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Root Words #1

Root Word 1. bio 2. chloro 3. cyte 4. derm 5. auto 6. chromo 7. bi 8. ecto 9. cephalo 10. di 11. archae 12. anti 13. exo. Meaning life green cell skin self color two, double outer head two, double ancient, primitive against outer. Root Words #1. Example biology

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Root Words #1

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  1. Root Word 1. bio 2. chloro 3. cyte 4. derm 5. auto 6. chromo 7. bi 8. ecto 9. cephalo 10. di 11. archae 12. anti 13. exo Meaning life green cell skin self color two, double outer head two, double ancient, primitive against outer Root Words #1 Example biology chlorophyll cytoplasm epidermis autotroph Chromoplast* Bilateral symmetry ectoderm cephalothorax Dicot Archaebacteria,*archaeology antibody exoskeleton

  2. Sample of Root Words Assignment • Biology- a branch of knowledge that deals with organisms and vital processes. 12. Antibody – protein that helps destroy pathogens. living

  3. Root Word 1. endo 2. epi 3. gastro 4. genesis 5. hemo 6. herb 7. helix 8. hetero 9. homo 10. hyper 11. hypo 12. iso 13. rhiza Meaning within top layer stomach birth, origin blood plant spiral other, different same over, above below, under equal root Root Words #2 Example endoskeleton epidermis Gastrovascular cavity *genesis hemoglobin herbivore *double helix heterozygous homozygous hypertonic hypotonic isotonic mycorrhiza

  4. Root Words #3 Example *leucocyte, ecology monocot * centipede phagocytosis photosynthesis cytoplasm polymer prophase lysosome *protein synthesis autotroph Meaning white study of one feet, leg eat, engulf light mold, form many before, first, early body together, combine feeding, nutrition Root Word • leuco • ology • mono • ped- pod • phage • photo • plasm • poly • pro • soma • syn • troph

  5. Root Words # 4 Root WordMeaningExample • a, an not, without anaerobic • Aeros air aerobic • Amphi both amphibian • Aqua water * aquatic • Arthro joint, jointed * arthropod • Blastos bud blastula • Capillus hair capillary • Carn meat, flesh carnivore • Cervix neck * cervical • Chondros cartilage *chondrichthyes • Bryon moss bryophyte • degradare to reduce in rank * biodegradable

  6. Root Words # 5 Root WordMeaningExample • angio vessel, container angiosperm • extra outside extracellular digestion • intra within, inside intracellular digestion • lagos hare * lagomorph • macro large macronucleus • megas large * megaspore • melas black, dark melanin • mys, myo muscle myocardium • neuro nerve * neurology • omnis all omnivore • ovum egg oviparous • radius ray * radial symmetry • vorare to devour carnivore

  7. Root Words # 6 Root WordMeaningExample • geo earth *geology, geotropism • cata breakdown *catabolism • icthys fish *ichthyology • itis inflammation *tendinitis • ex out extinction • bursa sac, bag, purse *bursitis • sapros rotten *saprophyte • phase stage metaphase • mollus soft *mollusca • post after *posterior • osteo bone *osteocyte • ad attach to, toward *adduction • de away, from *decompose

  8. Root Words #7 Root WordMeaning Example • artios even *artiodactyl • dactylos finger, toes *perissodactyl • gradus a step *gradualism • gymnos bare, naked gymnosperm • inter between internode • micro small microscope • sperma seed angiosperm • stasis standing, staying homeostasis • taxis, taxa to arrange taxonomy • telos end telophase • terra land, earth *terrestrial • therm heat endotherm • uni one *unicellular

  9. Root Words # 8 Root WordMeaningExample 1. gamo, gam marriage gamete 2. cyano blue *cyanobacterium 3. neos new * neonatal 4. aster star *asteroidea 5. streptos twisted chain *streptococcus 6. pseudo false pseudopod 7. mutate to change mutation 8. entomon insect *entomology 9. cardio heart *cardiac 10. erythros red *erythrocyte 11. fibrilla small fiber *myofibril 12. fissus a split binary fission 13. semi half *semi-permeable

  10. Root Words # 9 • Root WordMeaningExample • Asis, asia state, condition homeostasis • Cerebro brain cerebral cortex • Coel cavity coelum • Hydro water hydrostatic skeleton • Liga to bind together ligament • Lip, lipo fat lipid • Patho, pathy disease pathogen • Scler, sclero hard sclerenchyma • Sub below subcutaneous fat • Trans through transpiration • Apic tip apical meristem • Brachio arm * brachial artery • Meso middle mesoderm

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