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First Step to Success: An Evidence-based Secondary Level Intervention. W. Carl Sumi, Ph.D. and Darcey Edwards, Ph.D. SRI International Northwest PBIS Conference March 8, 2010 Corvallis, OR.
First Step to Success: An Evidence-based Secondary Level Intervention W. Carl Sumi, Ph.D. and Darcey Edwards, Ph.D. SRI International Northwest PBIS Conference March 8, 2010Corvallis, OR
National Effectiveness Study of First Step to SuccessNational Center for Special Education Research (NCSER)Institute of Education Sciences (IES)U.S. Department of Education NBRCC Staff: SRI International W. Carl Sumi, Ph.D. Mary Wagner, Ph.D. Frances Bergland, Hal Javitz, Ph.D. Michelle Woodbridge, Ph.D. Patrick Thornton, Ph.D. NCSER Project Officers Jacquelyn A. Buckley, PhD
Outline of Presentation • Provide description of First Step to Success. • Describe National Effectiveness Study of First Step and present preliminary outcome data. • Introduce and discuss Practice Guide: “Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom.” The information presented here does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education or Institute of Education Sciences nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.
Social skill ratings of elementary/ middle school students Percentage with low social skills rating by parents Sources: Wave 1 SEELS parent interviews, 2000 and 2001, Social Skills Rating Scale (Gresham and Elliott, 1990) national norms. Statistical significance: *p < .05.
School suspensions and expulsions Percentage ever suspended or expelled Sources: Wave 1 SEELS and NLTS2 parent interviews, 2000 and 2001; National Household Education Survey, 1999. Statistical significance: * p <.05.
Examples of problem behaviors • Arguing • Stealing • Disturbing others • Hyperactive, inattentive • Tantrums • Physical aggression- hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, spitting • Impulsive, attention problems • Uncontrollable crying • Not complying with teacher instructions or directives • Oppositional behaviors
Consequences of problem behaviors • Less “time-on-task” • Poor grades, poor achievement • Increased negative interactions with peers, family members, teachers • Peer rejection • Delinquency • Substance abuse • Negative cycle of poor achievement and problem behavior
Typical responses to problem behaviors • Punishment • Exclusion/isolation • Lack of positive interactions • Ineffective, inconsistent consequences • Negative consequences • Inadvertent reinforcing of problem behaviors
Where do we go from here? • Since a large percentage of children in our schools exhibit behavior problems to a varying degree what should teachers, administrators, families, school staff, and other professionals do? => Implement evidence-based interventions and programs that have proven positive effects for school-aged students!
First Step to Success • A short-term (approximately 3 months), secondary level early intervention that targets children exhibiting problem behaviors (e.g., aggression, antisocial, oppositional, impulsive, hyperactive, etc). • Goals of First Step are to enhance children’s social competence skills and school engagement in an effort to decrease problem behaviors and prevent children from developing more serious antisocial conditions. • First Step relies on parents, teachers, and children in order to modify and, in turn, reward behavior both at school and at home.
First Step to Success Major components of the program include: • A proactive, class-wide screening to nominate a student for the program. • CLASS: A classroom-based curriculum used to teach and reinforce appropriate behaviors. • A family-based component called “homeBase,” a brief child-focused program for the caregiver(s).
First Step: Class-wide Screening • Teachers complete the Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD). • Teachers are asked to evaluate all students on various measures of antisocial behavior. • Ultimately, teachers identify those children at risk for, or already exhibiting, internalizing or externalizing behavior problems.
First Step: Class-wide Screening • SSBD Stage 1 • Review class roster, identify five children in the class who exhibit externalizing behaviors, and rank order them from 1 to 5. • SSBD Stage 2: For the top 3 ranked students the teacher completes the: • Critical Events Index – 32 yes/no items (e.g., steals, sets fires, is physically aggressive). • Adaptive Behavior Index – Positive, prosocial behaviors rated on a 1-5 scale (e.g., follows rules, cooperates with peers). • Maladaptive Behavior Index – Antisocial behaviors rated on a 1-5 scale (e.g., manipulates others, refuses to participate in activities with other students at recess). • Implement First Step with child with highest Stage 2 score.
