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xy position from LYCCA

xy position from LYCCA. Slowed down beams - new perspective for GOSIA. scattering experiments at relativistic energies. SIS. UNILAC. FRS. projectile. projectile fragment. target nucleus. abrasion. ablation. Production, Separation, Identification. FR agment S eparator.

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xy position from LYCCA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. xy position from LYCCA Slowed down beams - new perspective for GOSIA scattering experiments at relativistic energies

  2. SIS UNILAC FRS projectile projectile fragment target nucleus abrasion ablation Production, Separation, Identification FRagment Separator Standard FRS detectors TPC-x,yposition@ S2,S4 Plastic scintillator (TOF) @ S4 MUSIC (ΔE) @ S4

  3. Z A/Q 56Cr Scattering experiments at 100 AMeV 56Cr, 100MeV/u 86Kr, 480MeV/u new digital readout standard scintillator (SC21) finger segmented detector • 104Sn fragments • using 124Xe at 793 MeV/u • high rate at S2 ~106 s-1 • ~2400 % more tracking efficiency • good A/Q resolving power Frederic Ameil

  4. Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter secondary 197Au target DSSSD diamond/plastic DSSSD (x,y,ΔE) (x,y,ΔE) CsI RIB from FRS CsI time-of-flight Scattering experiments at 100 AMeV 56Cr, 100MeV/u 197Au-target 86Kr, 480MeV/u relativistic Coulomb excitation exp. observables: Z, A, θ

  5. Rare ISotope INvestigation at GSI EUROBALL Cluster DetectorsMiniball: HPGe segmented detectors εγ = 3% ΔEγ = 20 keV HECTOR Large 14.5 x 17 cm BaF2 Detectors beam CATE : ΔE-E telescope event by event beam identification Coulomb Excitation at Relativistic Energy • New Shell structure at N>>Z • Relativistic Coulomb excitation of nuclei near 100Sn • Triaxiality in even-even core nuclei of N=75 isotones • E1 Collectivity in neutron rich nuclei 68Ni

  6. Rare ISotope INvestigation at GSI EUROBALL Cluster DetectorsMiniball: HPGe segmented detectors εγ = 3% ΔEγ = 20 keV HECTOR Large 14.5 x 17 cm BaF2 Detectors beam CATE : ΔE-E telescope event by event beam identification • 2+ state → collective strength angular momentum transfer: VC

  7. High-energy Coulomb excitation triaxiality in even-even nuclei (N=76) 21+→0+ 22+→21+ 22+→0+ 22+→21+ 22+→0+ • First observation of a second excited 2+ state populated in a Coulomb experiment at 100 AMeV using EUROBALL and MINIBALL Ge-detectors. • shape symmetry • collective strength T.R. Saito et al. Phys.Lett. B669 (2008), 19

  8. Slowed down beams experimental set-up 109 pps 107 pps 3∙106 pps 105 pps 62Co 250 AMeV 64Ni 700 AMeV 62Co ~ 13 AMeV VC

  9. Slowed down beams beam characteristics 62Co ~ 13 AMeV 62Co 250 AMeV Δθ 35 mrad ΔEnergy 5.2 AMeV

  10. Slowed down beams beam energy measurement degrader target TPC-1 TPC-2 SC41 (x3 y3 t3) (x1 y1 t1) (x2 y2 t2) experimental results: velocity β beam energy E/A1 scattering angle θcm electrostatic mirror + MCP detector position resolution ~ 1 mm time resolution ~ 100 ps

  11. 100 AMeV Classical Coulomb trajectories basic concept • distance of closest approach: • impact parameter: • angular momentum : Hyperbolic trajectory: ε = sin-1(θcm/2) eccentricity of orbit

  12. 100 AMeV Classical Coulomb trajectories distance of closest approach independent of beam energy • distance of closest approach: Nuclear interaction radius: CP, CT half-density radii

  13. 100 AMeV ´safe´bombarding energy requirement Nuclear interaction radius: CP, CT half-density radii Pure Coulomb excitation requires a much larger distancebetween the nuclei ”safe energy” requirement

  14. 100 AMeV ´safe´bombarding energy requirement < 1% deviation from Coulomb excitation Dmin Rutherford scattering only if Dmin is large compared to nuclear radii + surfaces: CP, CT half-density radii choose adequate beam energy (D > Dmin for all ) limit scattering angle, i.e. select D > Dminhigh-energy Coulomb excitation

  15. Slowed down beams degrader target TPC-1 TPC-2 SC41 (x3 y3 t3) (x1 y1 t1) (x2 y2 t2) ToF measurement ΔEnergy 5.2 AMeV GOSIA calculation: weighted with beam energy

  16. Slowed down beamsnew perspective for GOSIA P. Boutachkov, E.T. Gregor, F. Naqvi, F. Farinon, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, I. Kojouharov, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, W. Prokopowicz, S. Pietri, A. Prochaka, H. Schaffner, H. Weick, H.J. Wollersheim Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany K. Hadynska, P. Napiorkowski, D. Pietak University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland P. Bednarczyk IFJ PAN Krakow, Poland N.A. Kondratyev Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINP, Dubna, Russia A. Jhingan Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi, India R. Janik, P. Strmen, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia M.A.G. Alvarez Centro National de Acceleradores CNA, Seville, Spain

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