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第十章 口译实战案例之二 ——“ 国际道德经论坛 ” (2007 年 4 月 22 — 27 日 陕西西安,香港 ). A Case Study of Provincial Interpretation Practice ( II ) ——“ The Way to Harmony ” International Forum on the Daodejing (Xi ’ an, Shaanxi Province and Hong Kong, April 22 — 27 2007). 一 . 国际道德经论坛主题、议程和主办单位 (C—E)
第十章 口译实战案例之二——“国际道德经论坛”(2007年4月22—27日 陕西西安,香港) A Case Study of Provincial Interpretation Practice ( II ) ——“The Way to Harmony” International Forum on the Daodejing (Xi’an, Shaanxi Province and Hong Kong, April 22—27 2007)
一. 国际道德经论坛主题、议程和主办单位 (C—E) 二. 国际道德经论坛新闻发布会发布词 (C—E) 三. 联合国秘书长潘基文致“国际道德经论坛”的贺信(E—C) 四. 全国政协主席贾庆林致“国际道德经论坛”的贺信 (C—E)
国际道德经论坛 举办时间: 2007年4月22日至27日 举办地点: 陕西西安(4月22日至24日) 香港(4月26日至27日) 举办宗旨:旨在为全世界爱好、研究和运用《道德经》思想人士,搭建对话、交流合作的平台,阐先哲之睿思,解时代之困惑,觅济世之良方,建和谐之世界。 “The Way to Harmony” International Forum on the Daodejing Date: April 22-27,2007 Venues: Xi’an, Shaanxi Province (April 22-24) and Hong Kong (April 26-27) Purpose of the Forum: The forum shall provide a unique opportunity for dialogue and communication, among those who are interested in the Daodejing, who seek to study it, or to apply its traditional wisdom, so that its rich insights and acumen can inspire human beings to solve their multiple and diverse problems and construct a harmonious world. 一. 国际道德经论坛主题、议程和主办单位 (C—E)
论坛主题——和谐世界 以道相通Theme of the Forum——“Constructing a Harmonious World Through the Dao” • “和谐”传达的是善意,表现的是友好,追求的是美好。“和谐世界”,和平共处,是人类社会的共同愿望。多姿多彩的世界,需要以和谐的精神来维系。 • “Harmony” gives expression to goodwill, fosters friendship and engenders a common spirit of cooperation that the entire human race should embrace. A world of vast differences in creed, race, religion, economics, social development, and political structures can be safeguarded only by the spirit of such harmony. • “道”是《道德经》的最高范畴,“道”通天地古今;“和”是《道德经》的重要理念,“和”为道之本性,万物常态,故道乃和谐之道。以道修身,则身心和谐;以道处世,则人人和谐;以道治天下,则万邦和谐。 • The Dao is the highest principle in the Daodejing. It is ever-present in time and space. “Harmony” is an important concept in the Daodejing. It is the nature of the Dao and the normal state of everything. The Dao is a Dao of harmony. If one cultivates one’s moral character with Daoism, one’s soul will enjoy harmony. If everyone applies the principles of Daoism, society will become harmonious. If the world could be ruled by the Dao, all countries would live in harmony.
