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Variances are Not Always Nuisance Parameters. Raymond J. Carroll Department of Statistics Texas A&M University http://stat.tamu.edu/~carroll. Dedicated to the Memory of Shanti S. Gupta. Head of the Purdue Statistics Department for 20 years I was student #11 (1974). Palo Duro
Variances are Not Always Nuisance Parameters Raymond J. Carroll Department of Statistics Texas A&M University http://stat.tamu.edu/~carroll
Dedicated to the Memory of Shanti S. Gupta • Head of the Purdue Statistics Department for 20 years • I was student #11 (1974)
Palo Duro Canyon, the Grand Canyon of Texas West Texas East Texas Wichita Falls, my hometown Guadalupe Mountains National Park College Station, home of Texas A&M University I-45 Big Bend National Park I-35
Overview • Main point: there are problems/methods where variance structure essentially determines the answer • Assay Validation • Measurement error • Other Examples mentioned briefly • Logistic mixed models • Quality technology • DNA Microarrays for gene expression (Fisher!)
Variance Structure • My Definition: Encompasses • Systematic dependence of variability on known factors • Random effects: their inclusion, exclusion or dependence on covariates • My point: • Variance structure can be important in itself • Variance structure can have a major impact on downstream analyses
Collaborators on This Talk David Ruppert also works with me outside the office • Statistics:David Ruppert • Assays: Marie Davidian, Devan Devanarayan, Wendell Smith • Measurement error: Larry Freedman, Victor Kipnis, Len Stefanski
Acknowledgments Matt Wand Peter Hall Alan Welsh Xihong Lin (who nominated me!) Naisyin Wang Mitchell Gail
Assay Validation • Immunoassays: used to estimate concentrations in plasma samples from outcomes • Intensities • Counts • Calibration problem: predict X from Y • My Goal: to show you that cavalier handling of variances leads to wrong answers in real life • David Finney: anticipates just this point
Assay Validation David Finney is the author of a classic text • “Here the weighted analysis has also disclosed evidence of invalidity” • “This needs to be known and ought not to be concealed by imperfect analysis”
Assay Validation Wendell Smith motivated this work • Assay validation is an important facet of the drug development process • One goal: find a working range of concentrations for which the assay has • small bias (< 30% say) • small coefficient of variation (< 20% say)
These data are from a paper by M. O'Connell, B. Belanger and P. Haaland Journal of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (1993) Assay Validation The Data
Assay Validation Unweighted and Weighted Fits • Main trends: any method will do • Typical to fit a 4 parameter logistic model
Assay Validation David Rodbard (L) and Peter Munson (R) in 1978 proposed the 4-parameter logistic for assays • The data exhibit heteroscedasticity • Typical to model variance as a power of the mean • Most often:
Assay Validation: Weighted Prediction Intervals Marie Davidian and David Giltinan have written extensively on this topic
Assay Validation: Working Range • Goal: predict X from observed Y • Working Range (WR): the range where the cv < 20% • Validation experiments (accuracy and precision): done on working range • If WR is shifted away from small concentrations: never validate assay for those small concentrations • No success, even if you try (see %-recovery plots)
Assay Validation: Variances Matter No weighting: LQL=1,057: UQL=9,505 Weighting, LQL=84, UQL=3,866 UQL LQL UQL LQL
Working Ranges for Different Variance Functions Unweighted Weighted LQL = 84 UQL = 3,866
Assay Validation: % Recovery Devan Devanarayan, my statistical grandson, organized this example • Goal: predict X from observed Y • Measure: = % recovered • Want confidence interval to be within 30% of actual concentration
Assay Validation: % Recovery • Note Acceptable ranges (IL-10 Validation Experiment) depend on accounting for variability Unweighted Weighted
Assay Validation: Summary • Accounting for changing variability is pointless if the interest is merely in fitting the curve • In other contexts, standard errors actually matter (power is important after all!) • The gains in precision from a weighted analysis can change conclusions about statistical significance • Accounting for changing variability is crucial if you want to solve the problem • Concentrations for which the assay can be used depend strongly on a model for variability
The Structure of Measurement Error See Wayne Fuller’s 1987 text • Measurement error has an enormous literature • Hundreds of papers on the structure for covariates W = X + e • Here X = “truth”, W = “observed” • X is a latent variable
The Structure of Measurement Error • For most regressions, if • X is the only predictor • W = X + e • then • biased parameter estimates when error is ignored • power is lost (my focus today)
The Structure of Measurement Error • My point: the simple measurement error model is too simple W = X + e • A different variance structure suggests different conclusions
The Structure of Measurement Error Ross Prentice has written extensively on this topic • Nutritional epidemiology: dietary intake measured via food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) • Prospective studies: none have found a statistically significant fat intake effect on breast cancer • Controversy in post-hoc power calculations: • what is the power to detect such an effect?
