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2014-15 Budget Planning. Benito Juarez Elementary School “Striving for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for the Success of All Students”. Budget Process. Open , Transparent, and Inclusive Process 1. Discretionary decisions by school site leadership Categorical decisions by SSC
2014-15 Budget Planning Benito Juarez Elementary School “Striving for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for the Success of All Students”
Budget Process Open, Transparent, and Inclusive Process 1. Discretionary decisions by school site leadership • Categorical decisions by SSC All with School Community input
Maintain Focus • District Vision 2020 • District Mission • School Site Vision and Mission • 12 Indicators of a Quality Neighborhood School
SDUSD Mission and Vision • All San Diego students will graduate with the skills, motivation, curiosity and resilience to succeed in their choice of college and career in order to lead and participate in the society of tomorrow. • Vision 2020 will create a school district that: • Creates improved and broader measures of student achievement • Develops schools as neighborhood learning centers • Ensures effective teaching in the classroom • Engages parents and community volunteers in the educational process • Facilitates communication and support
School Site Vision and Mission(dynamic documents) THE JUAREZ VISION MISSION STATEMENT Juarez, a small and diverse school, strives for excellence in teaching and learning for the success of all students. The Juarez community will work together to enable each child to achieve full potential and self worth through a biliterate and integrated curriculum which will allow each child to become a productive member of a global society.
Benito Juarez Belief Statement The Juarez community believes that: • All children have the ability and the need to learn. • Biliterate skills support children to be more successful in a global society. • All children have a right to be safe and respected. • Diversity strengthens our community and should be honored and protected. • Our community prospers when we collaborate.
Benito Juarez Motto Striving for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for the Success of all Students. Esforzándonos para Alcanzar la Excelencia en la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje para el Éxito de Todos los Estudiantes.
12 Indicators of a Quality School • Access to a broad and challenging curriculum • Quality teaching • Quality leadership • Professional learning for all staff • Closing the achievement gap with high expectations for all • Parent/community engagement around student achievement • Supportive environment that values diversity in the service of students • High enrollment of neighborhood students • Digital literacy • Neighborhood center with services depending on neighborhood needs • Safe and well-maintained facilities
As projected funding increases between now and 2020… Where do we hope to be in 5 years’ time???
The Principal’s thoughts… In 5 years I see Juarez Elementary as a thriving dual language school with a full enrollment to our site’s capacity: between 360 and 400 pupils. I see highly qualified and committed teachers and staff, implementing state of the art technology. I see biliterate students at all grade levels, and teams of teachers planning collaboratively around the students’ needs. I see all of our students: general education, special education, English Learners, GATE, socio economically disadvantaged, of all races and backgrounds, learning to their capacity under the guidance of caring adults. I see students with healthy life styles supported by a top notch PE program ,well staffed health office, and an excellent cafeteria. I see students building good character supported by guidance professionals. I see students learning core subject material through arts integration, as well as a staffed and busy library. I see satisfied and appreciative parents having their needs met in a customer friendly biliterate office. I see continued collaboration with the YMCA PrimeTime and Pre K, meeting the needs of our families. I see special memories created through school-community-family events. I see the school I love so much now, becoming even better year by year!
Budget Decisions to Make 1. Categorical (Title I and Title I Parent Involvement): SSC with School Community Input 2. LCFF and Discretionary: Principal with School and Community Input Completed budgets due on February 7, 2014!
Process • Open and transparent, with input from staff, parents and community • Providing the services to students, staff, and parents • Ensuring that funded staff can perform needed tasks as defined in job descriptions • Staff survey of priorities distributed on Monday, January 27 • Projected budget released to principals Tuesday, January 28 • Parent survey of priorities distributed on Thursday, January 30 • Informational meetings for community: Wednesday, January 29 and Friday, January 31 • SSC meetings beginning Friday, January 31 • Principal inputs data into SBB (Site Based Budget tool) • Principal meets with Budget Analyst to refine and balance proposed budget • Budget is submitted to Superintendent on Friday, February 7
Budget Comparison Categorical Funds 2013-142014-15 • Title I: $41,775 $32,540 (Hourly Teachers, subs, supplies) • EIA/LEP*: $23,832 N/A (*folded into new LCFF: Local Control Funding Formula) • EIA/SCE*: $15,790 N/A New LCFF : $37,774 Must continue to address the needs of ELs, Socio Economically Disadvantaged, GATE, Special programs, (Dual Language Immersion) and other target populations and subgroups School leadership solicits community input for consideration in decision making
Why did our Title I go down? The number of schools splitting the Title I allocation to our District increased… The number of our pupils who met Title I criteria for socio economically disadvantaged decreased… Our per pupil allocation decreased per the current formula based on the total percentage of Title I pupils enrolled at Juarez…
Will we get more money? • Our governor assures us that our budgets will increase each year for the next 5 years
Guidelines for Categorical Purchases Categorical funds must: • Supplement the core program - “principals, essential classified and formula teachers” are the only centrally allocated resources. - Be used for direct services to students that will improve student achievement.
Categorical expenditures Allowable: • Instructional materials • Professional development • Subs • Hourly instructional staff • Supplemental positions (ELST, push in teacher, nurse, DC, Class Size Reduction teacher, etc.) • Parent Involvement Not allowable: • Clerical support • Copier contract • Noon duty • Athletic equipment • Medical supplies • Security • Custodial • Building improvements
Discretionary Dollars 2013-14: Started at $10,782 2014-15: $ 21,330 Typically used for items that cannot be paid for by categorical monies: Copier contract Noon duty Clerical hourly Health supplies Miscellaneous Supplies
What about class sizes? Board has committed to - • K-3: 1:24 • 4, 5: 1:32.13
Can we use our budget to fund an extra teacher for smaller classes in K-3? • No, at an average cost of $86,000, Juarez does not have adequate funding to pay for an extra teacher • However, we can reduce adult to child ratio during core literacy instruction using hourly teachers
Your input is important! • Fill out the Budget Priorities Survey • Let your SSC representatives know what your priorities are for categorical funding! • Let your principal know what your priorities are for LCFF and discretionary funding! • All budget discussions and proposals are open to all who are interested. • SSC meets Friday, 1/31 at 3:45 and Wednesday, 2/5 at 8:00.
For more information Go to www.sandi.net/budget Thank you!