论坛分议题: Sub-topics of the Forum • a. 《道德经》与和谐文化 The Daodejing and a Culture of Harmony; • b. 《道德经》与生态环保 The Daodejing and the Protection of Our Environment; • c. 《道德经》与现代管理 The Daodejing and Modern Management; • d. 《道德经》与养生健康 The Daodejing and Health. • 主办单位:Sponsoring Bodies • 中华宗教文化交流协会 China Religious Culture Communication Association • 中国道教协会 China Daoist Association • 承办单位:Organizing Bodies • 国际道德经论坛陕西组委会 • The Shaanxi Organizing Committee for the International Forum on theDaodejing • 国际道德经论坛香港组委会 • The Hong Kong Organizing Committee for the International Forum on the Daodejing
在西安期间Xi’an • 开幕式 Opening ceremony • 论坛发言 Forum speeches • 楼观老子说经台扩建落成大殿暨祈祷世界和平法会 • Ceremony celebrating the completion of the expansion of Luoguantai Temple (where Laozi spread his teachings) and praying for world peace • 《太平颂》音乐歌舞晚会 Evening musical variety show with rich Daoist culture • 道教文化展览 Exhibition of Daoist culture • 参观兵马俑、汉阳陵、八仙宫等活动 • Tour of the Terracotta Warriors Museum, the Hanyang imperial tombs and the Eight Immortals Temple
在香港期间Hong Kong • 论坛发言 Forum speeches • 中国道教协会会长任法融道长讲话 • Lecture on Daoism by Master Ren Farong, president of the China Daoist Association • 由81位高道共同举行祈福仪式 • Grand benediction ceremony dfficiated by 81 senior Daoist priests. • 道德经》版本、译本展 Exhibition of editions and translations of the Daodejing • 道教音乐会 Performance of Daoist music • 闭幕式 Closing ceremony
二. 国际道德经论坛新闻发布会发布词 (C—E) • 论坛新闻发布会 • Press Conference of the Forum • 中华宗教文化交流协会副会长兼秘书长、国际道德经论坛副秘书长 齐晓飞 • Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Religious Culture Exchange Association • Vice Secretary General of the International Forum on the Daodejing Qi Xiaofei • 2007年4月22日 • April 22nd, 2007 • 各位新闻界的朋友: • Dear Friends from the Press Media, • 下午好! • Good afternoon!
三个小时之后,在古都西安雄浑、厚重的永宁门古城墙上,一场传统与现代的共鸣、思想与文化的盛宴——国际道德经论坛将正式拉开帷幕,论坛将从不同视角展示和阐发作为中华文明精粹之一的《道德经》的独特魅力与价值。三个小时之后,在古都西安雄浑、厚重的永宁门古城墙上,一场传统与现代的共鸣、思想与文化的盛宴——国际道德经论坛将正式拉开帷幕,论坛将从不同视角展示和阐发作为中华文明精粹之一的《道德经》的独特魅力与价值。 • Three hours later from now, the opening ceremony of the International forum on the Daodejing will officially proceed. A compromise between the traditional and the modern, a feast of thoughts and cultures will thus present before us. The forum will present and demonstrate from different angles the extinctive charm and value of the Daodejing, the essence of the Chinese culture.
老子的《道德经》超越历史、超越宗教、超越国界,不仅是道教的圣典,更是中华文化的宝典,也是全人类的宝贵精神财富。中华宗教文化交流协会和中国道教协会共同举办国际道德经论坛,就是希望为世界上爱好、研究和运用《道德经》思想的人士,搭建对话、交流、合作的平台,并通过这个平台,彰显《道德经》的思想、文化内涵,以树立道教应有的文化形象;以增强海内外华人同胞对中华文化的认同和自信;以促进东、西方文明的交融与互补,为构建和谐社会、共建和谐世界作贡献。老子的《道德经》超越历史、超越宗教、超越国界,不仅是道教的圣典,更是中华文化的宝典,也是全人类的宝贵精神财富。中华宗教文化交流协会和中国道教协会共同举办国际道德经论坛,就是希望为世界上爱好、研究和运用《道德经》思想的人士,搭建对话、交流、合作的平台,并通过这个平台,彰显《道德经》的思想、文化内涵,以树立道教应有的文化形象;以增强海内外华人同胞对中华文化的认同和自信;以促进东、西方文明的交融与互补,为构建和谐社会、共建和谐世界作贡献。 • Daodejing by Lao Zi surpasses history, religion and state boundaries. It is not only the essence of Taoism, but the holy bible of Chinese culture and valuable heritage of the humankind. China Religious Culture Exchange Association cooperates with China Taoist Association to hold this International Forum, in hope to establish a platform of dialogues, communications and cooperation, for those who respect, research and apply the thoughts ofthe Daodejing. And by this platform, the contents of the thoughts and cultures are presented, thus the cultural image is set up. The forum is to strengthen the recognition and confidence of the Chinese people home and abroad, and it contributes to construct harmonious society and world for the advancement of both oriental and western civilization.
