Internationally known for successful dealings with chronic pain and illness, our team at Natural Healing Center combines natural, traditional, non-surgical, drugs free approach with regenerative detoxification and energy healing to address a true cause of suffering.
At Natural Healing Center Our clients have often struggled for years, searching for answers to understand their illnesses. NHC addresses the true cause of dis-ease, focusing on chronic infections, environmental toxicity, nutrition, lifestyle, and healing on all levels.
Regardless your age, health is one of your greatest assets while living your journey on this planet.Humankind has been ignorant of its proper nutritional needs. It is not difficult to understand the proper foods man should be consuming, which is simply reflected in the physiological design of the human species. Man’s diet should be predominantly fruits and vegetables, instead of dead animals and their milks. Key words are whole, fresh, ripe, raw and organic.
Because of the type of foods and chemicals man has been consuming, humans have created a state of toxicity, genetic weakness, decay and degeneration of cells never before seen in any species. Understanding this and what one must do to reverse this is vital in the preservation of our species and one’s experience of True Health. There is so much misinformation, mainly because of big business, that man is confused and frustrated.
Our association has been dedicated to truth and using natural methods to assist people back to vitality. Health becomes very simple when you understand how you lose it. We have spent years assisting thousands in restoring and regenerating the tissues of their physical bodies as well as connecting them with God again.
True happiness is a combination of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance with a broader understanding of who you, as an individual, really are. I hope you enjoy our website and if you need assistance or have questions, please feel free to contact us. May all beings everywhere, whether near or far, whether known to me or unknown, be happy. May they be well. May they be peaceful. May they be free. Andrej Klančnik ND, MH