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Should this be a theme or a sub-theme to another theme (if a sub-theme, to which theme does it belong). Propose merge with : Partnerships including Private Sector, Agribusiness trade Financing Market Access Cross-Cutting issues: Address GENDER separate from YOUTH
Should this be a theme or a sub-theme to another theme (if a sub-theme, to which theme does it belong) • Propose merge with: Partnerships including • Private Sector, • Agribusiness trade • Financing • Market Access • Cross-Cutting issues: • Address GENDER separate from YOUTH • SMALLHOLDER FARMERS ➔ ensure that investment in mechanisms that benefit groups of smallholder farmers as a priority, and commercial scale farmers as well • ENVIRONMENT ➔ ensure that Science + Technology links to innovation at country level looks at economics for entire crop/livestock; share S+T intra-and inter-regionally; harmonize intellectual property rights mechanisms at regional levels THEME: REGIONAL TRADE + REGIONAL INTEGRATION
How is this area relevant / important to the needs of your country? ➔ What are the critical areas that should be included in this thematic area ? • Reminder that REGION is about continent of Africa functioning in the context of strong Regional Economic Communities (RECs) • TRADE at: • National • INTRA-regional • INTER-regional • Off-continent (exports + imports) • BENEFITS – Factors of opportunities from Regional Trade + Regional Integration • There is evidence/studies that Africa can feed Africa with combination of FORMAL + INFORMAL trade • Overlooked innovation opportunities • Overlooked opportunities for agribusiness trade, i.e. all along the value chain • Portfolio of countries ➔ Diverse assets of resources, capabilities, demand THEME: REGIONAL TRADE + REGIONAL INTEGRATION
what you really hope to see done to help meet country commitments? ➔ How would you know you were making progress on this thematic area (possible indicators) • NEED TO ADDRESS • Predictability of rule about import/export + wide communication of rules • Promotion of income growth + stability via market expansion + deepening ➔ strengthening of commodity exchanges + ancillary tool (testing + enforcement of commodity grades + standards; implement warehouse receipting systems; regional franchising) • Structuring regional trade via harmonizing policies and standards (phytosanitary, seeds, packaging) • Eliminate trade barriers (tariff + non-tariff) ➔ increase infrastructure investment via talking to AU-led Regional Infrastructure Initiative about prioritizing rural feeder roads, rural mobile towers, increasing access to energy in rural areas (solar/wind/geothermal), increase access to water; border delays • Increase engagement of farmer organizations ➔ marketing cooperatives; savings + credit cooperatives THEME: REGIONAL TRADE + REGIONAL INTEGRATION
what is needed from donor community and your country to support these efforts? • How would you know you were making progress on this thematic area (possible indicators) • Need to convince at the country level that regional trade is part of the solution to food + nutrition security and income generation for farmers, i.e. regional markets are a resource • Increase public affairs communication promoting regional markets as a positive • Engaging local/regional companies who are trying to do business in the region about constraints they face and additional opportunities they would like to develop • Increase investment in reducing post harvest losses, including developing a fund for building out the regional cold-chain network and on-farm/rural storage • Align and overlap national and regional investment plans, so that donor investment at either level supports the intended impact areas • Deep and effective donor coordination in national and regional entities, including regional farmer association THEME: REGIONAL TRADE + REGIONAL INTEGRATION