此次论坛得到了中国政府的关注和重视,全国政协主席贾庆林先生特别向论坛大会发来贺信。他在贺信中说“举办国际道德经论坛,是一件很有意义的事情。‘执古之道,以御今之有’。希望大家通过这个平台,进行深入交流与合作,更好的彰显先哲精神,弘扬和谐理念,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界,做出积极的努力。”全国人大副委员长许嘉璐先生、全国政协副主席刘延东女士也将光临论坛并发表讲话。全国政协副主席董建华先生将出席论坛在香港举行的闭幕式。陕西省政府及社会各界也为论坛的举办给以了大力的支持。此次论坛得到了中国政府的关注和重视,全国政协主席贾庆林先生特别向论坛大会发来贺信。他在贺信中说“举办国际道德经论坛,是一件很有意义的事情。‘执古之道,以御今之有’。希望大家通过这个平台,进行深入交流与合作,更好的彰显先哲精神,弘扬和谐理念,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界,做出积极的努力。”全国人大副委员长许嘉璐先生、全国政协副主席刘延东女士也将光临论坛并发表讲话。全国政协副主席董建华先生将出席论坛在香港举行的闭幕式。陕西省政府及社会各界也为论坛的举办给以了大力的支持。 • The forum has received great attention from the Chinese government. Mr. Jia Qinglin, Chairman of CPPCC, has addressed the forum with the welcome message, by stating that, “It is very meaningful to hold this international forum on the Daodejing. Consult the ancient Dao, to serve the present use. Hope that the communications and cooperation may deepen, excellent ancient culture may well apply, concept of harmony may prevail, and efforts are to put out to construct a long peaceful and prosperous world of all”. Mr. Xu Jialu, Vice Chairman of the National People’s Representative Council, and Mz. Liu Yandong, Vice Chair of CPPCC will address today’s forum. Mr. Dong Jianhua, Vice Chairman of CPPCC will attend the closing ceremony of the forum in Hong Kong. Shaanxi Provincial Government and all sectors of the society have given great support to this forum.
论坛得到国际社会的关注。联合国秘书长潘基文、法国前总统德斯坦、英国菲利普亲王也为论坛发来贺信。潘基文先生在信中说:“此次会议以‘和谐世界,以道相通’为主题,为促进宽容和理解提供了契机。道教关于和谐、善意、合作的哲学思想,集中体现了当前国际社会的基本理想,也是联合国努力促进不同文明间对话与合作的出发点。”论坛得到国际社会的关注。联合国秘书长潘基文、法国前总统德斯坦、英国菲利普亲王也为论坛发来贺信。潘基文先生在信中说:“此次会议以‘和谐世界,以道相通’为主题,为促进宽容和理解提供了契机。道教关于和谐、善意、合作的哲学思想,集中体现了当前国际社会的基本理想,也是联合国努力促进不同文明间对话与合作的出发点。” • The forum has aroused great attention of international society. General secretary Pan-ki-Moon, former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, and Prince Philip of the UK have all sent their congratulations messages. Pan-ki-Moon said in his message that the theme of this forum, the harmonious world is through the Dao, has provided opportunities to promote forgiveness and understandings. Taoist concept of harmony, kindness and cooperation has just well interpreted the basic principle of international society, and is the guideline of UN to promote dialogues and cooperation between civilizations.
