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Network Intrusion Detection Applications and Research

This article explores the recent debate over network intrusion detection systems (NIDS), provides an introduction to NIDS, surveys current NIDS products, discusses research on anomaly-based NIDS, and examines the evolving nature of NIDS. It also discusses challenges and potential solutions for NIDS in detecting unknown attacks, preventing false positives, and automating responses. The article concludes with an overview of ongoing research in the field of intrusion detection.

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Network Intrusion Detection Applications and Research

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  1. Network Intrusion DetectionApplications and Research Like Zhang

  2. Outline • Recent debate over NIDS • Introduction to NIDS • A survey of current NIDS products • Research on anomaly NIDS • Conclusion

  3. Is NIDS dead? “Hype Cycle for Information Security” Gartner Report, 2003 • False positives and negatives • Requiring full-time monitoring (24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year) • Market failure • Will be obsolete by 2005

  4. Current Situation • Intrusion Detection evolves into Intrusion Prevention • New types of IDS come into play (distributed IDS, application-based IDS,etc.) • NIDS is applied to firewall, anti-virus system, optional plug-in for server-side program, or deployed as a standalone product

  5. NIDS Techniques • Signature-based • Anomaly-based • Stateful detection • Application-level detection

  6. Signature-base NIDS Similar to the traditional anti-virus applications Example: Martin Overton, “Anti-Malware Tools: Intrusion Detection Systems”, European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research (EICAR), 2005 Signature found at W32.Netsky.p binary sample Rules for Snort:

  7. Anomaly Detection • Already used by industry --Protocol Anomaly --Statistical/Threshold based • In Research --Data mining

  8. Protocol Anomaly Detection Based on the well established RFCs Focus on the packet header Example: --All SMTP commands have a fixed maximum size. If the size exceeds the limit, it could be a buffer overflow or malicious code inserting attack --SYN flood attack: attacker sends SYN with fake source address --Teardrop attack: fragmented IP packets with overlapped offset

  9. Threshold based Using training data to generate a statistical model, then select proper thresholds for network environment (traffic volume, TCP packet count, IP fragments count, etc.) -- usually used as an complementary tool

  10. Stateful IDS • No practical Solutions • Very simple implementing Example: Snort uses patter matching in continuous Packets. Traditional signature rules: “pattern1” “pattern1 || pattern2” The rule now can be defined as: “pattern1.*pattern2”

  11. Application-level IDS Focus on specific services or programs (Web Server, Database, etc.) Example --Monitoring all invocation for Microsoft RPCs --Analyze HTTP request for malicious query strings Products: --mod_security: an optional IDS component for Apache Web Server

  12. IDS TodayProducts and Applications • Snort • McAfee Intrushield • ISS RealSecure • Cisco IPS • Symantec IDS

  13. Snort • Open Source, since 1998 • Used by many major network security products • Signature-based (more than 3000) • Simple IP header protocol anomaly detection • Simple stateful pattern matching

  14. McAfee • Profile-based anomaly detection --Manually create profile --Create profile by self-learning through a training period • Using profile plus threshold for defending against DOS and DDOS • Inspect encrypted traffic by collecting the server side private keys

  15. ISS RealSecure • About 2000 signatures • Application-based approach --identifying any possible exploit to the published vulnerabilities of MS RPC, IIS, Apache, Lotus, etc. • Additional support for P2P,Instant Messengers • Virtual Prevention System --a virtual environment to examine the execution of a file in order to find any possible malicious behaviors • Support for IPv6 --Detect possible backdoors which enable the IPv6 of a system (usually off)

  16. Cisco IPS produtcs Protocol decoding Threshold based property checking Signature matching Protocol Anomaly Detection Checking file behaviors by intercepting all calls to the system resources

  17. Symantec • Multi-steps (protocol, vulnerability, signature, DOS, traffic, evasion check) • Unique feature: evasion check e.g. request “/index.html” can be replace with “/%69nd%65x.html” to evade the signature matching

  18. Summary of Current Products

  19. Challenges for NIDS • High false positives -- FP of 0.1% means a normal packet will be misclassified as an alert for every 1000 normal packets, which is about one error alert per minute on a 100M network • Zero day attack (unknown attack) --Most current products rely on signature-based detection, difficult to detect new attacks. • Poor at automatically preventing ability --Human interaction is required when attack is detected

  20. Research on Intrusion Detection • Columbia University --Data mining based (since 1997) • University of California at Santa Barbara --Service Specific (HTTP) --Stateful IDS • Florida Institute of Technology --Protocol Anomaly (Statistical based) • University of Minnesota --MIND (Minnesota Intrusion Detection System)