First Step to Success: CLASS • CLASS – Contingencies for Learning Academic and Social Skills • Intended to target and correct behavior problems. • One child per classroom can receive the intervention at a time. • Children learn how to: • Attend to the teacher. • Get along with others. • Participate in activities . • Three phases which last 30 program days: • Coach/consultant phase • Teacher phase • Maintenance phase
First Step: CLASS- Coach phase • The coach: • Can be school psychologist, social worker, counselor, behavior specialist. • Observes the focus child. • Meets with caregiver and teacher. • Provides the materials for the teacher and child. • Begins the program with the child. • Teaches acceptable behavior 1:1 with child. • Monitors student progress. • Phones parent regularly. • Implements homeBase starting Day 10.
First Step: CLASS- Coach phase The coach meets with the child and class • Conducts first meeting with the child. • Child agrees to play the Green/Red card “game.” • Child chooses appropriate and meaningful rewards • Role-play appropriate behaviors. • Introduces the Green/Red card game to the class. • Introduce “volunteer.” • Obtain cooperation from class (positive comments, model “doing the right thing”). • Class can participate in reward activity.
First Step: CLASS- Coach phase Days 1-5: The coach leads program • Coach operates Green/Red card in class. • Days 1-4 last 20 minutes and Day 5 is 30 minutes. • Coach awards points during game. • Child earns reward if 80% of points earned. • Coach announces reward to class. • Student must get opportunity for class reward immediately after session. • Child brings Green/Red card home. • Coach contacts caregiver each day first five days. • Caregiver rewards child for successful day.
First Step: CLASS- Teacher phase Days 6-20 the teacher takes the lead • Teacher operates the Green/Red card game. • Monitors student behavior and awards points. • The Green/Red card must be visible during the game. • Communicates with coach and caregiver regularly. • Sends the Green/Red card home daily. • Immediately delivers reward when earned. • Provides child and parent with encouragement and support. • “Catches” the child doing the right thing. • As the child progresses through the program the length of the Green/Red card game increases daily.
First Step: CLASS- Maintenance Days 21-30 are considered the Maintenance phase • Teacher continues to lead program but time is dedicated to reducing dependence on the intervention and transferring involvement to families. • Rewards and privileges for appropriate behavior are used steadily less by teachers and adopted in the home environment. • Parents are encouraged to substitute praise for these privileges. • During the whole program a child must meet daily performance criteria in order to proceed to the next day of intervention.
First Step: CLASS Additional information: • If the child fails to meet criteria one day, they must repeat that program day. • Most children take approximately two months to complete the school intervention.
First Step to Success: homeBase • Purpose is to help parents improve their child’s school adjustment, competence and performance. • Starts on Day 10 of CLASS program • Six lessons, approximately 1 hour each • Involve guide and parent-child activities. • Coaches emphasize ways in which parents can help their child with communication and sharing, cooperation, limits-setting, problem-solving, friendship skills and confidence. • Can meet at home, school, or comfortable location.
First Step: homeBase- Parent role • Participate in homeBase lessons. • Play activity cards for 10 minutes each night with child. • Reward and acknowledge child when s/he brings home the Green/Red card • Do something fun with child when s/he earns reward at school • Read a book • Take a walk • Bake a cake • Play a game • Special snack/treat • Help mom/dad on project
First Step to Success: homeBase • Week 1: Communication • Child practices giving information • Parent listens and gives encouragement =>Information gives parents the ability to help children be successful outside the home. • Week 2: Cooperation • Parent & child learn strategies • Sticker chart or chart used at home =>Being cooperative allows a child opportunities to avoid problems.
First Step to Success: homeBase • Week 3: Limit setting • Giving effective directions and encouragement • Time-out procedures =>Teaching children to follow limits at home leads to self-control and accepting limits. • Week 4: Problem solving • Stay calm and brain-storm • Parents help to guide, encourage and suggest steps to achieve goal =>Children who see problems as opportunities rather than obstacles feel capable.
First Step to Success: homeBase • Week 5: Friendship skills • Learning to initiate • Empathy and self-control • Cooperation =>Learning friendship skills now provides a base for friendship throughout life. • Week 6: Confidence building =>Self-confidence developed at home provides a foundation for success outside the home.