届时将有17个国家和我国台湾、香港、澳门地区300余名道教界人士、著名学者、文化名流和工商界人士等有关人士参加论坛。香港恒基地产集团主席李兆基先生为论坛的发起筹备给予了特别的帮助,此次又专门组织了一个60余人的代表团出席论坛。届时将有17个国家和我国台湾、香港、澳门地区300余名道教界人士、著名学者、文化名流和工商界人士等有关人士参加论坛。香港恒基地产集团主席李兆基先生为论坛的发起筹备给予了特别的帮助,此次又专门组织了一个60余人的代表团出席论坛。 • There will be more than 300 Taoists, well-known scholars, artists and businessmen from 17 countries and China’s Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macaw. Mr. Li Zhaoji, Chairman of the Hong Kong Henderson Real Estate Group Limited has given special support for the start and preparation of the Forum, and has also organized a 60 member delegation to attend the conference. • 一些不能亲自前往的知名学者如季羡林、南怀瑾、王蒙等,十分关心、关注论坛,专门为论坛寄语。我们将他们的寄语制成光盘送与大家交流。 • Some distinguished well known scholars, Ji Xianlin, Nan Huaijin, Wang Meng, etc. have all showed their great concern to the forum and sent their messages. We will distribute all these messages to the participants on CDs.
论坛主题为“和谐世界,以道相通”。设四个分论题:《道德经》与和谐文化、《道德经》与生态环保、《道德经》与现代管理、《道德经》与养生健康。论坛安排有大会发言、分议题讨论会、文化名人企业家学者开放式座谈、儒释道三界代表开发式座谈等活动,辅以道教圣地瞻礼及祈祷世界和平法会、《道德经》文物版本展、文艺演出、道教音乐会、道家讲经等多种文化、宗教、艺术等活动。我们希望能从不同视角、不同侧面阐释《道德经》的文化意义与精神价值。论坛主题为“和谐世界,以道相通”。设四个分论题:《道德经》与和谐文化、《道德经》与生态环保、《道德经》与现代管理、《道德经》与养生健康。论坛安排有大会发言、分议题讨论会、文化名人企业家学者开放式座谈、儒释道三界代表开发式座谈等活动,辅以道教圣地瞻礼及祈祷世界和平法会、《道德经》文物版本展、文艺演出、道教音乐会、道家讲经等多种文化、宗教、艺术等活动。我们希望能从不同视角、不同侧面阐释《道德经》的文化意义与精神价值。 • The theme of the forum is “ The harmonious world is through the Dao”. There are four sub-topics: The Daodejing and culture of harmony,the Daodejing and the Protection of Our Living Environment, the Daodejing and Modern Management, the Daodejing and Health. There are activities such as speeches, sub-topic discussions, open discussions for well-known enterpreuers and scholars, Confucian interpretations of the Dao. Besides, trips to Taoist holy places and Taoist praying ceremonial service for world peace, The Daodejing ancient copy exhibition, performances, concerts and all other activities will be held. We do hope to interpret the cultural meaning and moral values of the Daodejing from different angles and aspects.
到目前为止,我们共收到论文274篇,共计114万字。其中,最后一篇论文收于4月13日晚10点,我们加班加点于4月17日晚全部印制成书——书名为《和谐世界 以道相通》分上卷、下卷、续卷三本。为配合在香港、北京举办的《道德经》文物版本展,我们还编辑出版了《道德经》文物版本图录《大道流行》,共收录430个不同的《道德经》版本,包括中文版180种,外文版250种。我们还合集出版了包含有中文、英文、法文、俄文、德文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、意大利文、日文、韩文、阿拉伯文以及世界语等多种文字的《道德经》,作为礼品赠送给大家。为了记者朋友们采访使用方便,我们特别印制了中英文对照《道德经》简本,欢迎大家取用。此外,我们还专门为论坛拍摄制作了文化专题片《智者老子》和论坛宣传片《和谐世界 以道相通》,由CCTV的金铁木导演执导,论坛期间CCTV将安排播放。光盘我们也会送给大家。 • At present, we have received 274 papers of a total 1.14 million words. In addition, the last paper we got on 10pm April 13th, we worked overtime and print all them out into books on April 17th, with the name of “ Harmonious world through the Dao” in three volumes. In cooperation with the ancient copy of the Daodejing Exhibition in Beijing and Hong Kong, we have published pictorial ancient copy of Daodejing—the Dao Is Through Everything, with more than 430 different versions of the Daodejing, 180 of which are Chinese versions and 250, foreign language versions. We have also published the Daodejing in many language versions, including Chinese, English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and Esperanto, in one volume as a present to the participants and guests. For the convenience of the press media, we specially prepared the simplified version of the Daodejing in both English and Chinese languages, and they are offered at your request. In addition, we have produced videos programs directed by Jin Tiemu, which will be played on CCTV during the forum, and they are also offered free on compact disks.
