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All these characteristics constitute the mystical appeal of vintage ruby engagement rings. In this article, I will enlighten you about the color, hardness and history of ruby, and explain why this gemstone will be the perfect centerstone of your engagement ring.<br>
INTRODUCTION Gone are the days when diamond engagement rings used to play first fiddle. With rapidly changing times, women’s perceptions of engagement rings have changed as well. In these times, women expect more from their suitor with respect to engagement rings. Diamond alone doesn’t excite their curiosities anymore. Women want their engagement ring to be intense, alluring, and above all, colorful. Perhaps there’s hardly any other gemstone that best satiates their fervid urge for an intriguing engagement ring centerstone than ruby. Ruby, the 'king of the gemstones', possesses everything that it takes to tickle the fancy of women. The gemstone has a lot to its name, a rousing color, impassioned hardness, and a history of adulation. All these characteristics constitute the mystical appeal of vintage ruby engagement rings. In this article, I will enlighten you about the color, hardness and history of ruby, and explain why this gemstone will be the perfect centerstone of your engagement ring.
A Rousing Color The essence of ruby is its color. Ruby has one of the most striking and dominating colors that best articulate our strongest and heartiest emotions. Be it courage, sacrifice or anger, all these emotions are historically associated with the red color. And, that’s primarily because of the endless passion that this color exhibits. But the red color implies not only aggression and danger, but also love, desire and affection. These are enough reasons to make women speechless when it comes to ruby. The ardor that a pure, vibrant red-colored ruby solitaire engagement ring boasts is second to none. If you want an even more intense ruby as your engagement ring’s centerstone, you can opt for a Burmese pigeon blood-red ruby. Pigeon blood rubies have the richest red color. While choosing a ruby for your engagement ring, you should avoid too dark or too light-colored rubies. That’s because if the color of the ruby is too dark, it will have a negative effect on the brightness of the gemstone. Similarly, if the color of the ruby is too light, it will make the gemstone look like pink sapphire.
Impassioned Hardness Many misunderstand the meaning of the word ‘hardness’ when used in connection with gemstones. The word has a slightly different scientific meaning in gemology. Generally, when we talk about the hardness of something, we refer to its solidity or firmness. On the contrary, when you hear people talking about gemstone hardness, they refer to a gemstone’s ability to resist scratches. The hardness of a gemstone differs from its toughness, which implies the gemstone’s ability to survive an impact. Gemstone hardness is measured on the Mohs scale of hardness. Ruby scores 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Such a good score on the Mohs scale only means that ruby is a pretty sturdy gemstone and can easily resist cracking and breaking. In terms of wearability also, the gemstone is known for its supremacy. Engagement rings are meant to be worn every day. But when we wear our engagement ring every day, it gets exposed to nature and thus accumulates grime & dust particles. These dust particles contain quartz which can take the shine away from your ring.
Moreover, we slide our hands so many times every day into glove compartments, bags, pockets and drawers. Imagine how many times the ring gets brushed against multiple things when we do these activities in our natural routine. However, such a fantastic score on the Mohs scale of hardness makes ruby a perfect fit to be embellished in an engagement ring. Your pear-shaped ruby engagement ring can easily withstand the wear and tear of average everyday life.
A History Of Adulation The history and lore of this mystic beauty have no bounds. Ruby is one of the most historically admired gemstones. Early cultures treasured this gemstone because of its color which resembles that of blood. They thought that the gemstone held the power of life. In connection with attributes like beauty and wisdom, rubies are even mentioned in the Bible four times. In Sanskrit, an ancient and classical language of India, ruby is known as the ‘king of the gemstones’.
Over the centuries, the gemstone has amassed many legends. In Myanmar (erstwhile Burma), warriors used to insert ruby into their flesh thinking the gemstone can make them invincible in battle. Many medieval Europeans thought that wearing rubies would make them healthy, wealthy and wise. People also believed that wearing a ruby on the heart side would help them live a peaceful life by protecting them from all perils. As I said, the history and lore of ruby have no bounds. One can go on and on describing the adulation that the gemstone has been receiving from various cultures for a long time. Picture your love wearing an emerald-cut ruby engagement ring, and as she proudly sings the praises of its centerstone, she leaves all her friends at a loss for words. There’s so much more to ruby engagement rings than one can imagine. Apart from the appealing color and dependable hardness of ruby, what makes ruby one of the finest gemstones is its fabulous history. Choosing a ruby engagement ring for the love of your life is not only a great way to mark this milestone of your life but also an intelligent decision.
A ruby engagement ring is such a thing of beauty that no matter what outfit your loved one is wearing, the ring will only complete her look while enhancing her aura. Also, the chances of getting a no from your inamorata while proposing with a ruby engagement ring are zero. You can even customize a ruby ring as per the liking and preference of your love. For instance, if she’s a fan of the classics, a ruby halo engagement ring will make her happy. Similarly, if she likes simplicity, proposing to her with a solitaire ruby engagement ring would make her elated. If the gemstone has succeeded in capturing your heart as well, you can also get a men’s ruby engagement ring for yourself.