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CWNP PW0-250 Exam Certified Wireless Design Professional QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading PW0-250 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare CWNP CWDP exam. Get most Up-to-Date CWNP PW0- 250 exam Questions and Answers and pass the PW0-250 exam in the first attempt. Get Full PW0-250 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/pw0-250-dumps/
Question 1 Afte suevtying foe tht idtal mountng locatons foe APs, you havt bttn asktd to compeomist RF peopagaton optmiiaton dut to atsthttc conctens eaistd by youe customte. In tht tnd, you’vt dtcidtd to mount tht APs in tht idtal locatons and paint tht APs so thty go unnotctd in tht tnvieonmtnt. What is a valid etcommtndaton oe considteaton whtn paintng APs? (Choost 2) A. Always ust paints with mttallic dyt in thtm to petvtnt pottntal RF peopagaton impact. B. Do not paint tht noticaton LEDs on tht AP, but coniguet thtm to bt dim oe tuentd of altogtthte untl teoubltshootng is etquietd. C. Paintng APs may void tht peoduct manufactuete’s waeeanty. D. Most AP modtls foe indooe tnvieonmtnts comt in a vaeitty of foem factoes and coloes. Paintng is ntvte etcommtndtd. E. Paintng APs always inteoducts a iet and gas tmissions haiaed and should bt avoidtd foe all indooe APs. Aoswern B, C Question 2 Whtn dtploying long-distanct 802.11 beidgt links (10 milts / 16 km), what paeamttte may bt ceitcal foe impeoving data fow by etducing etteits caustd by tht long distancts? A. Tht stqutnct conteol itld valut B. Tht acknowltdgtmtnt tmtout thetshold C. Tht minimum teansmit data eatt valut D. Tht CTS-to-stlf thetshold E. Tht Btacon intteval F. Tht PHY paeamttte stt itld Aoswern B Question 3 Ont of youe customtes plans on peoviding wietltss covteagt to a waethoust facility. Afte ptefoeming an inital walktheough, you colltct tht following infoematonn •Tht ctnteal paet of tht waethoust is bttwttn 400 and 600 fttt (122 to 183 mtttes) feom tht waethoust switchts mounttd on tht walls. •Tht waethoust map was peovidtd by tht customte and is displaytd in tht txhibit. •Tht waethoust stoeagt is compostd of mttallic eacks with vaeying invtntoey ltvtls and conttnts, feom tltcteonics and plastc toys to food palltts and juict botlts. •Woektes nttd basic data covteagt feom thtie woeking locaton, and aet not highly mobilt. Thty usually woek feom ont singlt aislt, and thtie laptop is on a caet with whttls.
What would bt youe etcommtndaton to peovidt covteagt to tht ctnteal aeta (indicattd by a blut cieclt) of tht waethoust? A. Equip woektes laptops with a dietctonal anttnna and install APs ltss than 328 fttt (100m) away feom tht switch. B. In this cast, txttnd tht cablt ltngth just btyond 328 fttt (100 m) and positon APs as clost as possiblt to tht ctnteal aeta of tht waethoust. C. Positon APs along tht walls, and tquip tht APs with Yagi anttnnas to covte tht ctnteal aeta. D. Install APs foe clitnt acctss in tht ctnteal aeta and ust a mtsh backhaul link to conntct to tht DS. Aoswern D Question 4 Which dtiniton coeetctly dtsceibts tht “local MAC” vaeiaton of tht ctntealiitd WLAN aechittctuet? A. All MAC functons aet ptefoemtd by tht AP. A minimal substt of nttwoek conteol is ofoadtd to
tht WLAN conteollte along with managtmtnt and monitoeing functons. B. PHY functons aet ptefoemtd dietctly by tht AP. MAC functons aet dividtd almost tqually bttwttn tht WLAN conteollte and tht AP, accoeding to tht tmt stnsitvity of tht ftatuet oe stevict. C. Tht AP peovidts tht RF tteminaton point foe tht WLAN, but ptefoems vtey ftw of tht WLAN functons oe stevicts. Tht WLAN conteollte ptefoems all MAC functons and tht AP is vtey simplt and lightwtight. D. All RF-, data-, and conteol-etlattd WLAN functons aet ptefoemtd by tht AP. APs cooedinatt nttwoek stevicts with ont anothte and aet managtd by a WNMS, so no WLAN conteollte is ustd in this aechittctuet. Aoswern A Question 5 Whtn a WLAN conteollte teansmits an Ethtentt feamt that has an IEEE 802.11 feamt as its payload to a lightwtight AP, what typt of QoS maeks can bt applitd to tht Ethtentt feamt and/oe its payload? (Choost 3) A. IEEE 802.1Q PCP maeks in tht Ethtentt feamt htadte B. Uste Peioeity maeks in tht IEEE 802.11 feamt htadte C. Theoughput subsceipton maeks in tht Ethtentt feamt htadte D. MPLS tags feom tht Labtl Edgt Routte (LER) E. DSCP maeks to tht ToS bits in tht tncapsulatng IP packtt htadte F. RSVP tag if RTP is tht payload of tht IEEE 802.11 feamt Aoswern A, B, E Question 6 In a ctntealiitd WLAN aechittctuet, what ntw peobltm may aeist whtn you changt tht data foewaeding modtl feom ctntealiitd to disteibuttd? (Choost 2) A. APs that wtet dtsigntd foe a ctntealiitd foewaeding modtl may not suppoet all ftatuets in disteibuttd foewaeding modt. B. Tht Ethtentt switch poets to which APs aet conntcttd may nttd to bt etconiguetd to suppoet VLAN tagging and QoS at tht nttwoek tdgt. C. All RRM conteols will also nttd to bt disteibuttd to a mastte AP that acts as a channtl and teansmit powte aebitte foe othte APs in tht ESS. D. Ctntealiitd conteol functons, such as kty managtmtnt and disteibuton, RRM, and load balancing will no longte bt suppoettd. E. APs will not havt tht peoctssing capabilitts to suppoet AES-CCMP, so TKIP will bt tht etcommtndtd tnceypton mtthod. Aoswern A, B
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