下面我简要介绍此次论坛的日程和主要活动安排情况。下面我简要介绍此次论坛的日程和主要活动安排情况。 • Now let me briefly introduce you the itineraries and schedules of this forum. • 今晚(22日),在西安古城墙南门举行隆重的入城式之后,国际道德经论坛正式开幕。在南门城楼上,陕西承办方将为大家奉献一场蕴藉着千余年道家文化风姿的大型文艺演出《大道无极》。 • Tonight, the 22nd, after the grand entrance ceremony of this ancient capital, the International Forum on the Daodejing begins. At the South Gate of the city wall, Shaanxi local hosting organization will present you a grand performance, the Limitless Dao, which incorporates the culture of Taoism over thousands of years. • 23日,论坛将进行大会发言和分论坛发言; • On the 23rd, speeches and discussions will proceed.
24日上午,论坛代表参加古楼观复修落成庆典和祈祷世界和平法会,下午还将举办一场由各界代表参与的开放式论坛,届时台上台下将开展互动。24日上午,论坛代表参加古楼观复修落成庆典和祈祷世界和平法会,下午还将举办一场由各界代表参与的开放式论坛,届时台上台下将开展互动。 • On the morning of 24th, the participants will join the ceremony of ancient Taoist Shrine reconstruction, and Taoist praying service for the world peace. In the afternoon, there is an open discussion for all delegates with interaction between the audience and the stage. • 25日,论坛代表将转至香港。海南航空公司董事长陈峰先生亲自协调,派出两架波音737飞机为我们从西安到香港的转机提供保障。 • On the 25th, the delegates will travel to Hong Kong. Two Boeing 737 air flights are offered to facilitate the travel to Hong Kong by direct arrangement of Mr. Chen Feng, Chairman of the Board of Hainan Airlines.
26日,在香港继续进行大会发言及讨论。《道德经》版本(文物)展将于此日拉开序幕,当晚,香港承办方还将为大家奉献一场道教音乐会。26日,在香港继续进行大会发言及讨论。《道德经》版本(文物)展将于此日拉开序幕,当晚,香港承办方还将为大家奉献一场道教音乐会。 • On the 26th, further speeches and discussions are to be held on Hong Kong. Daodejing ancient copy exhibition will start. In the evening, the Hong Kong facilitator will present a Taoist concert. • 27日下午,中国道教协会任法融会长将在伊丽莎白体育馆举行讲经法会。 • On the afternoon of the 27th, Chairman Ren Farong of China Taoist Association is to give his lecture on Taoist Studies in Elizabeth Stadium of Hong Kong.