  21. Columbia Univ. IDS • 1997, Applied RIPPER rule learning algorithm on UNIX system calls monitoring for malicious events detection • 1998, Applied the algorithm on off-line network traffic data (clean training data) • 2000, Applied EM and clustering algorithm for dealing with noisy dataset • 2001, Developed an complete experiment NIDS based on those algorithms. • 2004, New approach towards payload anomaly detection

  22. Implementing Procedure Wenke Lee, Sal Stolfo, and Kui Mok., “A Data Mining Framework for Building Intrusion Detection Models”, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA, May 1999 Pre-Processing Process raw packet data Feature construction Create statistic features Apply RIPPER algorithm Rule learning

  23. Pre Processing SYN flood attack

  24. Feature Construction (service=http, flag=S0, dst_host=victim), (service=http, flag=S0, dst_host=victim) -> (service=http, flag=S0, dst_host=victim) [0.93, 0.03, 2] 93% of the time, after two http connections with S0 flag are made to host victim, within 2 seconds from the first of these two, the third similar connection is made, and this pattern occurs in 3% of the data

  25. RIPPLE Rules smurf :- service=ecr_i, host_count >= 5, host_srv_count>=5 ( if the service is icmp echo request, and connections with the same destination host are at least 5, and connections with the same service are at least 5,then it is a smurf/DOS attack) satan :- host_REJ_%>=83%, host_diff_srv_% >= 87% ( for connections with the same destination host, if the rejection rate is at least 83%, and the percentage of different services is at least 87%, then it is a santa/PROBING attack)

  26. Experiment Results Applied on DARPA’98 Intrusion Detection Evaluation Data Set

  27. Payload based Approach K. Wang, S. J. Stolfo, “Anomalous Payload-based Network Intrusion Detection”, RAID 2004 • Construct the statistical model for all bytes in the header • Use Mahananobis distance to measure the difference Problems: • Clean training data is required • False positive (unacceptable)

  28. Service Specific IDS by UCSB V.Giovanni et al at University of California at Santa Barbara Since 2002 • Application level • Focuses on HTTP request • HTTP request analyzing • Constructing models for important fields in the request instead of all bytes of the payload (Columbia payload approach)

  29. Sample Request Request GET /scripts/access.pl?user=johndoe&cred=admin Properties for Detection Request Type: e.g. GET Request Length: e.g. Length(“GET /scripts/access.pl?user=johndoe&cred=admin”) Payload Distribution

  30. Request Type Assumption: If a rare used request type was found, it is very possible it will initiate malicious activity Anomaly Score: AStype=-log2(p[type]) P[type] stands for the probability of a certain type

  31. Request Length Assumption: The request length should not vary much of a certain type. Otherwise, it is probably caused by some attacks (e.g. overflow) Anomaly Score: ASlen=1.5(1-)/(2.5*) P[type] stands for the probability of a certain type

  32. Characters Distribution 256 ASCII Characters e.g. “passwd” -> “112 97 115 115 119 100” Distributions: {0.33, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17} 2=f(Oi, Ei) (i corresponds from segment 0 to 5) Aspd= 2*(15/L) (L stands for the payload length)

  33. Final Anomaly Score AS=0.3*AStype + 0.3*ASlen+0.4*ASpd

  34. Later Research at UCSB Structure Inference with Markov Model

  35. Other Properties Used • Token Finder if the query parameter is drawn from known candidates • Attribute Presence or absence malicious crafted request usually ignore the order of parameters • Access Frequency • Invocation order • Request time interval

  36. Experiment Results • Tested at UCSB campus network and Google • False positive 0.06% Major cons: Limited to HTTP service

  37. Packet Header Anomaly Detection Packet Header Anomaly Detection (PHAD) developed by Florida Institute of Technology since 2001 Basic Assumption: If an event x happened n times with r different results in the training period, the probability of a novel data is r/n

  38. Implementing Step 1: Assign the novel data probability to important fields of the packet header (protocol type, flags, etc.) Step 2: Adding all the novel data probability together as a threshold

  39. MINDS MINDS (Minnesota Intrusion Detection System) Statistic outlier-based anomaly detection Compared 5 outlier-based scheme: • K-th nearest neighbor • Nearest neighbor • Mahalanobis-distance based • Local Outlier Factor (LOF) • Unsupervised SVMs

  40. Comparison Result A. Lazarevic, et al, “A Comparative Study of Anomaly Detection Schemes in Network Intrusion Detection”, Proceedings of the 3rd SIAM Conference on Data Mining, San Francisco, 2003

  41. Some Emerging Approaches • SVMs (unsupervised and supervised) • PCA • PCA + SVMs • Neural Network

  42. Conclusion • Signature based approaches still play the major part in practical IDS • Anomaly detection has only very limited success • New approaches are proposed everyday, but false positive and detection rate are still the major problem • Various mechanisms should work together for maximum success

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