage of condensators piping made from Cu-alloys (X %) dependance of time:1 – Sn-brass; 2 – Al-brass,3 –Al-bronze;4 – Cu-Ni

  42. Accidents with rotors and retaining rings of powerfull turbogenerators:1 – a number of rotors failure (1,5Cr-3,4Ni-0,5Mo-0,6V steel); 2 – a number of retaining rings failure (8Mn-8Ni-4Cr; 5Cr-25Ni-2,5Ti; 18Mn-4Cr, Ti-6Al-3Mo steels and alloy); 3 – a number of shut down energy units with output 200 MW

  43. Increasing of electric machines output

  44. Turbogenerators ТVV-500-2 (Electrosila)(output – 500 MW, voltage – 20 kV, frequency – 50 Hz, rotating speed – 3000 RPM) with brushfree exciter (а) and TOPAIR 23 (ABB Alstom) (output – 270 МW, voltage – 19 kV, frequency – 60 Hz, rotating speed – 3600 RPM)

  45. Equivalent (with regard for fretting) stresses on turbo-generator rotor shaft. 1 – ТВВ-220-2; 2, 2а – ТВВ-1200-2, correspondenly, in original design and after арplication antifretting measures; 3, 3а – Т3В-800-2; 4, 4а – ТВВ-500-2; 5 – safety level (b)

  46. Fracture surface of turbogenerator ТВВ-1200-2 rotor (a)), appearance of the surcumferential crack on the turbogenerator ТVV-320-2 rotor (mounting surface for contacting rings, tratsition fillet behind 7 and 8 bearing) (Hacko energy unit, Bosnia and Gertsogovina) (b), and its propagation in the axial direction (c).

  47. Dobrotvir-12, March 2006

  48. Dobrotvir-12, March 2006

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