昨天下午,香港伊丽莎白体育场万人齐颂《道德经》活动,以宏大的气势奏响了本次论坛的序曲,那将是论坛高潮迭起的初声。我们欢迎各位媒体界的朋友积极参与报道,与道教界及各界朋友一道共襄盛举。我们也将尽全力为各位的采访报道提供便利。昨天下午,香港伊丽莎白体育场万人齐颂《道德经》活动,以宏大的气势奏响了本次论坛的序曲,那将是论坛高潮迭起的初声。我们欢迎各位媒体界的朋友积极参与报道,与道教界及各界朋友一道共襄盛举。我们也将尽全力为各位的采访报道提供便利。 • The afternoon before today, the ten thousand people’s singing of the Daodejing in Elizabeth Stadium of Hong Kong well started the preface of this forum, which will for sure stimulate the peak of the forum. We do welcome all our friends from the press media to join and report the forum, and to enjoy this wonderful opportunity with Taoism. We will make all our effort to facilitate your work in any respect. • 最后,让我们共同预祝国际道德经论坛顺利开幕! • Now, let us extend our best wishes and congratulations for the opening ceremony of the International Forum on the Daodejing. • 谢谢大家! • Thank you!
三. 联合国秘书长潘基文致“国际道德经论坛”的贺信(E—C) • Congratulation Letter from Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations on the International Forum on the Daodejing • (April 22, 2007, Xi’an — Hong Kong) • I am very glad to express my greetings to all the participants presenting the International Forum on the Daodejing. • With “Constructing a Harmonious World through the Dao” as its theme, the forum provides an opportunity of tolerance and understanding for the world. • The philosophy of the Dao concerning harmony, kindness and cooperation embodies the fundamental ideal of the current international community, which is also taken as the starting point of the UN in its attempts of the promotion of dialogues and cooperation between different civilizations. At the 2005 United Nations World Summit, leaders of all countries made communities to “actions on the promotion of the culture of peace and dialogues between regions, countries, areas and the international communities of all levels” and gave emphasis to the importance of dialogues between different cultures and civilizations.
Such dialogues become more essential when tension arises between different religions and cultures. We must promote the basic principles of major religions in the world in a common effort. We must establish a society which respects personal beliefs and activities, where all the cultures and peoples are in peaceful coexistence. We must combine the above mentioned endeavors with our efforts of the United Nations in the promotion of peace, development, and universal human rights. • With this spirit, I am in the hope that this forum can promote harmony and understandings, and make contributions to world peace and prosperity. I extend best wishes for a successful forum. Ban Ki-Moon
参考译文 Reference Version • 联合国秘书长潘基文致“国际道德经论坛”的贺信 • (2007年4月22日,西安-香港) • 联合国秘书长 潘基文 • 我十分高兴地向出席此次“国际道德经论坛”的所有人士致以问候。 • 此次会议以“和谐世界,以道相通”为主题,为促进宽容和理解提供了契机。 • 道教关于和谐、善意、合作的哲学思想,集中体现了当前国际社会的基本理想,也是联合国努力促进不同文明间对话与合作的出发点。在2005年联合国世界峰会上,各国领导人承诺“采取行动促进地方、国家、地区和国际各级的和平与对话的文化”,并强调不同文化与文明间对话的重要性。 • 当不同宗教信仰和文化间关系紧张的时候,进行这样的对话就更有必要。我们必须共同努力推进世界各主要宗教的基本理想。我们必须建立尊重个人信仰和活动的社会,建立所有文化和民族和平共处的社会。我们必须把上述努力同联合国推动和平、发展以及普遍人权的工作结合起来。 • 本着这一精神,我希望此次论坛将增进和谐与理解,为世界和平与繁荣做出贡献。祝会议取得丰硕成果。 潘基文
四. 全国政协主席贾庆林致“国际道德经论坛”的贺信 (C—E) • 中华宗教文化交流协会、中国道教协会: • 值此国际道德经论坛开幕之际,我谨对论坛的举办表示热烈祝贺!对参加论坛的国内外朋友表示诚挚问候! • 《道德经》是中国传统文化的重要经典,其思想博大精深,内容涉及自然、社会、人生等各个方面,两千多年来一直受到世人的高度重视。《道德经》蕴含着丰富的和谐理念,主张清静和顺、谦下不争、反战尚和等思想,体现了深厚的生命关怀、社会关怀、环境关怀的人文精神,对于我们今天构建和谐社会、共建和谐世界具有重要的启示意义。
