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Progress update on National Rural Health Mission implementation plan in Dadra & Nagar Haveli, focusing on health infrastructure development and achievements under various health programs and goals.
National Rural Health Mission Project Implementation Plan UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli NPCC Meeting 13th March 2008
Progress made under NRHM • State Health Mission: Constituted and different societies except AIDS have been merged. • Rogi Kalyan Samiti: Formed in District Hospital and under process for CHC. • ASHA: 107 (100%) selected. In 1st phase 87 ASHA have been trained in 1st module. • State Assurance Committee: Constituted and regularly the findings are discussed with the Medical Officers of the PHC & CHC. • Facility Survey. Completed in SC, PHC & CHC. • IPHS:The District Hospital up gradation up to 150 beds as per IPHS standards completed and up gradation is on for 300 beds in 2nd phase. The CHC up gradation as per IPHS norms is in process. • School Health: Till date 39535 students examined under School Health. 2006-07: 167 schools covered and 27535 students were examined. 2007-08: 120 schools covered & 16358 students were examined. (till January 2008)
Progress made under RCH-II & Immunization. • Institutional delivery increase from 47% to 58% as per service data till January 2008. • Setting up 1 PHC out of 6 as 24 x 7 PHC with 3 staff nurses. Rest 5 PHC are having 2 staff nurses each. • ANC registration: 80% • Complete 3 ANC check up: 58% • Implementation of Village Health & Nutrition Days ( 90% held as per planned) but need more focused approach. • Full Immunization rate: 86% • 100% reporting on RIMS. • No. of beneficiary under permanent method: 978 (75%) till January 2008; out of 1294 eligible couples. • Setting SPMU by appointing State Programme Manager at present.
Focus for the Year 2008-09 under NRHM. • Formation of all the committees i.e. VHSC, PHC & SC committee • Opening up of account and utilization of funds under Untied & Annual Maintenance Grant. • Ongoing ASHA training to be continued. • Procuring and operationalizing Mobile Health Unit. • Up grading District Hospital to 300 bed as per IPHS in second phase. • In second phase strengthening PHC as per IPHS norms. • Further Strengthening the School Health Programmes.
Focus for the Year under RCH-II & Immunization • HRD Practices: Training • Promotion of village health & nutrition days • JSY • 24 x 7 PHC • Achieving 90% Full Immunization rate. • Linking EDD dates with referral transport linking ASHA & AWW. • IMNCI training • Ensuring weight measure of each child and monitoring growth. • Operationalising NNC unit in CHC under IPHS. • Effective implementation of PNDT Act. • Grading PHC & CHC as per their performance and hence ensuring all the govt. institutions are in A grade conducting min. 10 deliveries in each PHC. • Focused BCC approach through better IEC. • Urban Health. • HMIS.
Justification for Budget • At present we have 14 staff nurse. We need 10 more staff nurse for making our 6 PHC as 24 x 7. However we have targeted for 8 staff nurses. 4 in 1st quarter and 4 in 2nd quarter. Moreover in 2008-09 we have targeted for 10 ANMs where we have 12 at present. Hence Infrastructure and human resource head [B.L.9] has increased to 41.69 lakhs contributing 33.40% of total budget. • JSY: The scheme was not running very well. However we have designed the payment delivery system by providing advance to the ANMs/ASHA and initiating IEC activities regarding the same. The total requirement for JSY is 39.50 lakhs (Rs. 700/ beneficiary & Rs. 600/ASHA as per ASHA guideline).The total budget approved is only 5 lakhs. • Under PPP: We have proposed outsourcing of CHC Khandvel to IDFC. Total cost projected for the whole year is Rs. 10 lakhs. • Our expenditure is also showing an increasing trend and with SPMU in place now we also have a team to focus on the activities proposed under RCH-II / NRHM.
Justification for Increased Budget • We have proposed procurement of 2 MHU. Since we have hilly terrain and population is widely distributed hence we need 2 MHU to strengthen the referral transport. Moreover there are no transport facility available in the night and hence most of the deliveries are not been able to referred to the near by PHC/CHC/DH. Hence to increase our institutional delivery we need 2 MHU. • District Hospital: The plan well prepared with fixed time line. We have already achieved the physical target of 161 bedded from 100 bedded hospital. In the next phase the plan is to up grade it to 300 bedded as per IPHS norms.the total requirement of budget is Rs.2561.26 lakhs. • We have given a new proposal for additional 9 MBBS MO at our PHC& CHC @ Rs.30,000 per month.
Justification for increased budget • Under procurement of quality equipments lump sum amount of Rs.10 lakhs has been budgeted (Sub group committee comment): Yes we have not mentioned the details in PIP. We need this for the procurement of Labour table, sterilization drums, trays as major components. The need has been reflected by Facility survey of CHC & PHC. Will be included in revised PIP. • In the same way the Rs. 15 lakhs lump sum amount for quality drugs is for procurement of Vit A and IFA for which we have no budget in UT Plan. • We have also proposed Rs. 1 lakh for major repair in the SC apart from Annual Maintenance Grant support provided from NRHM. • Apart from it are the budget which were approved last year and regular NRHM activity funds.
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme • Malathion Spray Activities Regularly fogging of 2% Pyrethum extract & Focal Spray are being done through out the year
Details of expenditure 2007-08 and requirement of funds for 2008-09 EXPENDITURE (FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE) – BUDGET PROPOSAL.