National Effectiveness Study of First Step to Success: Introduction • Goal 4 grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research • Well-developed evidence base for the efficacy of First Step • “Manualized” off-the-shelf intervention • Solid evaluation framework • Randomized controlled trial in 48 schools in 5 diverse elementary school districts across the country • Evaluators (SRI) independent of program developers (ORI)
Study participants • 8 to 10 schools in each district • Matched on basic demographics and randomly assigned • Half in the intervention condition receive First Step • Half in the usual-care condition receive typical services • Teachers trained in First Step at conclusion of data collection • 6 first- through third-grade students in each school • All students screened with SSBD • 1 student per class participates in each condition each year • In year 2, intervention teachers implement First Step again with another student
First Step to Success Effectiveness Study: Core research questions Effectiveness • To what extent does First Step improve the behavior at school and the academic performance and participation of students with severe behavior problems? • For what kinds of students does First Step work best and less well? • In what contexts (classroom and school level) does First Step work best and less well? • How do variations in effectiveness relate to variations in implementation fidelity? Continued…
First Step to Success effectiveness study: Core research questions Maintenance • Are the effects of First Step sustained for 1 year? For 2 years? • Does maintenance of effects relate to variations in students or contexts?
Student-level information • Student Enrollment Survey • Basic demographics (gender, ethnicity, primary language, free or reduced-price lunch status) • Student Record Survey • School records information: • IEP/504 Plan status • Instructional settings (i.e., percentage of instructional time in general education classes) • Absences • Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) Continued…
Student-level assessments • Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) –Teacher and Parent versions • Social skills, problem behaviors, and academic competence • Woodcock-Johnson III Letter-Word Identification Subtest • Reading skills • Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) • Ability to read aloud expressively • Academic Engaged Time (AET) • Active engagement in relevant academic material over two 15-minute observations
Classroom-level information • Classroom Atmosphere Rating Scale (CARS) • 30-minute observation of intervention classrooms (e.g., student compliance, cooperation, problem solving) • Classroom / Teacher Survey • Classroom characteristics (e.g., student enrollment) • Teacher characteristics (e.g., years experience, degrees) • Teacher support (e.g., training, classroom aides) • Teacher self-reported skills to work with students with behavior problems
School-level information • School Characteristics Survey • Student characteristics (e.g., mobility rate) • School climate (e.g., total number of ODRs) • Staff and program resources (e.g., number of FTEs) • NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) • Extracted data describing participating schools and districts (e.g., enrollment, teacher/student ratio)
Implementation measures • Fidelity • Integrity of program (monitored three times throughout intervention for each participant) • Social validity (teacher and parent’s perspective) • Acceptability–General support for intervention • Positive effects–for participating student(s) and classroom • Alliance • Strength of the relationship between coach and teacher
Study timeline ~10 weeks 1 year 1 year Intervention Follow-up 1 Follow-up 2 Screen/baseline Posttest • Screening: SSBD • Baseline: WJIII, ORF, AET, SSRS, Student Record Survey, Teacher Survey, CARS, School Survey • Posttest: WJIII, ORF, AET, SSRS, Satisfaction (parent), Social Validity, Alliance • Follow-up: WJIII, ORF, AET, SSRS, Student Record Survey, Teacher Survey, CARS, School Survey
Preliminary Analysis of Intervention Effects: Academic and Behavior Outcomes
Analysis method • Repeated measures: significance reflects effect by time and group. • Effect size of the difference scores. • Effect sizes calculated by dividing the estimated treatment effect by the standard deviation of posttest measurements (using both comparison and intervention students).
Preliminary behavior outcomes: Teacher reported 1 Intervention Group sample size ranged from 156 to 183; Comparison Group sample size ranged from 127 to 136. * = p < .05. SOURCE: Social Skills Rating System (Gresham and Elliott 1990), Woodcock-Johnson III.
Preliminary behavior outcomes: Parent reported 1 Intervention Group sample size = 138; Comparison Group sample size = 115. 2 Intervention Group sample size = 138; Comparison Group sample size = 115. * = p < .05. SOURCE: Social Skills Rating System (Gresham and Elliott 1990).
Preliminary academic outcomes 1 Intervention Group sample size ranged from 150 to 183; Comparison Group sample size ranged from 123 to 136. * = p < .05. SOURCE: Social Skills Rating System (Gresham and Elliott 1990), Woodcock-Johnson III.
Teacher SSRS Social Skills p < .05 es = .84
Teacher SSRS Problem Behavior p < .05 es = -.52
SSBD – Adaptive Behavior Index p < .05 es = .59
SSBD – Maladaptive Behavior Index p < .05 es = -.57
Parent SSRS Social Skills p < .05 es = .44
Parent SSRS Problem Behavior p = .08 es = -.21
Academic Engaged Time p = .054 es = .22
Oral Reading Fluency p < .05 es = .32