“和谐”即是中国传统文化的重要理念,也应当是全世界不同种族的人们共同追求的社会理想。人类的先哲们在探索人类社会发展规律的过程中,都对和谐思想有过精辟的阐述和不懈的追求,都主张在承认差异性和多样性的前提下实现社会和谐。我们生活在一个充满变动和变革的时代,各个国家和地区的联系日趋紧密,不同文明之间相互交融又相互激荡,人类社会的发展面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。在这样的形势下,一个国家要谋求发展,离不开和谐有序的社会环境;世界要实现稳定与繁荣,离不开各国的和谐共存。 “和谐”即是中国传统文化的重要理念,也应当是全世界不同种族的人们共同追求的社会理想。人类的先哲们在探索人类社会发展规律的过程中,都对和谐思想有过精辟的阐述和不懈的追求,都主张在承认差异性和多样性的前提下实现社会和谐。我们生活在一个充满变动和变革的时代,各个国家和地区的联系日趋紧密,不同文明之间相互交融又相互激荡,人类社会的发展面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。在这样的形势下,一个国家要谋求发展,离不开和谐有序的社会环境;世界要实现稳定与繁荣,离不开各国的和谐共存。 • 中华宗教文化交流协会和中国道教协会,以“和谐世界,以道相通”为主题举办国际道德经论坛,是一件很有意义的事情。“执古之道,以御今之有”。希望大家通过这个平台,进行深入交流与合作,更好地彰显先哲精神,弘扬和谐理念,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界,做出积极的努力。 • 预祝论坛圆满成功! 贾庆林 2007年4月13日
参考译文 Reference Version Letter of Congratulation • To: China Religious Culture Communications Association; • China Daoist Association • On this very occasion of the opening of the International Forum on the Daodejing,I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you for the success of the forum. And I would also like to extend my sincere greetings to all friends, both from home and abroad, and presented at the forum. • “Daodejing” is one of the critical canons, Daoist Scripture in Chinese traditional Culture. Its rich contents, the broad philosophy and concept expressed therein, has drawn highest attention of the people, for over two thousand years. Its coverage extended , without limitations, to all fields of life, including natural and social science, life morality, etc. “Daodejing” has demonstrated to all its rich ideology and concept of harmony; it focused on the quiet, calm and harmony of life, being modest and disputefree, against the fight and war, but insisting on peace. It indicates clearly and precisely the ideology and Humanistic Spirit of life concern, social concern, environmental concern. It will surely reveal its importance in the establishment of the co-social harmony of today and construction of harmony world.
“Harmony” is always believed to be the most important concept in Chinese traditional culture, which is also the social ideal of life aimed at by all people in this world. Our sages, in their discoveries of the rules and laws of human social development, had made incisive and precise statement and had unremittingly sought after the principle of harmony. They all agree and acknowledge the realization of social harmony under the precondition of admitting the otherness and diversity; we are living in a world full of changing and innovations; the connection and communications among all the nations and regions are becoming more close and compact, and there exists more and more inter blending and fierce. The human society is now facing a new world of opportunities and challenges. Under this situation, any one country or nation, seeking for development, must be living and following this trend and live in this orderly natural environment. The social harmony of each country and the co-existence of all shall be the basis for realizing the world of stability and prosperity.
It is of great value for us and for all that the China Religious Culture Communication Association and China Daoist Association, with joint hands, to host this International Forum on the Daodejing with the discussion topic of “Constructing a Harmonious World Through the Dao”; I do wish that we all shall conduct and continue extensive communications and cooperation at this stage, to demonstrate to people of the world the spirit of our sages, to educate and promote the Daoism Principles and jointly contribute our effort and work actively for building long term peace, harmonious world and co-prosperity. • Last but not the least, may we wish the success of this forum! Jia Qinglin Chairman of CPPCC of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference April 13, 2007