Dietary Intake Data • The essential quantity controlling power is the attenuation • Let Q = FFQ, , X = “long-term dietary intake” • Attenuation l= • % of variation that is due to true intake • 100% is good • 0% is bad • slope of regression of X on Q • Sample size needed for fixed power can be thought of as proportional to l-2
Post hoc Power Calculation Larry Freedman has done fundamental work on dietary instrument validation • FFQ: known to be biased • F: “reference instrument” thought to be unbiased (but much more expensive than Q) • F = X + e • F = 24-hour recall or some type of diary • Then l = slope of regression of F on Q
Post hoc Power Calculation Walt Willett: a leader in nutritional epidemiology • If “reference instrument” is unbiased then • Can estimate attenuation • Can estimate mean of X • Can estimate variance of X • Can estimate power in the study at hand • Many, many papers assume that the reference instrument is unbiased in this way • Plenty of power
Dietary Intake Data • The attenuationl ~= 0.30 for absolute amounts, ~= 0.50 for food composition • Remember, attenuation is the % of variability that is not noise • All based on the validity of the reference instrument F = X + e • Pearson and Cochran now weigh in
The Structure of Measurement Error Karl Pearson • 1902: “On the mathematical theory of errors of judgment” • Interested in nature of errors of measurement when the quantity is fixed and definite, while the measuring instrument is a human being • Individuals bisected lines of unequal length freehand, errors recorded
The Structure of Measurement Error Karl Pearson • FFQ’s are also self-report • Findings have relevance today • Individuals were biased • Biases varied from individual to individual
Measurement Error Structure William G. Cochran • Classic 1968 Technometrics paper • Used Pearson’s paper • Suggested an error model that had systematic and random biases • This structure seems to fit dietary self-report instruments
Measurement Error Structure: Cochran Fij = aF+ bFXij +rFi+ eFij rFi = Normal(0,sFr2) • We call rFi the “person-specific bias” • We call bFthe “group-level bias” • Similarly, for FFQ, Qij = aQ+ bQXij +rQi+ eQij rQi = Normal(0,sQr2)
Measurement Error Structure • The horror: the model is unidentified • Sensitivity analyses • suggest potential that measurement error causes much greater loss of power than previously suggested • Needed: Unbiased measures of intake • Biomarkers • Protein via urinary nitrogen • Calories via doubly-labeled water
Biomarker Data Victor Kipnis was the driving force behind OPEN • Protein: • Available from a number of European studies • Calories and Protein: • Available from NCI’s OPEN study • Results are stunning
Biomarker Data: Attenuations • Protein (and Calories and Protein Density for OPEN)
Biomarker Data: Sample Size Inflation • Protein (and Calories and Protein Density for OPEN)
Measurement Error Structure • The variance structure of the FFQ and other self-report instruments appears to have individual-level biases • Pearson and Cochran model • Ignoring this: • Overestimation: of power • Underestimation: of sample size • It may not be possible to understand the effect of total intakes • Food composition more hopeful
Other Examples of Variance Structure • Nonlinear and generalized linear mixed models (NLMIX and GLIMMIX) • Quality Technology: Robust parameter design • Microarrays
Nonlinear Mixed Models • Mixed models have random effects • Typical to assume normality • Robustness to normality has been a major concern • Many now conclude that this is not that major an issue • There are exceptions!!
Logistic Mixed Models Patrick Heagerty • Heagerty & Kurland (2001) • “Estimated regression coefficients for cluster-level covariates • Can be highly sensitive to assumptions about whether the variance of a random intercept depends on a cluster-level covariate”, • i.e., heteroscedastic random effects or variance structure
Logistic Mixed Models • Heagerty (Biometrics, 1999, Statistical Science 2000, Biometrika 2001) • See also Zeger, Liang & Albert (1988), Neuhaus & Kalbfleisch (1991) and Breslow & Clayton (1993) • Gender is a cluster-level variable • Allowing cluster-level variability to depend on gender results in a large change in the estimated gender regression coefficient and p-value. • Marginal contrasts can be derived and are less sensitive • In the presence of variance structure, regression coefficients alone cannot be interpreted marginally
Robust Parameter Design Jeff Wu and Mike Hamada’s text is an excellent introduction • “The Taguchi Method” • From Wu and Hamada: “aims to reduce the variation of a system by choosing the setting of control factors to make it less sensitive to noise variation” • Set target, optimize variance
Robust Parameter Design • Modeling variability is an intrinsic part of the method • Maximizing the signal to noise ratio (Taguchi) • Modeling location and dispersion separately • Modeling location and then minimizing the transmitted variance • Ideas are used in optimizing assays, among many other problems
Robust Parameter Design: Microarrays for Gene Expression R. A. Fisher • cDNA and oligo- microarrays have attracted immense interest • Multiple steps (sample preparation, imaging, etc.) affect the quality of the results • Processes could clearly benefit from robust parameter design (Kerr & Churchill)
Robust Parameter Design: Microarrays • Experiment (oligo-arrays): • 28 rats given different diets (corn oil, fish oil and olive oil enhanced) • 15 rats have duplicated arrays • How much of the variability in gene expression is due to the array? • We have consistently found that 2/3 of the variability is noise • within animal rather than between animal
Intraclass Correlations r in the Nutrition Data Set Simulated ICC for 8,000 independent genes with common r = 0.35 Estimated ICC for 8,000 genes from mixed models Clearly, more control of noise via robust parameter design has the potential to impact power for analyses
Conclusion • My Definition: Variance Structure encompasses • Systematic dependence of variability on known factors • Random effects: their inclusion or exclusion • My point: • Variance structure can be important in itself • Variance structure can have a major impact on downstream analyses
And Finally At the Falls on the Wichita River, West Texas • I’m really happy to be on the faculty at A&M (and to be the Fisher Lecturer!)